How to Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Using Laravel?

Aaron Reddix - Jun 17 - - Dev Community

Ever feel like your website could be more? We've all been there. Users today expect fast, reliable experiences, even when their internet connection isn't perfect.

PWAs are the future of web development, blurring the lines between websites and mobile apps. They offer the best of both worlds: the accessibility of a website and the functionality of a native app. Imagine a website that loads instantly, even offline, lets you send push notifications, and feels like a native app on your phone's home screen. That's the magic of PWAs!

But building a PWA from scratch can be daunting. Here's where Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, swoops in to save the day. Laravel's robust framework, with its features like routing, templating, and caching, is a perfect fit for building powerful PWAs. Plus, Laravel's awesome community and available PWA packages make development a breeze.

So, are you ready to take your web development skills to the next level and build amazing PWAs? Let's dive in and explore how Laravel can help us create next-gen web experiences!

What are PWAs?

Imagine you're browsing your favorite online store on your phone. Suddenly, the internet cuts out. Normally, you'd be stuck staring at a dreaded "loading" message. But with a PWA (Progressive Web App), things are different!

PWAs are essentially websites that act like native apps. They offer features you wouldn't normally expect from a website, like:

1. Offline Functionality: Even without an internet connection, a PWA can still display cached content and let you interact with some features. This makes them perfect for situations with spotty internet. This is primarily achieved through Service Workers, which cache resources and handle network requests.
2. Push Notifications: Just like mobile apps, PWAs can send you updates and alerts directly to your device, keeping you in the loop. This typically requires integrating with services like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
3. Installable on Your Home Screen: No more hunting through bookmarks! PWAs can be installed directly on your home screen, just like a native app. With a single tap, you're ready to go. This is enabled by the web app manifest and the Service Worker.

Think of Twitter Lite or the Spotify web app – these are both examples of PWAs in action. They offer a smooth, app-like experience without requiring you to download anything from an app store.

Why Use Laravel for PWAs?

So, PWAs sound pretty awesome, but why use Laravel to build them? Here's the thing: Laravel is like a Swiss Army Knife for web development. It comes packed with features that make building PWAs efficient and enjoyable.

Here's how Laravel streamlines the PWA development process:

  • Built-in Features: Laravel already has features like routing, templating, and caching that are crucial for any web application, including PWAs. This saves you time and effort compared to building everything from scratch. It also supports robust RESTful APIs, which are often used in PWAs for dynamic content.
  • Blade Templating: Laravel's Blade templating engine makes it easy to structure your PWA's views and keep your code clean and organized. Think of Blade as a cheat sheet for writing beautiful and efficient HTML code. Blade’s components and directives help in building reusable and maintainable front-end components.
  • Asset Management: Managing all the different files (JavaScript, CSS, images) that go into a PWA can be a headache. Laravel's asset management features, including Laravel Mix, help you keep things organized and ensure all your files are properly referenced in your application.
  • Community to the Rescue: The Laravel community is massive and incredibly helpful. There's a wealth of resources available online, and you're never far from finding an answer to your PWA development questions.
  • Packages: There are several PWA packages available that can simplify the process even further. These packages often handle things like Service Worker generation and Manifest creation, saving you valuable development time.

In short, Laravel provides a solid foundation and a supportive community to help you build amazing PWAs efficiently. It's like having a superhero sidekick for your PWA development journey!

Also Read: How to Build Progressive Web Apps In React.JS?

Step 1: Project Setup

There are two ways to tackle this:

1. New Laravel Project

If you're starting fresh, you can create a brand new Laravel project using the Laravel installer. This can be done from your terminal with the following command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel your-project-name
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Make sure you replace "your-project-name" with something awesome and descriptive!

2. Existing Laravel Project

If you already have a Laravel project you'd like to turn into a PWA, that works too! Just navigate to your project directory in your terminal using:

cd your-existing-project

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Environment Check

No matter which approach you took, make sure you have the following things set up on your development machine:

  • PHP: PWAs rely on PHP to run server-side logic. Make sure you have a recent version of PHP (7.3 or higher) installed on your machine. You can check your version by running php -v in your terminal.
  • Composer: Composer is a dependency manager for PHP that helps us install Laravel and other necessary Laravel packages. You can find installation instructions on the Composer website.

Once you have these things squared away, you're ready to dive into the exciting world of PWA development with Laravel!

Step 2: Package Installation

Remember how we mentioned awesome PWA packages for Laravel that can simplify our lives? Well, now's the time to put them to good use!

1. Package Power

Laravel is all about leveraging packages to extend functionality. In the world of PWAs, a popular choice is the "Laravel PWA" package by Silvio Leite. This package offers a convenient way to configure and generate essential PWA elements, like the Service Worker and web app manifest.

2. Installation with Composer

To install the "Laravel PWA" package, navigate to your project directory in your terminal and run the following command:

composer require silviolleite/laravel-pwa

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This tells Composer to download and install the "Laravel PWA" package, along with any other dependencies it might have.

3. Keeping it Tidy

Once the package is installed, we can optionally publish its configuration file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelPWA\Providers\LaravelPWAServiceProvider"

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This will create a new configuration file (config/laravelpwa.php) where you can customize various aspects of your PWA, such as app icons, theme colors, and manifest details. We'll explore this configuration file in more detail later.

By installing the "Laravel PWA" package, we've taken a big step towards building a powerful PWA. These packages handle a lot of the heavy lifting for us, allowing us to focus on the core functionalities of our application.

Step 3: Service Worker Magic

Service Workers are like the silent heroes of the PWA world. These scripts run in the background, separate from your web page, and hold immense power:

1. Caching Resources

Service Workers can intercept requests for resources (like JavaScript files, images) and store them locally. This means that when a user visits your PWA again, even offline, the Service Worker can retrieve those cached resources and display a basic version of your app.

2. Handling Offline Requests

If a user tries to access a part of your PWA that requires an internet connection while offline, the Service Worker can gracefully handle the request and potentially display a fallback message or cached content.

3. Don’t Worry About the Code (For Now):

The good news is that the "Laravel PWA" package we installed earlier can simplify Service Worker generation. It typically provides a configuration option where you can specify which files and routes you want the Service Worker to cache. The package then handles the creation of the Service Worker script with the necessary caching logic.

A Glimpse Under the Hood

For those curious about the inner workings, Service Workers are written in JavaScript and utilize features like the Cache API and the Fetch API. They can also leverage libraries like Workbox for more advanced caching strategies. But for now, let's focus on leveraging the power of the "Laravel PWA" package to streamline Service Worker implementation.

Here's a basic example of a Service Worker script:

self.addEventListener('install', event => {
            .then(cache => cache.addAll([
                // other assets

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
            .then(response => response || fetch(event.request))
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Step 4: PWA Manifest: App Identity

Imagine your PWA as a superhero. Just like a superhero needs a cool costume and a catchy name, your PWA needs a PWA Manifest – a JSON file that acts as your app's identity card. The Manifest tells the browser and user all sorts of important things about your PWA, such as:

  • App Name: This is the name that will be displayed on the user's home screen and in app launcher menus.
  • Icons: The Manifest specifies different sized icons for your PWA, ensuring it looks sharp on all devices.
  • Theme Color: This sets the dominant color for your PWA's user interface, creating a cohesive look and feel.
  • Start URL: This defines the starting point (the main page) of your PWA when launched from the home screen. ### The Manifest in Action Let's take a closer look at what a Manifest file might look like:
    "name": "My Awesome PWA",
    "short_name": "My PWA",
    "start_url": "/",
    "display": "standalone",
    "theme_color": "#007bff",
    "background_color": "#ffffff",
    "icons": [
            "src": "/images/icons/icon-72x72.png",
            "sizes": "72x72",
            "type": "image/png"
            "src": "/images/icons/icon-96x96.png",
            "sizes": "96x96",
            "type": "image/png"
        // additional icon sizes...
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In this example, we have a PWA named "My Awesome PWA" with a short name of "My PWA". It starts at the root URL ("/"), displays in standalone mode (like a native app), and has a theme color of #007bff (a nice blue). The icons array includes different sized icons for various devices.

Step 5: Offline Views and User Experience

One of the most powerful features of a PWA is its ability to provide a seamless user experience, even when the internet connection is spotty or non-existent. Let's dive into how we can ensure our users have a smooth experience regardless of their connectivity status.

Informative Messages

First, let's create a custom offline view that informs users they're offline and provides some helpful information. This view can be created using Laravel's Blade templating engine.

1. Create an Offline Route

In your routes/web.php file, add a route for the offline view:

Route::get('/offline', function () {
    return view('offline');
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2. Blade Template for Offline View

Create a new Blade template for the offline view. This template will be displayed when users try to access your PWA while offline.

<!-- resources/views/offline.blade.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>You are currently offline</h1>
    <p>Some features may not be available.</p>
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3. Service Worker Logic

Ensure your Service Worker serves this offline view when the user is offline. You can modify your Service Worker script to include a fallback response:

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
        fetch(event.request).catch(() => caches.match('/offline'))
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By implementing an offline view, we provide a better user experience and let users know they're offline in a friendly and informative way.

Step 6: Deployment and Testing

Building a PWA is an exciting journey, but it's essential to ensure everything works perfectly before going live. Let's explore some best practices for deploying and testing your PWA.

Thorough Testing

  • Lighthouse Audit: One of the most effective ways to test your PWA is by running a Lighthouse audit in Chrome DevTools. Lighthouse provides insights into performance, accessibility, and PWA compliance. Here's how you can run a Lighthouse audit:
  1. Open your PWA in Google Chrome.
  2. Right-click on the page and select "Inspect" to open Chrome DevTools.
  3. Navigate to the "Lighthouse" tab.
  4. Click "Generate report" to run the audit and review the results.
  • Real-World Testing: It's crucial to test your PWA on multiple devices and network conditions. Try using tools like BrowserStack to test on different devices and simulate various network speeds. This will help you ensure your PWA performs well in real-world scenarios.
  • User Feedback: Engage with a small group of users to gather feedback on the PWA experience. Pay attention to any issues they encounter and make necessary improvements.

Best Practices for Deployment

  • HTTPS: Ensure your PWA is served over HTTPS. Service Workers require a secure context to function correctly. If your site isn't already using HTTPS, consider obtaining an SSL certificate.
  • Server Configuration: Configure your server to serve the Service Worker and web app manifest files with the correct MIME types. This ensures browsers recognize and handle these files correctly.
  • Continuous Monitoring: After deployment, keep an eye on your PWA's performance and user feedback. Regularly update and optimize your PWA to maintain a top-notch user experience.


Building a PWA with Laravel is a rewarding experience that opens up new possibilities for your web applications. By leveraging Laravel's powerful features and the flexibility of PWAs, you can create fast, reliable, and engaging experiences for your users.

Remember, the journey doesn't end here. Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in PWA development. Explore advanced features like background sync and advanced caching strategies to take your PWA to the next level.

Happy coding, and may your PWAs be ever fast and reliable!

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