Sorting Rows with Empty Values at the Bottom and Non-Empty Values in Descending Order in Laravel

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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Sorting Rows with Empty Values at the Bottom in Laravel

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Sorting Rows with Empty Values at the Bottom in Laravel

In web development, sorting data is a fundamental task. Often, we need to display data in a specific order, whether it's alphabetically, numerically, or based on a specific criteria. One common scenario is the need to display rows with non-empty values above rows with empty values, while also sorting the non-empty rows in descending order. This can be particularly useful for scenarios like displaying search results, product listings, or user profiles, where it's desirable to highlight items with more information first.

This article will explore various techniques for achieving this sorting behavior in Laravel, focusing on practical examples and code snippets. We will cover methods using the Eloquent ORM, collection manipulation, and custom sorting functions.

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you have a database table storing products, with columns like




, and


. You want to display these products in a list, prioritizing products with descriptions over those without, and then sorting the described products by their price in descending order. This is where sorting with empty values at the bottom becomes valuable.

Methods for Sorting Rows with Empty Values at the Bottom

  1. Eloquent Sorting

Eloquent, Laravel's powerful ORM, provides a convenient way to sort models directly in queries. Here's how you can achieve our desired sorting:

1.1. Using orderBy and whereNotNull

We can use the orderBy and whereNotNull methods in our Eloquent query to achieve the desired result. This approach combines filtering and sorting in a single query.

use App\Models\Product;

// Fetch products with descriptions first, sorted by price descending
$products = Product::whereNotNull('description')
    -&gt;orderBy('price', 'desc')

// Fetch products without descriptions
$emptyDescriptions = Product::whereNull('description')-&gt;get();

// Combine the results
$products = $products-&gt;merge($emptyDescriptions);

// Display the sorted products
foreach ($products as $product) {
    echo $product-&gt;name . ' - ' . $product-&gt;description . '<br/>';

This code first fetches all products with non-null descriptions, sorting them by price in descending order. Then, it fetches products with null descriptions separately. Finally, it combines both results, effectively placing products with descriptions above those without.

1.2. Using




For more complex sorting scenarios or when you need to perform additional operations after retrieving the data, you can use the




methods on a collection. This approach involves retrieving all data and then sorting it in memory.

use App\Models\Product;

// Fetch all products
$products = Product::all();

// Sort by description (null values last) and then price descending
$sortedProducts = $products-&gt;sortBy(function ($product) {
    return $product-&gt;description === null ? 1 : 0;
}, true)-&gt;sortByDesc('price');

// Display the sorted products
foreach ($sortedProducts as $product) {
    echo $product-&gt;name . ' - ' . $product-&gt;description . '<br/>';

This code retrieves all products, sorts them based on the presence of a description (placing null values at the end), and then sorts the non-empty description products by price in descending order. This approach offers greater flexibility for custom sorting logic.

  1. Collection Manipulation

Laravel provides a robust collection class that offers various methods for manipulating data. We can use these methods to sort our data based on specific conditions.

2.1. Using groupBy and sortByDesc

You can group the collection by the presence of a description and then sort the grouped results.

use App\Models\Product;

// Fetch all products
$products = Product::all();

// Group products by description presence
$groupedProducts = $products-&gt;groupBy(function ($product) {
    return $product-&gt;description === null ? 'empty' : 'non-empty';

// Sort the non-empty group by price descending
$sortedProducts = $groupedProducts['non-empty']-&gt;sortByDesc('price');

// Append the empty group
$sortedProducts = $sortedProducts-&gt;merge($groupedProducts['empty']);

// Display the sorted products
foreach ($sortedProducts as $product) {
    echo $product-&gt;name . ' - ' . $product-&gt;description . '<br/>';

This approach groups the products based on whether they have descriptions, sorts the non-empty group by price, and then merges the empty group back to the sorted results.

  1. Custom Sorting Functions

For complex sorting logic or situations where the available methods are not sufficient, you can create custom sorting functions to achieve the desired behavior.

use App\Models\Product;

// Define a custom sorting function
function sortProducts($a, $b) {
    if ($a-&gt;description === null &amp;&amp; $b-&gt;description !== null) {
        return 1;
    } elseif ($a-&gt;description !== null &amp;&amp; $b-&gt;description === null) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        // Sort by price descending if both have descriptions or both don't
        return $b-&gt;price &lt;=&gt; $a-&gt;price;

// Fetch all products
$products = Product::all();

// Sort using the custom function
usort($products, 'sortProducts');

// Display the sorted products
foreach ($products as $product) {
    echo $product-&gt;name . ' - ' . $product-&gt;description . '<br/>';

This code defines a custom function


that handles the sorting logic. It prioritizes products with descriptions, and within those, sorts by price in descending order. This approach offers maximum flexibility for customizing sorting criteria.

Choosing the Right Method

The choice of method depends on your specific requirements and preferences:

  • For simple scenarios, using Eloquent's




    is efficient and straightforward.
  • When you need to perform additional operations on the data after retrieval, collection manipulation with




    offers greater control.
  • Custom sorting functions provide maximum flexibility for complex sorting logic or when standard methods don't suffice.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for efficient and maintainable sorting:

  • Use indexes:

    For database-driven sorting, ensure that the columns you are sorting on are indexed to improve performance. This can significantly reduce query execution times.

  • Cache results:

    If your sorting logic is computationally intensive or frequently used, consider caching the results to avoid repeated processing. Laravel provides mechanisms for caching data using Redis or Memcached.

  • Consider performance implications:

    For large datasets, in-memory sorting might be computationally expensive. Use database-level sorting when possible, as it leverages optimized database engines for better performance.


Sorting rows with empty values at the bottom is a common requirement in web applications. Laravel provides various techniques for achieving this behavior, from using Eloquent's sorting methods to collection manipulation and custom functions. Choosing the right method depends on your specific needs and the complexity of your sorting logic. By applying best practices like indexing and caching, you can ensure that your sorting operations are efficient and maintainable.

This article has covered several approaches to address this sorting challenge in Laravel. Experiment with these methods, and adapt them to your project's specific context for creating dynamic and user-friendly data displays.

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