1367. Linked List in Binary Tree

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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Linked List in Binary Tree: A Comprehensive Guide

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Linked List in Binary Tree: A Comprehensive Guide

This article explores the fascinating concept of representing a linked list within the structure of a binary tree. While seemingly unconventional, this approach offers intriguing advantages and unique applications in data storage and manipulation. We'll delve into the fundamental concepts, explore its practical implementations, and examine how this integration can enhance computational efficiency.


A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure where each node can have at most two children: a left child and a right child. Each node in the tree stores a value, and the values in the left subtree are typically smaller than the value at the node, while the values in the right subtree are larger.

A linked list is a linear data structure consisting of a sequence of nodes, where each node contains a data field and a pointer to the next node in the sequence. The last node in the list typically points to NULL.

The idea of embedding a linked list within a binary tree might seem unusual at first. However, it offers an interesting approach to storing and manipulating data, especially when dealing with complex relationships or dynamic scenarios where the size of the linked list can vary significantly.

Key Concepts and Techniques

  1. Representing a Linked List within a Binary Tree

There are several ways to represent a linked list within a binary tree. One common approach is to use the left child of each node in the tree to point to the next element in the linked list.

For instance, imagine a binary tree where each node represents a book in a library. You might use the left child to point to the next book in the same genre, effectively creating a linked list of books within the same genre.

Representation of a linked list within a binary tree

  • Traversing the Linked List

    Since the linked list is embedded within the tree, traversing the linked list requires a modified tree traversal algorithm. One approach is to start at the root of the tree and follow the left children of each node until you reach the end of the list (indicated by a left child pointing to NULL).

    def traverse_linked_list(root):
    current = root
    while current is not None:
        current = current.left

  • Inserting into the Linked List

    To insert a new element into the linked list, you need to modify the pointers of the existing nodes. For example, to insert a new node after a specific node in the list, you would need to:

    1. Create a new node containing the data you want to insert.
    2. Set the new node's left child to the current node's left child (pointing to the next element in the list).
    3. Set the current node's left child to the new node, effectively inserting the new node into the linked list.
      def insert_into_linked_list(node, data):
      new_node = Node(data)
      new_node.left = node.left
      node.left = new_node

    4. Deleting from the Linked List

      Deleting a node from the linked list within a binary tree requires updating pointers. You need to:

    5. Locate the node to be deleted.
    6. Set the left child of the preceding node to the left child of the node being deleted, effectively bypassing the node and removing it from the list.
      def delete_from_linked_list(node):
      if node.left is not None:
      node.left = node.left.left

      Practical Implementations

      1. Implementing a Trie Data Structure

      A trie, also known as a prefix tree, is a tree-based data structure used to efficiently store and retrieve strings. By embedding a linked list within the tree, you can represent the prefixes of strings in a space-efficient manner.

      Each node in the trie represents a character, and the left child of each node points to the next character in the prefix. This allows you to quickly search for strings with a common prefix by traversing the linked list of characters.

      Trie data structure

    7. Dynamically Storing Data with Variable-Sized Lists

      Imagine you have a system that needs to store data in lists, but the size of these lists can vary significantly over time. Using a binary tree with linked lists embedded within it allows you to dynamically grow or shrink the lists without requiring fixed-size memory allocation.

      For example, if you were building a system that stores the purchase history of users, the length of each user's purchase history might fluctuate significantly. Using a linked list within a binary tree lets you efficiently handle these variable-length lists.

      Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Dynamic Size: Linked lists within a binary tree allow for lists of variable sizes, avoiding the need for fixed memory allocation.

  • Efficiency: Traversal, insertion, and deletion operations in linked lists can be performed efficiently, especially when the list is sorted, as it allows for quick access to specific elements.

  • Data Relationships: The binary tree structure enables the representation of hierarchical relationships between linked lists, making it suitable for storing data with complex connections.


  • Complexity: Implementing and managing linked lists within a binary tree can be more complex than using traditional linked lists or binary trees alone.

  • Space Overhead: Storing pointers to the next element in the linked list can add overhead to the overall memory usage.

  • Limited Applicability: This technique might not be ideal for all data structures and algorithms, and its suitability depends on the specific use case.


    Representing a linked list within a binary tree offers an intriguing approach to managing data with dynamic size requirements and complex relationships. While it adds a layer of complexity to implementation, the advantages of this approach, including its dynamic nature and efficiency, make it a valuable tool for certain data storage and retrieval scenarios.

    By understanding the key concepts and techniques involved in this integration, developers can leverage this approach to optimize their data structures and algorithms for specific use cases where dynamic size and hierarchical relationships are essential.

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