Re-using Dockerfile.base with your deployments

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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Re-using Dockerfile.base with your Deployments

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Re-using Dockerfile.base with your Deployments

Introduction is a modern platform-as-a-service (PaaS) designed for deploying and scaling applications with ease. It leverages Docker containers for application packaging and execution. Dockerfiles are the core of this process, defining the build steps for creating the container image. However, creating separate Dockerfiles for each application can lead to redundancy, especially when multiple applications share common dependencies or base images. This is where the concept of a "base" Dockerfile comes in, offering a powerful way to streamline your deployments and ensure consistent application environments.

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of reusing a "Dockerfile.base" within your deployments. We'll delve into the best practices for structuring your Dockerfiles, provide a step-by-step guide, and showcase real-world examples to illustrate the concepts.

Understanding the Power of Dockerfile.base

A "Dockerfile.base" essentially acts as a template for your application's Dockerfile. It encompasses the core infrastructure required for your applications, such as:

  • Base Image:
    This is the foundational image upon which your application's environment is built. It could be a language-specific image (e.g., Node.js, Python, Java) or a more general-purpose image (e.g., Ubuntu).

  • Common Dependencies:
    Libraries, tools, and packages necessary for your applications to run effectively. These might include databases, frameworks, development tools, or language-specific runtimes.

  • Environment Variables:
    Predefined environment variables that can be shared across your applications.

  • Basic Configuration:
    Initial setup steps, including configuring user accounts, setting file permissions, or installing necessary utilities.

By leveraging a "Dockerfile.base", you achieve the following advantages:

  • Reduced Duplication:
    Eliminates the need to repeat the same build instructions across different Dockerfiles, saving time and effort.

  • Consistent Environments:
    Ensures that all your applications share the same foundation, promoting stability and consistency across your deployments.

  • Simplified Maintenance:
    Updates to the "Dockerfile.base" automatically propagate to all dependent applications, simplifying updates and patch management.

  • Enhanced Security:
    Implementing security best practices and patching vulnerabilities at the base level ensures that all your applications benefit from the same level of protection.

Building Your Dockerfile.base

Let's illustrate the creation of a "Dockerfile.base" with a practical example. We'll construct a base image suitable for running Node.js applications. This example assumes you're using a Linux environment for building Docker images.

Step 1: Choosing a Base Image

We'll start with the official Node.js image from Docker Hub:

. The FROM instruction specifies the base image:

FROM node:18-alpine

Here, node:18-alpine designates the Node.js version 18 image based on the lightweight Alpine Linux distribution.

Step 2: Installing Dependencies

Next, we'll install common Node.js dependencies using the RUN instruction:

RUN npm install -g yarn

This installs the Yarn package manager globally, providing a consistent package management tool for all your Node.js applications built on this base image.

Step 3: Setting Up Environment Variables

Define environment variables that are commonly used in your applications:

ENV NODE_ENV=development

This sets the NODE_ENV variable to development for all applications based on this "Dockerfile.base". You can modify this based on your specific requirements.

Step 4: Configuring Work Directory

Specify the working directory within the container:


This designates the /app directory as the default working directory for all applications based on this base image.

Step 5: Exposing Ports (Optional)

If your applications require specific ports to be exposed, use the EXPOSE instruction. For example:


This exposes port 3000 for the container, commonly used for Node.js applications.

The Complete Dockerfile.base

FROM node:18-alpine

RUN npm install -g yarn

ENV NODE_ENV=development


# Optional: Expose port

Integrating Dockerfile.base into Your Application's Dockerfile

Now that you have your "Dockerfile.base" ready, you can include it in the Dockerfile of your actual application. The COPY instruction helps to incorporate the base image:

FROM flyio/dockerfile.base

# ... rest of your application's Dockerfile

This instructs Docker to build upon the "Dockerfile.base" image (assuming it's available in your build context) and proceed with the rest of your application's build instructions. You can then add any application-specific dependencies, configurations, or entry points in the remaining parts of your Dockerfile.

Example: Building a Node.js Application with Dockerfile.base

Let's create a simple Node.js application and deploy it to using our "Dockerfile.base".

  1. Create the Node.js Application

Start by creating a directory for your application:

mkdir my-node-app
cd my-node-app

Then create a simple index.js file:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

app.get('/', (req, res) =&gt; {
  res.send('Hello from Node.js on!');

app.listen(port, () =&gt; {
  console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

Save the file and create a package.json file:

  "name": "my-node-app",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Simple Node.js app for",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.18.2"

  1. Create a Dockerfile for the Application

Create a Dockerfile in the same directory:

FROM flyio/dockerfile.base

COPY package*.json ./
RUN yarn install

COPY . .

CMD ["yarn", "start"]

This Dockerfile builds upon our "Dockerfile.base", installs dependencies using Yarn, copies the application code, and sets the CMD instruction to run the application using yarn start.

  1. Deploy to

Assuming you have the Fly CLI installed, you can deploy your application with the following commands:

fly launch
fly deploy

The fly launch command initializes your application on, and fly deploy builds and deploys your Docker image. will automatically detect and configure your application based on your Dockerfile and the manifest file.

  1. Accessing the Application

Once deployed, will provide you with a URL to access your application. You should be able to navigate to that URL in your web browser and see the message "Hello from Node.js on!".

Best Practices for Dockerfile.base

To effectively manage and utilize your "Dockerfile.base", follow these best practices:

  • Keep It Lean: Avoid unnecessary bloat in your base image. Focus on essential dependencies and configurations. Employ techniques like multi-stage builds to minimize image size.
  • Versioning: Use tags or version numbers for your "Dockerfile.base" to maintain a clear record of changes and dependencies. This allows you to easily revert to specific versions if needed.
  • Testing: Test your "Dockerfile.base" thoroughly to ensure it functions correctly with your application's dependencies and environments. Automated testing can help catch issues early.
  • Documentation: Clearly document the purpose, dependencies, and configurations within your "Dockerfile.base". This will make it easier for other developers to understand and contribute.
  • Security: Prioritize security by using secure base images, regularly updating dependencies, and implementing security best practices within your "Dockerfile.base".


Reusing a "Dockerfile.base" in your deployments is a powerful technique for streamlining your development process, ensuring consistent environments, and simplifying maintenance. By embracing best practices and a well-structured "Dockerfile.base", you can build and deploy applications more efficiently and effectively on the platform.

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