How to Build a Stunning 3D Card UI Element in 3 Simple Steps

WEBDEVTALES - Sep 2 - - Dev Community

Make UI components interactive and visually appealing to make your website look much better with your improvements. No doubt, a 3D card is the most interesting UI element to have on your website. Follow along with us in this guide, where you create a beautiful 3D card UI element in just three easy steps. Let’s go!

3 Steps to Create a 3D Card

1. Set Up the Basic UI Element Structure
The first step to building out the structure of your 3D card UI component is to create containers for both the front and back faces of your card in the HTML structure.

Basic HTML Structure: Let’s start by creating a container element with a card class. Inside, this will be our complete UI element. Inside this card div, add another div with the class inner card. The faces for our 3D card lie right here in this inner-card div.

Basic HTML Structure

Front and Back Faces: Inside the parent element, Create two div elements that have classes of card face and back to represent the front and back faces of our 3D card UI component. A 3D model generally has an image on the front face and text or other information on the face.

2. Apply 3D and Flip Effects to the UI Element Using CSS

The second step is to breathe life into your 3D card, giving it depth and motion using CSS.

3D and Flip Effects

Basic Styles: Define the dimensions of your card using the clamp()function, making your design responsive. Add some perspective to the card container so the 3D effect can now be used, giving proper depth to our UI component.

Basic Styles

Inner Card Animation: The inner-card class is very important to get the flip animation of your UI element. Add transform style: preserve-3D to support 3D transformations and transitions: transform 0.8s ease-in-out to make a nice flipping effect. The card rotates 180° on hover, showing the back face.

Inner Card Animation

Styling the Faces of the UI Element: The styling for both. Card-face elements must be distinct to leave them in place exactly where they are positioned on the flip. Use backface-visibility: hidden to set only the front face to be visible until the card flips. Apply position: absolute to stack them perfectly, and add border-radius for a polished look.

Styling the Faces of the UI Element

Customize the front and back faces:

  • We typically place an image on the front face. Use CSS to help ensure the image scales well across devices and keep your UI element sharp and responsive.
  • Text can be added to the back face or any other content for that matter. This face will be in a 180-degree Y rotation to ensure its visibility when the card is flipping.

Customize the front and back faces

Front View
Back View

back faces

3. Enhance and Optimize the UI Element for User Experience

Finish 3D card UI element optimization to enrich and enable maximal user experience, ensuring that the card is responsive and accessible, as well as beautiful in appearance.

Responsive Design: The UI part of the component will be made responsive with the help of Clamp from CSS. Ensure that the design is tested everywhere to make sure that everything is okay. Correct the font, padding, or any other thing as required that goes off.

Accessibility Considerations: Make your interface accessible, and make sure 3D card images have proper ‘alt’ attributes so that they read for screen readers. Proper contrast in the text of the back face is needed so that the content will be clear to the users, keeping in mind that someone will not perceive the flip effect.

Visual Enhancements:

  • It is also possible to highlight your UI element by adding shadows or simple gradients to make the object look more three-dimensional.
  • Come up with good images that reflect your content, and write good text when creating your UI element for it to be attractive and effective.
  • Check out different timing models or easing functions, I am sure that you will find the best timing with its best result to show it to your audience. Testing and Tweaking: Lastly, validate your 3D card UI element on different browsers to know if it is compatible with them. Try to move something a little bit to the left or right, or rotate it by a few degrees, or change font to sweat the look and feel of your UI element. It can also prove valuable for A/B testing in order to compare users’ reactions to different variations.


Constructing an excellent-looking 3D card UI element is not a very difficult task and it goes a long way to making your website more engaging.

So if you follow these three simple rules – setting up the structure, applying the 3D effects with CSS and the final step is optimizing the element for the user — you will have a perfect UI element in your hands.

It can be used in applications that demonstrate products, advertise their features, or enhance the design of a webpage with an animation of a 3D card which increases the users’ interest and satisfaction greatly.

Read my original post at to get better experience and you can also read other interesting posts.
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