Hacking PouchDB to Use It on React Native

Takuya Matsuyama - Apr 4 '19 - - Dev Community



Hi, it's Takuya here.

I'm developing a React Native app which needs to sync data with CouchDB.
PouchDB, a well-designed database that can sync with CouchDB written in JavaScript for browsers, can be also used on React Native.
I have built react-native-sqlite-2 and pouchdb-adapter-react-native-sqlite to let it work on RN.

But there are still some issues to make it work.
For example, it has a big problem with storing attachments since RN doesn't support FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer yet (I hope they will support in the future though).

It seems like pouchdb-react-native project is inactive these days.
So I've been working on making PouchDB possible to run perfectly on RN and successfully did it. Here is what I did.

How to run PouchDB on RN

First, I would like to show you how to use PouchDB on RN.
I've made some packages that I hacked based on the official PouchDB core modules.
Here is a working demo app.
I am planning to use it in my production app called Inkdrop.

Install deps

Install PouchDB core packages:

npm i pouchdb-adapter-http pouchdb-mapreduce
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And install hacked packages for React Native:

npm i @craftzdog/pouchdb-core-react-native @craftzdog/pouchdb-replication-react-native 
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Next, install SQLite3 engine modules:

npm i pouchdb-adapter-react-native-sqlite react-native-sqlite-2
react-native link react-native-sqlite-2
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Then, install some packages to polyfill functions that PouchDB needs:

npm i base-64 events
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Create polyfills

Make a js file to polyfill some functions that PouchDB needs:

import {decode, encode} from 'base-64'

if (!global.btoa) {
    global.btoa = encode;

if (!global.atob) {
    global.atob = decode;

// Avoid using node dependent modules
process.browser = true
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Import it at the first line of your index.js.

Load PouchDB

Make pouchdb.js like so:

import PouchDB from '@craftzdog/pouchdb-core-react-native'
import HttpPouch from 'pouchdb-adapter-http'
import replication from '@craftzdog/pouchdb-replication-react-native'
import mapreduce from 'pouchdb-mapreduce'

import SQLite from 'react-native-sqlite-2'
import SQLiteAdapterFactory from 'pouchdb-adapter-react-native-sqlite'

const SQLiteAdapter = SQLiteAdapterFactory(SQLite)

export default PouchDB
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If you need other plugins like pouchdb-find, just add them to it.

Use PouchDB

Then, use it as usual:

import PouchDB from './pouchdb'

function loadDB () {
  return new PouchDB('mydb.db', { adapter: 'react-native-sqlite' })
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How I hacked PouchDB

To get it to work on React Native, we need to avoid calling FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer from PouchDB core modules.
That means we always process attachments in Base64 instead of Blob.
It can be done with a few lines of code hacks.

Where readAsArrayBuffer is called

PouchDB tries to calclulate MD5 digest for every document, which needs to call readAsArrayBuffer.

In pouchdb-binary-utils/lib/index-browser.js:

72 function readAsBinaryString(blob, callback) {
73   if (typeof FileReader === 'undefined') {
74     // fix for Firefox in a web worker
75     // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=901097
76     return callback(arrayBufferToBinaryString(
77       new FileReaderSync().readAsArrayBuffer(blob)));
78   }
80   var reader = new FileReader();
81   var hasBinaryString = typeof reader.readAsBinaryString === 'function';
82   reader.onloadend = function (e) {
83     var result = e.target.result || '';
84     if (hasBinaryString) {
85       return callback(result);
86     }
87     callback(arrayBufferToBinaryString(result));
88   };
89   if (hasBinaryString) {
90     reader.readAsBinaryString(blob);
91   } else {
92     reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);
93   }
94 }
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This function is called from pouchdb-md5/lib/index-browser.js:

24 function appendBlob(buffer, blob, start, end, callback) {
25   if (start > 0 || end < blob.size) {
26     // only slice blob if we really need to
27     blob = sliceBlob(blob, start, end);
28   }
29   pouchdbBinaryUtils.readAsArrayBuffer(blob, function (arrayBuffer) {
30     buffer.append(arrayBuffer);
31     callback();
32   });
33 }
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Well, how to avoid that?

Storing Attachments

Disable binary option of getAttachment method in pouchdb-core/src/adapter.js like so:

714     if (res.doc._attachments && res.doc._attachments[attachmentId]
715       opts.ctx = res.ctx;
716       // force it to read attachments in base64
717       opts.binary = false;
718       self._getAttachment(docId, attachmentId,
719                           res.doc._attachments[attachmentId], opts, callback);
720     } else {
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With this change, you will always get attachments encoded in base64.

Pull Replication

We have to convert blob to base64 when fetching attachments from remote database in pouchdb-replication/lib/index.js like so:

function getDocAttachmentsFromTargetOrSource(target, src, doc) {
  var doCheckForLocalAttachments = pouchdbUtils.isRemote(src) && !pouchdbUtils.isRemote(target);
  var filenames = Object.keys(doc._attachments);

  function convertBlobToBase64(attachments) {
    return Promise.all(attachments.map(function (blob) {
      if (typeof blob === 'string') {
        return blob
      } else {
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
          var reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onloadend = function() {
            const uri = reader.result;
            const pos = uri.indexOf(',')
            const base64 = uri.substr(pos + 1)

  if (!doCheckForLocalAttachments) {
    return getDocAttachments(src, doc)

  return target.get(doc._id).then(function (localDoc) {
    return Promise.all(filenames.map(function (filename) {
      if (fileHasChanged(localDoc, doc, filename)) {
        return src.getAttachment(doc._id, filename);

      return target.getAttachment(localDoc._id, filename);
  }).catch(function (error) {
    /* istanbul ignore if */
    if (error.status !== 404) {
      throw error;

    return getDocAttachments(src, doc)
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That worked!
And that's why I made both @craftzdog/pouchdb-core-react-native and @craftzdog/pouchdb-replication-react-native.
If you found any problem on them, pull requests would be welcomed here.

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