glitch hack

Danny Chan - May 17 '23 - - Dev Community

The event link:

Hack Goal
(1) Analytical data on zkBNB
(2) Create BNB Greenfield

zero-knowledge proof (ZKP)

cryptographic approach that allows one person (the prover) to verify a claim made by another without the prover disclosing any supporting information

non-interactive proofs
two parties exchange a single transaction that verifies the prover's veracity just once

Example: payment recipient can use ZKP techniques to confirm that the payer has a sufficient balance in their bank account


  • "Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge"
  • one can demonstrate ownership of specific knowledge
  • transaction's sender can demonstrate all this using zk-SNARKs without disclosing any addresses or transaction amounts
  • blockchain network uses zk-SNARKs to encode a part of its consensus rules


  • Layer-1: Proof-of-Stake and Sharding, improve performance
  • Layer-2: rollups, increase the number of processed transactions by offloading transactions off of Mainnet

Zero-Knowledge Rollups
zk Rollups
Layer-2 solution for blockchain-related scalability problems


  • is built on zk (Zero Knowledge) Rollup architecture
  • Layer-2 solution
  • computations and state changes are done off-chain (sidechain)
  • bundle (or “roll-up”) hundreds of transactions into a single batch (Rollup Block) off-chain
  • generate a cryptographic proof

BNB Chain keyword
BNB Beacon Chain
BNB Smart Chain (BSC)
BNB Greenfield

BNB Greenfield

  • cloud storage
  • enables Ethereum-compatible addresses

on chain:
BNB Greenfield blockchain: the ledger for the users
Store active data
Store public data
common metadata (billing, Storage, Permission, account, balance)

off chain:
Store inactive data
Store privacy data
Store off chain data
Store large file such as image or videos

NB Greenfield dApps
Client application (browser app)

Centralized Data Storage Networks
centralized servers – large brick and mortar buildings housing
single point of failure
loss of sensitive data
limited control over their data
potential censorship

Decentralized Data Storage Networks
data is distributed across multiple nodes
data reliability and accessibility
not controlled by a single entity making censorship
removal of data much more difficult
Retrieving data slower


Use case blog article -

WP -

Docs -

Article -

Congo testnet -

zkBNB scaling -

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Terabox Video Player