๐ŸŒ Get started: MongoDB Change streams, Concurrency, backup snapshot & checkpoint, Compound Wildcard Indexes

Danny Chan - Aug 6 - - Dev Community

๐Ÿ’ซ Change streams:

  • Use case: large documents, pre-images, post-images
  • Access real-time data changes
  • Subscribe to all data changes on database, then react to them
  • Available for replica sets and sharded clusters
  • Must use WiredTiger storage engine
  • Can use encryption-at-rest

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ Time series data:

  • High-volume datasets
  • Improved storage optimization and compression
  • High cardinality data
  • Fine-grained updates & deletes
    "metadata": { "sensorId": 5578, "type": "temperature" },
    "timestamp": ISODate("2021-05-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
    "temp": 12
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๐Ÿ”’ WiredTiger Storage Engine:

  • Can't pin documents to WiredTiger cache
  • Cannot reserve a portion of cache for reads & writes
  • Heavy write workload affect performance
  • Allocates its cache to the entire MongoDB instance

๐ŸŒ Feature: Transaction (Read & Write) Concurrency:

  • Dynamically adjust maximum number of concurrent storage engine transactions (read and write)
  • Optimizes database throughput during cluster overload
  • Never exceeds 128 read & write tickets
  • Read & write are always equal

๐Ÿ”Document Level Concurrency control:

  • For WiredTiger to control write operations
  • Multiple clients can modify different documents of a collection at the same time
  • Intent locks at the global, database and collection levels
  • Detects conflicts between two operations, one will stop due to conflict operation, other one keep going
  • Transparently retry conflict operation


๐Ÿ›ก๏ธFeature: point-in-time snapshot
MultiVersion Concurrency Control (MVCC)

๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Feature: checkpoint

  • Act as recovery points
  • Now-durable data in the data files
  • Consistent up to and including last checkpoint
  • Writing snapshot data to disk every 60 seconds
  • If MongoDB encounters an error while writing a new checkpoint, MongoDB can recover from last valid checkpoint

๐Ÿ“œ Journal:

  • Ensure data durability by write-ahead log (journal) with checkpoints
  • Persists all data modifications between checkpoints
  • MongoDB error between checkpoints, use journal to replay all data modified

๐Ÿ“œ Compression:

  • Snappy compression for collections
  • Prefix compression for indexes (deduplicate common prefixes)

๐Ÿ“œ Memory Use:

  • Utilizes both WiredTiger internal cache and filesystem cache

๐Ÿ“œ Block compression:

  • Provide significant on-disk storage savings
  • Collection data in WiredTiger internal cache is uncompressed for able to be manipulated

Compound Wildcard Indexes:

๐Ÿ” Feature: Compound Wildcard Indexes

  • One wildcard index replace a large number of individual indexes
  • Can efficiently cover many potential queries Apply to attribute Pattern


{ tenantId: 1, "customFields.addr": 1 }
{ tenantId: 1, "customFields.name": 1 }
{ tenantId: 1, "customFields.blockId": 1 }
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{ tenantId: 1, "customFields.$**": 1 }
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More Features:

๐Ÿ”„ cluster-to-cluster sync (mongosync)

  • Syncing specific data sets instead of the entire cluster

๐Ÿ“Š approximate percentiles

  • Use $percentile as an accumulator in the $group stage or as an aggregation expression Record:
{ studentId: "2345", test01: 62, test02: 81, test03: 80 }
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{ studentId: '2345', testPercentiles: [ 80, 81 ] }
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๐Ÿ‘ค user role

  • Use user role variables within aggregation pipelines
  • Example: application display different data based on user permissions

๐Ÿ”’ Queryable Encryption

  • Security
  • Fully randomized encrypted data


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Danny Chan, specialty of FSI and Serverless

Image description

Kenny Chan, specialty of FSI and Machine Learning

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