Genetic algorithms

Davide Santangelo - Dec 13 '22 - - Dev Community

Genetic algorithms and neural networks are two different ways of solving problems that involve searching for the best solution among a large number of possible solutions.

A genetic algorithm works by simulating the process of natural evolution, where the fittest individuals are selected to produce the next generation. This process is repeated over many generations until a satisfactory solution is found.

On the other hand, a neural network is a type of machine learning algorithm that is inspired by the way the human brain works. It consists of multiple layers of interconnected nodes, which can learn to recognize patterns in data and make predictions or decisions based on that data.

To use a genetic algorithm to evolve the initial grid, you would first need to define a set of rules that determine which grid configurations are considered "fit" or "unfit". You would then generate a population of initial grid configurations, and use the rules to evaluate their fitness. The fittest individuals would be selected to produce the next generation, and the process would be repeated until a satisfactory solution is found.

To train a neural network to predict the next state of the grid based on its current state, you would first need to collect a large dataset of examples of grid configurations and their corresponding next states. You would then use this dataset to train a neural network, using a technique called backpropagation to adjust the weights of the network's connections and improve its ability to make predictions. Once the network is trained, you can use it to predict the next state of any given grid configuration.

Here is an example of a simple genetic algorithm that could be used to evolve a grid configuration:

# define the grid size and initial population

# define the fitness function
def evaluate_fitness(grid):
  fitness = 0
  for row in grid:
    for cell in row:
      if cell == 1:
        fitness += 1
  return fitness

# generate the initial population
population = []
for i in range(POPULATION_SIZE):
  grid = [[0] * GRID_SIZE for _ in range(GRID_SIZE)]
  for row in grid:
    for j in range(GRID_SIZE):
      if random.random() < 0.5:
        row[j] = 1

# evolve the population over several generations
for _ in range(100):
  # evaluate the fitness of each individual
  fitnesses = [evaluate_fitness(grid) for grid in population]

  # select the fittest individuals to produce the next generation
  next_generation = []
  for i in range(POPULATION_SIZE):
    # select two parent individuals with weighted randomness
    parent1 = random.choices(population, fitnesses)[0]
    parent2 = random.choices(population, fitnesses)[0]

    # create a child grid by combining the parents
    child_grid = [[0] * GRID_SIZE for _ in range(GRID_SIZE)]
    for i in range(GRID_SIZE):
      for j in range(GRID_SIZE):
        if random.random() < 0.5:
          child_grid[i][j] = parent1[i][j]
          child_grid[i][j] = parent2[i][j]

    # add the child to the next generation

  # replace the current population with the next generation
  population = next_generation

# the final population contains the evolved grid configurations
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Here is an example of a simple neural network that could be used to predict the next state of a grid configuration:

import numpy as np

# Define the activation function
def sigmoid(x):
  return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

# Define the neural network
def simple_neural_network(inputs, weights):
  # Perform the dot product between the inputs and the weights
  output =, weights)
  # Apply the activation function to the output
  return sigmoid(output)

# Define the inputs
inputs = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]])

# Define the weights
weights = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0])

# Make a prediction
prediction = simple_neural_network(inputs, weights)

# Print the prediction
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In this example, the neural network takes in an array of inputs and weights, performs a dot product between the inputs and the weights, and then applies the sigmoid activation function to the result. This produces a prediction for the next state of the grid configuration.

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