Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) with Ruby

Davide Santangelo - Jul 19 '23 - - Dev Community

Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) are cryptographic primitives that play a crucial role in secure communication and computation. They allow the generation of a deterministic pseudorandom output, verifiably associated with a specific input, without revealing the underlying function's secret key. VRFs are widely used in applications like digital signatures, proof-of-stake blockchains, and secure randomness generation. In this article, we will explore the concept of VRFs, their properties, and delve into the implementation of a VRF in the Ruby programming language.

Understanding Verifiable Random Functions (VRF)

A VRF is a three-step cryptographic process consisting of three algorithms: KeyGen, Eval, and Verify.

  1. KeyGen: The KeyGen algorithm generates a public and private key pair. The public key is used to verify the pseudorandom output, while the private key is kept secret and used to generate the VRF output.

  2. Eval: The Eval algorithm takes an input (message) and the private key as inputs, and deterministically produces the VRF output. Importantly, the VRF function is collision-resistant, meaning two different inputs cannot produce the same output.

  3. Verify: The Verify algorithm takes the public key, the input message, and the VRF output as inputs, and verifies the correctness of the VRF output. It ensures that the output was indeed generated using the corresponding private key and the input message.

Properties of VRFs

VRFs possess several crucial properties that make them desirable for various cryptographic applications:

  1. Deterministic and Unpredictable Output: The VRF output is deterministic, meaning the same input will always produce the same output. However, the output appears indistinguishable from a truly random value, even to someone who knows the VRF private key.

  2. Collision Resistance: VRFs are collision-resistant, meaning it is infeasible to find two distinct inputs that produce the same VRF output.

  3. Pseudorandomness and Unlinkability: The VRF output appears pseudorandom, and it is computationally infeasible to link the same input to multiple VRF outputs.

  4. Non-Malleability: The VRF output cannot be altered by an attacker without knowledge of the VRF private key.


# Import the necessary libraries for cryptographic operations
require 'openssl'

# Function to generate VRF keys
def generate_vrf_keys
  group ='secp256k1')
  private_key =
  public_key = private_key.public_key
  return private_key, public_key

# Function to evaluate VRF
def eval_vrf(private_key, input_message)
  digest =
  vrf_output = private_key.dsa_sign_asn1(input_message)
  return vrf_output

# Function to verify VRF output
def verify_vrf(public_key, input_message, vrf_output)
  digest =
  return public_key.dsa_verify_asn1(input_message, vrf_output)

# Example usage:
private_key, public_key = generate_vrf_keys
input_message = "Hello, VRF!"
vrf_output = eval_vrf(private_key, input_message)
is_verified = verify_vrf(public_key, input_message, vrf_output)

puts "VRF Output: #{vrf_output}"
puts "VRF Verification Result: #{is_verified}"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
require 'openssl'

# Function to generate VRF keys
def generate_vrf_keys
  group ='secp256k1')
  private_key =
  public_key = private_key.public_key
  return private_key, public_key

# Function to evaluate VRF
def eval_vrf(private_key, input_message)
  digest =
  vrf_output = private_key.dsa_sign_asn1(input_message)
  return vrf_output

# Function to verify VRF output
def verify_vrf(public_key, input_message, vrf_output)
  digest =
  is_verified = public_key.dsa_verify_asn1(input_message, vrf_output)
  return is_verified

# Example usage:
def example_usage
  private_key, public_key = generate_vrf_keys
  input_message = "Hello, VRF!"

  # Generate VRF output
  vrf_output = eval_vrf(private_key, input_message)

  # Verify the VRF output
  is_verified = verify_vrf(public_key, input_message, vrf_output)

  # Print results
  puts "Input Message: #{input_message}"
  puts "VRF Output: #{vrf_output.unpack('H*').first}" # Display output as hexadecimal
  puts "VRF Verification Result: #{is_verified}"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In this code, we've completed the VRF implementation in Ruby using the OpenSSL library. The generate_vrf_keys function generates a key pair, the eval_vrf function computes the VRF output, and the verify_vrf function verifies the correctness of the VRF output.

The example_usage function demonstrates how to use these functions. It generates a new key pair, evaluates the VRF output for a sample input message ("Hello, VRF!"), and then verifies the VRF output. The unpack('H*') method converts the binary VRF output into a hexadecimal string for better readability.

When you run this code, you should see the input message, the VRF output in hexadecimal format, and the result of the VRF verification. The verification result should be true, indicating that the VRF output was correctly generated using the private key associated with the public key.

This code snippet provides a practical and functional implementation of the VRF concept in Ruby, showcasing the key generation, VRF evaluation, and verification process. It can be extended to fit specific use cases and integrated into various cryptographic applications to enhance their security and integrity.

Security Properties of VRFs

VRFs are designed with strong security properties, ensuring their suitability for cryptographic applications:

  1. Existential Unforgeability under Chosen Message Attack (EUF-CMA): VRFs provide EUF-CMA security, meaning an adversary cannot forge a VRF output for any message they haven't seen before, even after observing VRF outputs for other messages.

  2. Non-Interactivity: VRFs are non-interactive, allowing for efficient and fast computation of the VRF output without requiring multiple rounds of communication between parties.

  3. Forward Secrecy: VRFs offer forward secrecy, which means that the compromise of a long-term private key does not jeopardize the security of previous VRF outputs. Each VRF output remains secure even if the private key is later compromised.

Use Cases of VRFs

Verifiable Random Functions find applications in a wide range of cryptographic scenarios:

  1. Blockchain Technology: VRFs are extensively used in blockchain systems, especially in proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains, to randomly select block validators without revealing the underlying pseudorandom number generation process. This ensures a secure and fair selection process while maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.

  2. Secure Randomness Generation: VRFs play a vital role in generating unbiased random numbers in distributed systems. For example, in cryptographic lotteries or shuffling algorithms, VRFs help ensure unpredictability and fairness in the outcome.

  3. Digital Signatures: VRFs can be utilized to create deterministic yet unpredictable digital signatures. When combined with appropriate cryptographic primitives, VRF-based signatures provide strong security guarantees while avoiding concerns related to quantum computing.

  4. Decentralized Systems: VRFs enable decentralized applications (DApps) to make pseudorandom decisions without relying on a central authority. This allows for trustless and transparent applications in various domains, such as gaming, gambling, and more.

  5. Privacy-Preserving Systems: VRFs can be used in privacy-preserving protocols, such as anonymous authentication systems or private information retrieval, ensuring the privacy of users while enabling secure interactions.

Challenges and Considerations

While VRFs offer powerful security properties and practical applications, there are some challenges to consider:

  1. Efficiency: VRF implementations need to be computationally efficient, especially in resource-constrained environments like embedded systems or IoT devices, where cryptographic operations might be more costly.

  2. Cryptographic Assumptions: The security of VRFs relies on certain cryptographic assumptions, such as the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem or elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. As cryptographic research advances, these assumptions may require updates.

  3. Key Management: Proper key management is crucial in VRF systems. Private keys must be kept secure and backed up to prevent loss or unauthorized access.

  4. Standardization: Standardizing VRF implementations can promote interoperability and wider adoption across different systems and platforms.


Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs) are fundamental cryptographic tools that strike a balance between determinism and unpredictability. Their ability to generate verifiable pseudorandom outputs has found applications in blockchain systems, secure randomness generation, digital signatures, and privacy-preserving protocols. By understanding the properties and challenges of VRFs, developers can design robust and secure systems that benefit from the trust and integrity provided by these cryptographic primitives. As the field of cryptography continues to evolve, VRFs will likely remain at the forefront of ensuring security and privacy in a digitally interconnected world.

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