Building a Step-by-Step Software for Calculating Text Similarity Using Python

Davide Santangelo - May 25 '23 - - Dev Community

Text similarity is a fundamental concept in natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval. It involves measuring the resemblance or similarity of two texts based on various criteria such as word choice, sentence structure, and context. In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating a software program that takes two texts as input and returns a similarity percentage using Python.

Step 1: Setting up the Environment

To begin, let's ensure that we have Python installed on our system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website ( and follow the installation instructions. Additionally, we will be utilizing the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library for text processing. Install NLTK by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install nltk
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Step 2: Importing Dependencies

We need to import the necessary libraries and modules to perform text similarity calculations. Open your Python development environment and import the following:

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
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Step 3: Preprocessing the Texts

Before we can calculate the similarity, we need to preprocess the texts. This involves tokenizing the texts into individual words, removing stop words, lemmatizing, and performing other necessary transformations. Let's define a function for text preprocessing:

def preprocess_text(text):
    # Tokenization
    tokens = word_tokenize(text.lower())

    # Removing stop words
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))
    filtered_tokens = [word for word in tokens if word.casefold() not in stop_words]

    # Lemmatization
    lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
    lemmatized_tokens = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, get_wordnet_pos(tag))
                         for word, tag in pos_tag(filtered_tokens)]

    return lemmatized_tokens

def get_wordnet_pos(tag):
    if tag.startswith("J"):
        return wordnet.ADJ
    elif tag.startswith("V"):
        return wordnet.VERB
    elif tag.startswith("N"):
        return wordnet.NOUN
    elif tag.startswith("R"):
        return wordnet.ADV
        return wordnet.NOUN
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Step 4: Calculating Similarity

To calculate the similarity between the preprocessed texts, we will use the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) vectorization technique. TF-IDF calculates the importance of each word in the texts based on its frequency in a document and its rarity across all documents. Then, we can apply cosine similarity to obtain a similarity score. Let's define a function for similarity calculation:

def calculate_similarity(text1, text2):
    # Preprocess the texts
    preprocessed_text1 = preprocess_text(text1)
    preprocessed_text2 = preprocess_text(text2)

    # Convert the preprocessed texts into strings
    preprocessed_text1 = " ".join(preprocessed_text1)
    preprocessed_text2 = " ".join(preprocessed_text2)

    # Vectorize the texts
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
    tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform([preprocessed_text1, preprocessed_text2])

    # Calculate cosine similarity
    similarity_score = cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix[0], tfidf_matrix[1])[0][0]

    return similarity_score
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Step 5: Putting It All Together

Now that we have defined the necessary functions, we can create a simple user interface to interact with the software. Let's define a function for getting user input and displaying the similarity percentage:

def main():
    print("Text Similarity Calculator")

    text1 = input("Enter the first text: ")
    text2 = input("Enter the second text: ")

    similarity_score = calculate_similarity(text1, text2)
    similarity_percentage = similarity_score * 100

    print(f"\nSimilarity Percentage: {similarity_percentage:.2f}%")

if __name__ == "__main__":
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In this article, we have explored the step-by-step process of creating a software program that calculates the similarity percentage between two texts using Python. By following the instructions provided, you can build a powerful text similarity calculator that can be applied to various real-world scenarios.

Text similarity is a crucial aspect of natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval. Understanding the similarity between texts can enable us to perform tasks such as plagiarism detection, document clustering, recommendation systems, and search engine optimization. By developing a software tool that automates the calculation of text similarity, we can streamline and improve these processes.

We started by setting up the development environment and making sure that Python was installed on the system. We then imported the necessary libraries and modules, including NLTK for text processing, which is a widely used toolkit in the NLP community. NLTK provides a number of functionalities such as tokenization, stop word removal, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tagging that are essential for text preprocessing.

Next, we defined a function for text preprocessing, which included tokenizing the texts into individual words, removing stop words, and lemmatizing the words to their base form. Preprocessing is an important step because it reduces noise and standardizes the texts, making them more comparable for similarity calculations.

To compute the similarity between the preprocessed texts, we used the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) vectorization technique. TF-IDF assigns importance to each word in the texts based on its frequency in one document and its rarity across all documents. We then applied cosine similarity, a widely used metric, to obtain a similarity score. Cosine similarity measures the cosine of the angle between two vectors and provides a value between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates a higher similarity.

With these functions in place, we created a user interface that prompts the user to enter two texts. The software then calculates the percentage of similarity between the texts using the defined functions and displays the result to the user.

In conclusion, the development of a text similarity calculator using Python allows us to analyze and compare texts efficiently. The ability to determine the similarity between texts has significant applications in various fields such as content analysis, document management, and information retrieval. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a robust and versatile software tool that supports text similarity calculations, allowing you to harness the power of NLP for a wide range of tasks.

Remember, this article provides a foundation for building a text similarity calculator, and you can continue to enhance and customize the software to meet your specific needs. Explore additional NLP techniques, experiment with different similarity metrics, and integrate the software into larger systems or workflows to maximize its potential.

For further reading and resources on text similarity and NLP, consider the following references:

  1. Natural Language Processing with Python (NLTK) - Official Documentation:

  2. Python's Official Website:

  3. Scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python:

  4. "Introduction to Information Retrieval" by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze:

  5. "Speech and Language Processing" by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin:

  6. "Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing" by Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schütze:

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