Unlock the Secrets to Supercharging Your Code with Inheritance - Boost Your Programming Powers! (with Ruby)

Davide Santangelo - Oct 18 '23 - - Dev Community

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that plays a central role in structuring and organizing code. It allows you to create new classes (called subclasses or child classes) based on existing classes (called superclasses or parent classes). This concept is based on the idea of code reusability and the creation of hierarchical relationships between classes.

Superclass and Subclass

  • Superclass (Parent Class): This is the existing class from which new classes inherit properties and behaviors.
  • Subclass (Child Class): This is the new class that inherits attributes and methods from the superclass. It can also add new attributes and methods or override the existing ones.

Code Reusability

  • Inheritance allows you to avoid redundancy by defining common attributes and behaviors in a superclass. Subclasses can inherit these attributes and behaviors, reducing the need to duplicate code.


  • Inheritance forms a hierarchy of classes. Subclasses are more specialized versions of their superclasses. This hierarchical structure can model real-world relationships effectively. For example, a Vehicle superclass can have subclasses like Car, Bicycle, and Truck.

How Inheritance Works:

Defining a Subclass:

  • To create a subclass in a programming language like Ruby, you typically use the class keyword, followed by the subclass name and the < symbol, followed by the superclass name.

Inheriting Methods and Attributes:

  • The subclass inherits all the methods and attributes of the superclass. This means that instances of the subclass can access and use the methods and attributes of the superclass.

Method Overriding:

  • Subclasses have the option to override (redefine) methods from the superclass. This means that a subclass can provide its own implementation of a method, which is different from the method in the superclass.

Access to Superclass Methods:

  • Subclasses can access methods of the superclass using the super keyword. This allows them to call the superclass's version of a method, even if the method is overridden in the subclass.

Instance Variables:

  • Each class, including its subclasses, maintains its own set of instance variables. Changes made to instance variables in one class do not affect the variables in another class.

Benefits of Inheritance:

  1. Code Organization: Inheritance helps organize code by establishing a clear hierarchy of classes, making it easier to understand and manage.

  2. Code Reusability: It reduces code duplication by allowing you to reuse methods and attributes defined in the superclass.

  3. Polymorphism: Inheritance is closely related to polymorphism, another OOP concept. It allows objects of different classes in the same hierarchy to be treated as instances of a common superclass.

  4. Customization: Subclasses can provide specialized behavior while still benefiting from the general characteristics of the superclass.

Think of inheritance like a family tree. A family tree has a common ancestor (the earliest generation), and each successive generation inherits some traits and characteristics from the previous generation. However, each individual can have their own unique traits as well.

In conclusion, inheritance is a foundational concept in OOP, promoting code reusability and enabling developers to build complex, organized, and efficient systems. Understanding and using inheritance effectively is crucial for creating maintainable and extensible code in any object-oriented programming language.

Understanding Inheritance in Ruby

Inheritance is a mechanism in Ruby (and many other object-oriented programming languages) that allows you to create a new class by deriving it from an existing class. The new class is called a subclass or child class, and the existing class is referred to as the superclass or parent class. Inheritance allows you to reuse and extend the functionality of existing classes, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Let's dive into the world of inheritance in Ruby with practical examples.

Basic Class Inheritance

To create a subclass that inherits from a superclass, you use the class keyword followed by the subclass name and the < symbol, followed by the superclass name. Here's a basic example:

class Animal
  def speak
    puts "Animal speaks"

class Dog < Animal
  def speak
    puts "Dog barks"

# Creating instances
animal = Animal.new
dog = Dog.new

# Calling methods
animal.speak  # Output: "Animal speaks"
dog.speak     # Output: "Dog barks"
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In this example, the Dog class inherits from the Animal class. The Dog class can override methods from the Animal class, as we can see with the speak method.

Method Overriding

Method overriding is a powerful feature in Ruby, which allows you to redefine a method in the subclass with the same name as the method in the superclass. This enables you to customize the behavior of the inherited methods. Here's an example:

class Vehicle
  def drive
    puts "Vehicle is moving"

class Car < Vehicle
  def drive
    puts "Car is driving"

# Creating instances
vehicle = Vehicle.new
car = Car.new

# Calling methods
vehicle.drive  # Output: "Vehicle is moving"
car.drive      # Output: "Car is driving"
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In this example, the Car class overrides the drive method inherited from the Vehicle class to provide its own implementation.

Superclass and Subclass Relationships

In Ruby, you can check if a class is a subclass of another using the .ancestors method. This method returns an array of all the classes and modules that a class inherits from. Let's see it in action:

class A

class B < A

class C < B

# Check subclass relationships
puts B.ancestors  # Output: [B, A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
puts C.ancestors  # Output: [C, B, A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
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In this example, class C is a subclass of both B and A, and you can see their relationships in the ancestors list.

Using super to Call Superclass Methods

Sometimes, you might want to invoke a method from the superclass in the subclass's overridden method. You can do this using the super keyword. Here's an example:

class Shape
  def area
    puts "Calculating area in the Shape class"

class Rectangle < Shape
  def area
    puts "Calculating area in the Rectangle class"

# Creating instances
shape = Shape.new
rectangle = Rectangle.new

# Calling methods
shape.area      # Output: "Calculating area in the Shape class"
rectangle.area  # Output: "Calculating area in the Shape class\nCalculating area in the Rectangle class"
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In this example, the super keyword is used in the Rectangle class to call the area method of the superclass Shape.

Inheritance and Instance Variables

Instance variables in Ruby are not inherited by subclasses. Each class, including its subclasses, maintains its own set of instance variables. Let's illustrate this:

class Parent
  def set_instance_variable
    @instance_var = "Parent"

  def display_instance_variable
    puts @instance_var

class Child < Parent
  def set_instance_variable
    @instance_var = "Child"

parent = Parent.new
child = Child.new


parent.display_instance_variable  # Output: "Parent"
child.display_instance_variable   # Output: "Child"
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In this example, both the Parent and Child classes have their own @instance_var, and changing it in one class does not affect the other class.


Inheritance is a powerful mechanism in Ruby that encourages code reuse and allows you to create more specialized classes based on existing ones. Understanding and using inheritance effectively can help you write cleaner, more maintainable code. Ruby's flexibility and dynamic nature make it a great language for implementing inheritance, allowing you to create complex class hierarchies and tailor your classes to your specific needs.

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