The .NET Foundation helps organize "Presentations in a Box" including workshops, demos, presentations, eBooks, and a lot more from the .NET team and the .NET community. In recent months, the ASP.NET Core Beginners, Blazor, and C# workshops have been fully updated to .NET 6 and C# 10! If you are looking to learn or teach .NET and C#, these are great resources to start at.
Personally, I contributed the Xamarin.Forms workshop to the .NET Foundation resources, and with .NET MAUI around the corner, I thought it was time to update this workshop to the latest and greatest tech. So, today, I am pleased to announce the launch of the .NET MAUI workshop available right now today! This full day workshop walks through everything .NET MAUI and has you building a full application from scratch that grabs and displays information from web API, navigates to details, and adds native platform features.
Here is a full outline of the workshop:
- Part 0 - 30 Min Session - Introduction to .NET MAUI Session & Setup Help
- Part 1 - Single Page List of Data
- Part 2 - MVVM & Data Binding
- Part 3 - Navigation
- Part 4 - Implementing Platform Features
- Part 5 - CollectionView & Beyond
- Part 6 - Theming the app
There is a slide deck presentation for each part of the workshop alongside a full readme walkthrough of completing the exercise. I am super excited to release this and I am super open to feedback as well. I am presenting this at a few upcoming conferences and then plan to do a full recording on my YouTube!