0 to Advance of Java, Python & C, C++ : Part 3

Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul - Jun 4 '22 - - Dev Community

In C we have :

  • Header file to add: Firstly, you need to add a header file with a #include preprocessor . This header file includes all of the library needed for you. This basically ends with a .h or .H extension. generally, we use STDIO.H or stdio.h which means standard input & output. for example:
#include <stdfio.h>
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  • Main method: You need to declare a main method . Generally you set void as parameter for your main method for example,
<return type> main(void){
         <method body>
         return 0;
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Basically these 2 needs to be there to run a basic code. Although you need to know about printf() function, variables etc. to print your first code.
Here is a code:

#include <stdio.h> //header file
//Main method
int main(void){

    //Print function
    printf("Hello World!");
    return 0;
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Hello World!

Within the print function, you can generally print strings which remains within "".
For example

printf("Hello World!");
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This will show Hello World! as output.
But what about printing any number?

For that, we need to declare an integer variable. we generally declare it by this:

<datatype> vairable name;
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example: int var;

<datatype> vairable name= value;

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example: int var=5;

Now, you can put this in your code and print it using this:

    int var=5;
    printf("The value of var is: %d",var);
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So, what is this %d etc? %d is a format specifier. As var variable is an integer and %d represents integer . so, in the string "The value of var is: %d" ; in the position of %d , we will have a value of var. Why?
because we told it using a comma and the variable name

So, the whole code will be:

#include <stdio.h> //header file
//Main method
int main(void){

    int var=5;
    printf("The value of var is: %d",var);
    return 0;
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Output: The value of var is: 5

To take an input, you need to use scanf().Also, you need to use the format specifier and "&".
for example,

float var,
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Here we have taken a float input and stored it to "var" variable.
So, what is this "&" is for? Basically it means pointer. So, you take the input and save it to a location of a memory . "&var" indicates the pointer.

To use a comment, we need to use

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You need to have at least 1 main function to execute anything. Also, you need to add

  • Header file

  • Function prototype

  • Method return type, method name, parameter list etc.

/*Include header file*/
/*Include function prototypes*/
return-type function-name(parameter list){
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so, for example:

#include <stdio.h> /*Include header file*/

/*Include function prototypes*/
int result,a,b;

//Addition function
int Addition(int a, int b){
    printf("The summation of %d & %d is: %d",a,b,result);


//Main method
int main(void) {
    printf("What is the first value?");
    printf("What is the second value?");
    Addition(a,b);//Calling Addition function
    return 0;

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What is the first value?10
What is the second value?20
The summation of 10 & 20 is: 30
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_In Python: _

We don't need to worry that much .

We can print using print()
For example:

print("Any String here")
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F string:

print(f"{variable name} Normal String")
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For exmaple:

print(f"The value of the variable is: {var_0}")
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We can keep any string here and print them.

Let's print some integers using variables. This is going to be interesting.

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Now, the question is that, is 12 & 34 integers?
Let's check the type:

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<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
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So, the compiler guess it right .
Did you notice that , you did not even tell them that 12, 34 is integer? Python by itself predicted that.
Now, lets add them

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Output: 46
Let's change the var_1 value with a string


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Now, this is not going to work. Python is not going to assume var_2 as string and add them together.

But in Java, if you add String & integer, java would add them together making them string

public class test{
    //main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int var_2=34;


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So, this is a thing you need to know. To make them work in Python, you need to convert the var_2 value to a string.

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Now, it works fine . Fine right!
Notice that , you can add or divide or do anything within the print() . Generally, you can not do these in C. You need to use format specifier like %d etc. to express variables . But can not add within them.


To take an input, you need to use input() . Also, while taking the input value, you can print some string too

For example:

var_1=input("What is your first value?")
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What is your first value?13
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Is this 13 an integer?
Let's check it:

var_1=input("What is your first value?")
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What is your first value?13
<class 'str'>
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Why is this? Because we took input using input("") .So, we need to convert it to integer and then work with it.

var_1=int(input("What is your first value?"))
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What is your first value?12
<class 'int'>
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here, you can define a function in this format:

def <method name>(parameter names):
    #Function body
    return <something>

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Let's check an example:

var_1 = int(input("What is your first value?"))
var_2 = int(input("What is your second value?"))

# function method_1
def method_1(a, b):
    print(f"The summation of {a} & {b} is {a + b}")

# Calling method_1
method_1(var_1, var_2)
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What is your first value?14
What is your second value?56
The summation of 14 & 56 is 70
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We, can also use return here to solve this problem

var_1 = int(input("What is your first value?"))
var_2 = int(input("What is your second value?"))

# function method_1
def method_1(a, b):
    return (f"The summation of {a} & {b} is {a + b}")

# Calling method_1
print(method_1(var_1, var_2))
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What is your first value?14
What is your second value?56
The summation of 14 & 56 is 70
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