Linked List Part 1

Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul - Mar 23 '22 - - Dev Community

Lists are values that are non separated in memory and you can find them by index.

In memory :

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But Linked List is separated and linked to each other. You can find one find one node by the pointer.

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Big Oh(O)

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Under the hood

First assume from this list, we will learn about node 4 and then 7:
when we talk about node 4:

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In code it is :

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again, for node 7:

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Now need to work with the pointer sign. How to point to number 4?
Just have the block for number 4 within 7:

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Thus what really happens is that:

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and in code:

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See how this code can be:

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Here you can see that you need to create a node and thus we will create a class to create a node. So, creating class Node with a constructor init. This class will create value and next.

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Now we can work with Linkedlist class:
We will create node by Node(value) and set it as head.

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Also will set the tail to that node

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Then keeping the count of length:

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So, we have created our linked list constructor

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Now, calling a number 4 to creating a linked list:

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this will create this:

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Print the Linked List

You can print the Linked list by this code under any class.

#method under a class
def print_list(self):
    while temp != None:
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Appending something to the end of the list, we can first assume that we have a blank linked list and thus we need to have a value and make it both head and tail.

As the list is blank and thus it there is nothing and thus tail and head are pointed to None.
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Now, we have to make it :

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Thus the code should be

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If we already had a list that had 11,3,23,7 and need to have 4 to add to the end of the list,

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We would have done this:

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#Code for appending 
    def append(self,value):
         new_node=Node(value) #Node is a class
         if self.head is None: #case for empty linked List
             self.head=new_node #making the node head
             self.tail=new_node #making the node tail
         else: #case for already having a value
         return True #created for later use 

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Pop a value
Now we are going to make a list from this

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to this:

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In code it will be something from this :

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to this:

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To solve this code, we are going to have pre and temp and point it to the first node

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now , we are going to iterate through the list and is not None then we are going to set pre=temp ;

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and then if is not None we will set, then pre=temp

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we will just keep doing that till the point

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Now we are going to set tail to pre:

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and we will set to None to break the last node

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Again, temp was set to the last node and thus we will return that node and we are done!
We have successfully popped the node

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Let's code it:
assume that we have a empty list

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def pop(self):
    if self.length==0: #if the list is empty
        return None
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For more or equal 2 contents, we will code:

while( #this will pass if returns True or 
                  there is a node
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This will turn this :

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to this:

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This will work till this situation:

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Now we are going to set tail to pre:

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Now we are going to remove the last node and thus set to None .

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When we have 1 node in the list:

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Now after decrementing 1, we will set head and tail to None:

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Which turn things to:
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All Cases are solved, now we are going to return the temp. Thus the node will be popped.

#Code for popping
def pop(self):
    if self.length==0: #if the list is empty
        return None
    #for case having more than 2 nodes
    if self.length==0: #if the list had just one value , we will decrement the length and then set head and tail to None
    return temp

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