Docker series (Part 10) : Create your own Dockerfile and create a container from it

Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul - Jun 10 '22 - - Dev Community

In this blog, we are going to go through this process

We will create a file named Dockerfile and open it in terminal . We are using vim to edit it.

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1.First we will import node 18-alpine
You can see the latest version of node from here :

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So, lets import the node image and tag: 18-alpine . Alpine is a very light distribution.

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  1. We will expose port 3000 for this app. Assume it as an instruction

  2. Now, we will use alpine package manage to install

RUN apk add --uppdate tini
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We will also create directory to copy usr/src/app using

RUN mkdir -p usr/src/app
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and then go into it using

WORKDIR usr/src/app
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4.Node uses a package manager and thus we will create a package.json file and copy it to the package.json file.

Then we will install dependencies using

RUN npm install
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Also we will keep it small and clean thus

RUN npm cache clean
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or, in short use

RUN npm install && npm cache clean
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  1. We will then copy everything from the current node:18-alpine using
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  1. Now we need to start the container using 'tini -- node ./bin/www'

We will use the json format to add this

CMD ["tini","--","node","./bin/www"]
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Now, save this file and go to terminal. We will build the dockerfile using this command

docker build -t <random image name you wish> .
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"." is given to build it in the current directory

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We have got a bit problem
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What happened?

Lets see the images

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You may see an image with tag
As the problem occured, we faced this issue. We will solve this by making a simple change in our docker file

RUN npm install && npm cache clean --force
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We will force this line to be implemented and to clear our doubts, we will now create a new image with a new name called "testimage"

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This time it worked perfectly and added the latest tag.

Now, look at the images

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we can see our image on top with latest tag.

So, image is created! Congratulations!

Now, lets create a container using this image

docker container run -rm -p 80:3000 --name test_container testimage
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-rm is used when we want to stop the container till the moment we exit the container.

-p 80:3000 is used because it will run on 80 but listens from 3000 . Also, we exposed 3000 for that in our Dockerfile

We also have set a container name to our our container and used the image "testimage"

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Now go to your web browser and type "localhost", you can see this

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Go to your terminal and you will see this logs

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Now press control+ C to stop it .

Now lets put this image uploaded to our Dockerhub id with a new name

docker tag testimage <dockerhub username/new image name>
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Now, lets push it

docker push <docker hub username/image name>
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Go to your dockerhub and see the image there

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Congratulations! You have completed it

If you get stuck, you can see our final Dockerfile

From node:18-alpine


RUN apk add --update tini

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package.json package.json

RUN npm install && npm cache clean --force
COPY . .

CMD ["tini","--","node","./bin/www"]

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See you again

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