Mastering C# Fundamentals: Exploring Operators in C#

mohamed Tayel - Sep 23 - - Dev Community

Meta Description: Discover the essential operators in C# with clear, detailed examples. Learn how to perform arithmetic, make comparisons, use logical conditions, and much more to enhance your programming skills in an easy yet powerful way.

In C#, operators are symbols or keywords used to perform operations on variables and values. They are essential for performing calculations, making decisions, and manipulating data. In this article, we’ll break down the different types of operators, focusing on easy-to-understand examples with clear explanations.

1. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Operator Description Example
+ Adds two values a + b
- Subtracts one value from another a - b
* Multiplies two values a * b
/ Divides one value by another a / b
% Modulus - returns the remainder of a division a % b

Detailed Example:

Imagine you're a shopkeeper tracking the sales of items. You want to calculate the total price of two items, how much is left after a customer pays, and what remains if you try to split profits evenly.

int item1Price = 30;  // Price of first item
int item2Price = 20;  // Price of second item
int totalPrice = item1Price + item2Price;  // Total price = 50

// The customer pays 100, let's find the change
int payment = 100;
int change = payment - totalPrice;  // Change = 50

// Divide the total price by 2 to split it evenly
int half = totalPrice / 2;  // Half = 25

// Find the remainder when trying to divide the price by 3
int remainder = totalPrice % 3;  // Remainder = 2
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Here, we’re using the operators to perform basic math:

  • We added item1Price and item2Price using +.
  • Subtracted to find the change with -.
  • Divided the total with / to split it evenly.
  • Used % to get the remainder.

2. Assignment Operators

Assignment operators assign values to variables. The most basic one is =, but we can also combine assignments with operations like += or -= to make our code simpler.

Operator Description Example
= Assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left a = b
+= Adds the value on the right to the variable and assigns the result a += 2
-= Subtracts the value on the right and assigns the result a -= 2
*= Multiplies the variable by the value and assigns the result a *= 2
/= Divides the variable by the value and assigns the result a /= 2

Detailed Example:

Imagine a point system in a game where you update the player’s score based on actions.

int score = 100;  // Initial score
score += 50;  // Player earns 50 points, score is now 150
score -= 30;  // Player loses 30 points, score is now 120
score *= 2;   // Score is doubled, now 240
score /= 3;   // Divide score by 3, now 80
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  • score += 50 is shorthand for score = score + 50.
  • score -= 30 means subtract 30 from the score.
  • score *= 2 doubles the score.
  • score /= 3 divides the score by 3.


C# operators help simplify complex logic and calculations, providing essential tools for working with data. Whether it's performing arithmetic, comparing values, or combining conditions, operators make it easy to manage and manipulate information. By breaking down these concepts into detailed and easy-to-understand examples

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