Mastering C# Fundamentals: Passing Parameters By Value vs. By Reference

mohamed Tayel - Sep 29 - - Dev Community

Meta Description: Learn the difference between passing parameters by value and by reference in C#. Understand how to use the ref keyword to modify original values and control data flow between methods with practical examples


In C#, you can pass parameters to methods in two ways: by value and by reference. By default, C# passes parameters by value, meaning that the method works with a copy of the provided argument. However, you can also explicitly pass parameters by reference using the ref keyword. This distinction has important implications for how values are modified and maintained in your application. Let's explore these two options in detail.

Passing Parameters by Value

The default way to pass parameters in C# is by value. When you pass a value type (such as int, float, etc.) to a method, a copy of the value is created, and the method works with that copy. This means that any changes made within the method do not affect the original value in the caller.

Example: Passing by Value

Consider a simple method that adds two numbers:

public void AddTwoNumbers(int a, int b)
    a += 10;  // Modify the value of 'a'
    b += 10;  // Modify the value of 'b'
    Console.WriteLine($"Inside method - a: {a}, b: {b}");

// Calling code
int a = 33;
int b = 44;
Console.WriteLine($"Before method call - a: {a}, b: {b}");
AddTwoNumbers(a, b);
Console.WriteLine($"After method call - a: {a}, b: {b}");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Before method call - a: 33, b: 44
Inside method - a: 43, b: 54
After method call - a: 33, b: 44
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Copy of Value: When a and b are passed to AddTwoNumbers, the method receives a copy of their values. Changes made to a and b inside the method do not affect the original values.
  • Isolation: This isolation helps ensure that the caller's values remain unchanged unless explicitly intended.

Passing Parameters by Reference (ref Keyword)

Sometimes, you may want the method to modify the original value. In such cases, you use the ref keyword to pass a parameter by reference. This way, the method works with the original value, and any modifications made within the method are reflected back in the caller.

Example: Passing by Reference

To pass a parameter by reference, you need to use the ref keyword in both the method signature and the caller.

public void AddTenByRef(ref int a)
    a += 10;  // Modify the value directly, affecting the caller's variable
    Console.WriteLine($"Inside method - a: {a}");

// Calling code
int a = 33;
Console.WriteLine($"Before method call - a: {a}");
AddTenByRef(ref a);
Console.WriteLine($"After method call - a: {a}");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Before method call - a: 33
Inside method - a: 43
After method call - a: 43
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Reference to Original: The AddTenByRef method takes a by reference. This means the method has access to the original variable.
  • Change Propagates: When the value of a is modified in the method, it also changes the value in the caller because the method works with the original reference.

Combining By Value and By Reference

You can mix parameters that are passed by value and by reference within the same method. For example, consider a situation where you have both a parameter that should remain unchanged and another that should be modified:

public void CalculateBonusAndBonusTax(int bonus, ref int bonusTax)
    // Double the bonus value
    bonus *= 2;

    // If bonus exceeds 200, apply a bonus tax
    if (bonus >= 200)
        bonusTax = bonus / 10;  // Calculate 10% tax
        bonus -= bonusTax;      // Deduct tax from bonus
    Console.WriteLine($"Inside method - bonus: {bonus}, bonusTax: {bonusTax}");

// Calling code
int minimumBonus = 100;
int bonusTax = 0;  // Initialize to 0
Console.WriteLine($"Before method call - minimumBonus: {minimumBonus}, bonusTax: {bonusTax}");
CalculateBonusAndBonusTax(minimumBonus, ref bonusTax);
Console.WriteLine($"After method call - minimumBonus: {minimumBonus}, bonusTax: {bonusTax}");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Before method call - minimumBonus: 100, bonusTax: 0
Inside method - bonus: 180, bonusTax: 20
After method call - minimumBonus: 100, bonusTax: 20
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • By Value (minimumBonus): The value of minimumBonus is passed by value, so the method works with a copy, and any changes do not affect the original.
  • By Reference (bonusTax): The value of bonusTax is passed by reference. The method modifies it directly, and the change is reflected back in the caller.

Important Considerations

  • Initialization Requirement: Parameters passed with the ref keyword must be initialized before they are passed to the method. This is because the method expects a valid reference to work with.
  • Use with Caution: Passing by reference can be powerful, but it should be used with caution, as it may lead to unintended side effects if not managed properly.


Passing parameters by value is the default behavior in C# and ensures that methods work with copies of data, keeping the caller’s values intact. Passing by reference, using the ref keyword, allows you to modify the original value directly. Understanding when to use each method is crucial for effective coding, as it impacts how your data is manipulated and the potential side effects on your application.


By understanding the differences between passing parameters by value and by reference, you can control how your methods interact with data and whether modifications should be limited to the method scope or propagated back to the caller. Properly using ref allows methods to work directly with the original values, but care should be taken to avoid unintended changes.
Absolutely! Here are some suggested assignments for the article on passing parameters by value and by reference:

Assignments: Passing Parameters in C#

Level 1: Easy

  1. Identify the Behavior:

    • Given a method MultiplyByTwo(int value), predict what happens to the variable passed to this method if value is modified inside the method. Explain why.
  2. Modify an Existing Example:

    • Use the AddTwoNumbers method from the article, and modify it to add 20 instead of 10 to the variables. Verify if the original variables (a and b) are affected after the method call.

Level 2: Medium

  1. Using ref Keyword:

    • Create a method SubtractFive(ref int value). Use it in a main program to subtract 5 from a number by passing it by reference. Print the value before and after calling the method to verify how the value has changed.
  2. Combine Value and Reference Parameters:

    • Write a method called CalculateDiscount(int price, ref int discount). Let the discount be updated based on some condition (e.g., if the price is greater than 100). Test this method by passing different prices and observe how the discount changes.

Level 3: Difficult

  1. Complex Object Manipulation with ref:

    • Create a class Product with properties Name, Price, and Quantity. Write a method UpdateProductPrice(ref Product product, int newPrice) that updates the price of the product. Instantiate a Product object and use the method to change its price. Print the details before and after to show how passing by reference affects the object.
  2. Design a Calculation Method:

    • Design a method called CalculateFinalSalary(int baseSalary, ref int bonus, ref int tax). The method should:
      • Double the bonus if the base salary is above 5000.
      • Calculate tax as 15% of (baseSalary + bonus).
      • Return the final salary after deducting tax.
    • Test this method with different baseSalary values, initializing bonus and tax to zero before calling the method. Explain how the use of ref impacts the values of bonus and tax.

These assignments are progressively designed to deepen understanding, starting from basic examples of by-value and by-reference behavior, leading to more complex applications involving custom classes and calculations.

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