Mastering C# Fundamentals: the `out` Keyword

mohamed Tayel - Sep 29 - - Dev Community


In C#, both the ref and out keywords are used to pass parameters by reference, allowing methods to modify the original value of the arguments. While they have similarities, they also have key differences. This article will explain what the out keyword is, how it works, and when to use it, with practical examples and exercises for different levels.

What is the out Keyword?

The out keyword allows passing parameters by reference in C#. Unlike the ref keyword, the out keyword doesn't require the argument to be initialized before passing it to a method. However, the method must assign a value to the out parameter before it exits. This characteristic makes out particularly useful when a method needs to return multiple values.

ref vs. out
  • Initialization Requirement:
    • ref: The argument must be initialized before passing it to the method.
    • out: The argument doesn’t need to be initialized before being passed to the method.
  • Common Use Cases:
    • ref: Used when you want to pass an existing variable and modify its value within the method.
    • out: Useful for methods that need to return multiple values to the caller, allowing more flexible output handling.

How the out Keyword Works: An Example

Let’s look at a simple example of how the out keyword can be used. Below, we have a method called CalculateBonusAndBonusTax, which calculates a bonus amount and its tax and returns both values using the out keyword.

public void CalculateBonusAndBonusTax(int salary, out int bonus, out int bonusTax)
    bonus = salary / 10; // Calculate 10% of the salary as a bonus
    bonusTax = bonus / 5; // Assume 20% of the bonus is taxed
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In the caller, we don’t need to initialize bonus or bonusTax before passing them to the method:

int bonus, bonusTax;
CalculateBonusAndBonusTax(5000, out bonus, out bonusTax);
Console.WriteLine($"Bonus: {bonus}, Bonus Tax: {bonusTax}");
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Here, the values of bonus and bonusTax are calculated and set within the method, and the updated values are available to the caller after the method executes.

Assignments to Practice with the out Keyword

Easy Assignment: Returning Multiple Values

Create a method called SplitFullName that takes a full name as input and uses out parameters to return the first name and last name separately.

  • Method Signature: void SplitFullName(string fullName, out string firstName, out string lastName)
  • Task: Call the method with different full names and print the first name and last name separately.
Medium Assignment: Calculating Rectangle Properties

Write a method called CalculateRectangleProperties that takes the length and width of a rectangle as inputs and calculates the perimeter and area using out parameters.

  • Method Signature: void CalculateRectangleProperties(int length, int width, out int perimeter, out int area)
  • Task: Call the method to calculate the perimeter and area for various rectangle dimensions and display the results.
Difficult Assignment: Parsing Multiple Data Types

Create a method called ParseStringData that takes a string input and uses out parameters to parse the string into an integer, a double, and a boolean value if possible. If parsing fails for any type, assign default values.

  • Method Signature: void ParseStringData(string input, out int intValue, out double doubleValue, out bool boolValue)
  • Task:
    • Handle different input strings that contain integer, double, or boolean values, and use the out parameters to get the parsed values.
    • Print out the successfully parsed values and defaults for failed conversions.


The out keyword in C# is a powerful feature that allows for more flexibility when returning multiple values from a method. Unlike ref, it does not require variables to be initialized before use, making it suitable for situations where the method needs to output multiple results. Practice with the assignments provided to better understand how and when to use the out keyword effectively.

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