50 + 50 Basic Linux Commands (100 Total)

raddevus - Jul 12 - - Dev Community
  1. ls - List directory contents.
  2. cd - Change the current directory.
  3. pwd - Print the current working directory.
  4. mkdir - Create a new directory.
  5. rmdir - Remove an empty directory.
  6. rm - Remove files or directories.
  7. cp - Copy files or directories.
  8. mv - Move or rename files or directories.
  9. touch - Create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.
  10. cat - Concatenate and display file content.
  11. more - View file content one screen at a time.
  12. less - View file content with backward movement.
  13. head - Display the first few lines of a file.
  14. tail - Display the last few lines of a file.
  15. echo - Display a line of text.
  16. man - Display the manual for a command.
  17. info - Display command information.
  18. which - Locate a command.
  19. whereis - Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.
  20. find - Search for files in a directory hierarchy.
  21. grep - Search text using patterns.
  22. sed - Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
  23. awk - Pattern scanning and processing language.
  24. sort - Sort lines of text files.
  25. uniq - Report or omit repeated lines.
  26. diff - Compare files line by line.
  27. cmp - Compare two files byte by byte.
  28. comm - Compare two sorted files line by line.
  29. wc - Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file.
  30. cut - Remove sections from each line of files.
  31. paste - Merge lines of files.
  32. tr - Translate or delete characters.
  33. split - Split a file into pieces.
  34. join - Join lines of two files on a common field.
  35. tee - Read from standard input and write to standard output and files.
  36. xargs - Build and execute command lines from standard input.
  37. chmod - Change file modes or Access Control Lists.
  38. chown - Change file owner and group.
  39. chgrp - Change group ownership.
  40. ln - Create hard and symbolic links.
  41. df - Report file system disk space usage.
  42. du - Estimate file space usage.
  43. mount - Mount a file system.
  44. umount - Unmount file systems.
  45. fsck - File system consistency check and repair.
  46. mkfs - Build a Linux file system.
  47. mkswap - Set up a Linux swap area.
  48. swapon - Enable devices and files for paging and swapping.
  49. swapoff - Disable devices and files for paging and swapping.
  50. free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
  51. top - Display Linux tasks.
  52. htop - Interactive process viewer.
  53. ps - Report a snapshot of current processes.
  54. kill - Send a signal to a process.
  55. pkill - Send a signal to processes based on name and other attributes.
  56. killall - Kill processes by name.
  57. bg - Resume a suspended job in the background.
  58. fg - Bring a job to the foreground.
  59. jobs - List active jobs.
  60. nohup - Run a command immune to hangups.
  61. screen - Terminal multiplexer.
  62. tmux - Terminal multiplexer.
  63. ssh - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program).
  64. scp - Secure copy (remote file copy program).
  65. rsync - Remote file and directory synchronization.
  66. wget - Non-interactive network downloader.
  67. curl - Transfer data from or to a server.
  68. ping - Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
  69. traceroute - Print the route packets take to the network host.
  70. netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
  71. ss - Another utility to investigate sockets.
  72. ip - Show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.
  73. ifconfig - Configure a network interface.
  74. iwconfig - Configure wireless network interfaces.
  75. nmcli - Command-line client for NetworkManager.
  76. systemctl - Examine and control the systemd system and service manager.
  77. service - Run a System V init script.
  78. init - System V-style initialization.
  79. shutdown - Halt, power-off, or reboot the machine.
  80. reboot - Reboot the system.
  81. halt - Halt the system.
  82. poweroff - Power off the system.
  83. crontab - Schedule periodic background jobs.
  84. at - Schedule commands to run at a particular time.
  85. uptime - Tell how long the system has been running.
  86. dmesg - Print or control the kernel ring buffer.
  87. uname - Print system information.
  88. lsb_release - Print distribution-specific information.
  89. hostname - Show or set the system’s host name.
  90. date - Display or set the system date and time.
  91. cal - Display a calendar.
  92. bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language.
  93. dc - An arbitrary precision calculator.
  94. dd - Convert and copy a file.
  95. tar - Archive files.
  96. gzip - Compress files.
  97. gunzip - Decompress files.
  98. bzip2 - Compress files.
  99. bunzip2 - Decompress files.
  100. zip - Package and compress files.

I hope you find this list helpful! If you have any questions or need further details about any of these commands, feel free to ask.

Yes, this was written with the following prompt to Copilot
"Please write an article that consistents solely of 100 linux commands and what they do"

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