The Regular Expression (RegEx) Cheat Sheet you always wanted

Tapajyoti Bose - Aug 14 '22 - - Dev Community

I get it even though Regex is incredibly useful, it is extremely hard to master! This is a cheat sheet that provides the most common RegEx use cases that will help you whenever need a sneak peek at the Regex syntax!


Characters Legend Example Sample Match
[abc], [a-c] Match the given characters/range of characters abc[abc] abca, abcb, abcc
[^abc], [^a-c] Negate and match the given characters/range of characters abc[^abc] abcd, abce, abc1, ...
. Any character except line break bc. bca, bcd, bc1, b., ...
\d Any numeric character (equivalent to [0-9]) c\d c1, c2, c3 ...
\D Any non-numeric character (equivalent to [^0-9]) c\D ca, c., c* ...
\w Any alphanumeric character (equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]) a\w aa, a1, a_ ...
\W Any non-alphanumeric character (equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]) a\W a), a$, a? ...
\s Usually used for white space, but can be used for new line, tab, etc a\s a
\S Not a white space or equivalent like new line, tab, etc a\S aa
\t Matches a horizontal tab T\tab T ab
\r Matches a carriage return AB\r\nCD AB
\n Matches a linefeed AB\r\nCD AB
\ Escapes special characters \d 0, 1, ...
x|y Matches either "x" or "y" a|b a, b


Characters Legend Example Sample Match
^ Start of string or start of line depending on multiline mode ^abc.* abc, abd, abcd, ...
$ End of string or start of line depending on multiline mode .*xyz$ xyz, wxyz, abcdxyz, ...
\b Matches a word character is not followed by another word-character My.*\bpie My apple pie, ...
\B Matches a non-word boundary c.*\Bcat copycat, ...
x(?=y) Lookahead assertion: Matches "x" only if "x" is followed by "y" \d+(?=€) $1 = 0.98€, ...
x(?!y) Negative Lookahead assertion: Matches "x" only if "x" is followed not by "y" \d+\b(?!€) $1 = 0.98€ , ...
(?<=y)x Lookbehind assertion: Matches "x" only if "x" is preceded by "y" (?<=\d)\d $1 = 0.9*8*€, ...
(?<!y)x Negative Lookbehind assertion: Matches "x" only if "x" is not preceded by "y" (?<!\d)\d $1 = 0.98€, ...


Characters Legend Example Sample Match
(x) Capturing group: Matches x and remembers the match A(nt|pple) Ant (remembers "nt")
(?<name>x) Capturing group: Matches x and stores it in the mentioned variable A(?<m>nt|pple) Ant (m = "nt")
(?:name>x) Non-capturing group: Matches x and does not remember the match A(?:nt|pple) Ant
\n Back reference to the last substring matching the n parenthetical (\d)+(\d)=\2+\1 5+6=6+5


Characters Legend Example Sample Match
x* Matches the preceding item "x" 0 or more times a* a, aa, aaa, ...
x+ Matches the preceding item "x" 1 or more times, equivalent to {1,} a+ aa, aaa, aaaa, ...
x? Matches the preceding item "x" 0 or 1 time ab? a, ab
x{n} Matches the preceding item "x" n times (n = positive integer) ab{5}c abbbbbc
x{n,} Matches the preceding item "x" at least n times (n = positive integer) ab{2,}c abbc, abbbc, abbbbc, ...
x{n,m} Matches the preceding item "x" at least n times & at most m times (n<m) ab{2,3}c abbc, abbbc


By default quantifiers are greedy (they try to match as much of the string as possible). The ? character after the quantifier makes the quantifier non-greedy (it will stop as soon as it finds a match).

For Example: \d+? for a test string 12345 will match only 1, but \d+ will match the entire string 12345


Flags are put at the end of the regular expression. They are used to modify how the regular expression behaves.

For Example: /a/ for a test string a will match a only, but adding the flag i (/a/i) would match both a and A

Characters Legend
d Generate indices for substring matches
g Global search
i Case-insensitive search
m Multi-line search
s Allows . to match newline characters
u Treats a pattern as a sequence of Unicode code points
y Perform a sticky search that matches starting at the current position in the target string

That's all folks!

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