API integration with Stripe.js

Syed Muhammad Ali Raza - Dec 1 '23 - - Dev Community

Understanding Stripe.js

Stripe.js is designed to simplify the payment process by collecting and tagging card details. This process involves converting confidential information into a unique identifier (token) that can be sent securely to your server without revealing it. By including Stripe.js, you increase the security of your payment transactions because sensitive data never directly touches your server.

Let's go through the steps required to integrate Stripe.js into your web application:

1. Set up a stripe account

Before going through the integration process, you need to sign up for a Stripe account. Go to the Stripe website and follow the registration process. Once you're signed in, you'll have access to the API keys needed to communicate between the server and your Stripe.

2. Add Stripe.js library

To get started with Stripe.js, add the library to your HTML file by adding the following script tags:

<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"> </script>
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This script tag takes the latest version of Stripe.js and makes its functionality available to your website.

3. Make a payment form

Create a simple payment form where users can enter their card details. Make sure you are compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) by never using or storing sensitive data on your server.

<id form="payment form">
  <div id="card-element"></div>
  <button id="sub-button">Pay Now</button>
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4. Run Stripe.js and install elements

In your JavaScript file, start Stripe.js with your open key and configure the required elements.

var strip = Strip ( 'printable key' );
var element = strip.element();

var cardElement = elements.create('card');
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Replace "Printable key" with your actual key, which you can find in your Stripe control panel.

5. Handle Submission form

Attach an event listener to your form to submit the form. When the user clicks the "Pay Now" button, it prevents the default form submission and starts the payment process.

var form = document.getElementById('payment form');

form.addEventListener( 'send' , function ( event ) {
  default event.preventDe();

  stripe.createToken(cardElement).then(function(result) {
    if ( result . error ) {
      // handle errors (eg show an error message to the user)
    } else {
      // Send the token to your server for processing
      // result.token contains the token for payment
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6. Payment process on server

Use the received token to make a charge on your server or save it for later use. This step involves communicating with the Stripe API using your private key.

const band = request ( 'band' ) ( 'your secret' );

  amount: 1000, // amount in cents
  currency: 'usd',
  source: 'token_from_client',
  description: 'Payment for your product or service';
}, function (error, payload) {
  // Handle the response payload (for example, send a confirmation to the user)
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Make sure you replace your "secret key" with your real secret key.

7. Handle Responses

Update your client code to handle responses from your server, such as displaying a confirmation message to the user.

// Inside string.createToken() promise
if ( result . error ) {
  // handle errors (eg show an error message to the user)
} else {
  // Send the token to your server for processing
  take ( '/charge' , {
    Method: 'POST',
    header: {
      'ContentType': 'program/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({token:result.token.id}),
  .then (response => response.json())
  .continue (data => {
    // Handle server response (eg show success message)
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The results

Integrating Stripe.js into your web application simplifies and secures the payment process, providing a seamless experience for users. By following these steps, you can harness the power of Stripe to easily manage online transactions while ensuring the safety and convenience of your customers. While we celebrate Stripe.js and its role in revolutionizing online payments, it promises more innovation in the financial technology industry in the future. Happy reunion!

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