Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) in Frontend Development

Syed Muhammad Ali Raza - Jun 18 - - Dev Community

Data consistency in distributed systems is a challenging task in today's advanced development environment. As web applications increasingly adopt real-time collaboration characteristics, the need for reliable data synchronization mechanisms is critical. The conflict-free replica data type (CRDT) appears as a promising solution, enabling seamless and conflict-free data replication between multiple clients. This article explores the nature, types, and applications of CRDT in external development.

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What is CRDT?

CRDTs, or contention-free replication data types, are data structures designed to manage the complexity of distributed systems by providing end-to-end consistency without requiring coordination between nodes. Unlike traditional approaches that rely on centralized servers or complex conflict resolution protocols, CRDT allows each replica to apply updates independently and resolve conflicts automatically based on predefined rules.

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The main principles of CRDT are:

  1. Idempotence: The procedure can be used several times without changing the result other than the initial program.
  2. Commutativity: The operation can be used in any order and still produce the same result.
  3. Associativity: The operation group does not affect the final result.

This principle allows maintaining consistency between distributed nodes, even in the case of system fragments or asynchronous updates.

Types of CRDTs

CRDT can be broadly divided into two types: condition-based (convergent) and application-based (commutative).

  1. State-based CRDTs (CvRDTs):

In state-based CRDTs, each replica maintains a local state that can be combined with the states of other replicas. Fusion is designed to be practical, cohesive, and seamless. An example of a state-based CRDT is a Grow-Only Counter, where counters from different copies are merged.

  1. ""Operation-based CRDTs (CmRDTs)"":

Each step is designed to ensure that the workflow does not affect the final state. A common example is a set of Additions, where additions and deletions are resolved by assigning values ​​to the additions.

Use of CRDTs in front-end development

CRDTs have found important applications in future development, especially in real-time collaborative applications, offline-first applications, and decentralized applications.

  1. Real-time collaboration apps:

Apps like Google Docs and Figma rely on real-time collaboration, where multiple users can edit the same document at the same time. By using CRDTs, this application ensures seamless deployment and integration between all users, even when offline.

  1. Offline-first application:

In scenarios where users may experience remote communication, offline-first application becomes crucial. CRDTs allow these applications to continue to run offline, allowing users to make local changes and automatically sync those changes once connectivity is restored.

  1. Decentralized Applications: With the proliferation of decentralized web (Web3) and peer-to-peer applications, it is difficult to maintain data consistency without a centralized authority. CRDT provides a way to achieve consensus and data consistency across distributed nodes, making it ideal for decentralized applications.

Implementation of CRDTs in front-end development

Applying CRDTs in front-end development includes choosing the appropriate CRDT type based on application requirements and integrating it with the front-end. Libraries and frameworks such as Automerge, Yjs, and Logotip provide a ready-to-use CRDT process, simplifying the development process.

For example, enabling Automerge in React to edit text together includes:

  1. Initialization:

Automatically set the status of the initial document.

  1. Updates and Sync:

Apply changes and sync with other clients using the Automerge API.

  1. Rendering:

Rendering the state of the document in the meta component.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import * as Automerge from 'automerge';
import { WebSocketProvider } from 'y-websocket';

const CollaborativeEditor = () => {
  const [doc, setDoc] = useState(() => Automerge.init());
  const [text, setText] = useState("");

  useEffect(() => {
    const wsProvider = new WebSocketProvider('wss://your-websocket-server');
    wsProvider.on('document-update', (update) => {
      setDoc(Automerge.applyChanges(doc, update));
    return () => wsProvider.disconnect();
  }, [doc]);

  const handleChange = (e) => {
    const newText =;
    const newDoc = Automerge.change(doc, doc => {
      doc.text = newText;

  return <textarea value={text} onChange={handleChange} />;

export default CollaborativeEditor;

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