Building a weather app with Next.js

Syed Muhammad Ali Raza - Jul 12 '23 - - Dev Community

Building a weather app with Next.js: A step-by-step implementation guide


The popular React Next.js framework offers powerful server-side rendering (SSR) capabilities and seamless integration with React components. In this article, Next.js. We will provide a step-by-step implementation guide for building a weather application using . We'll walk through the required setup, data collection, UI development, and deployment process, along with pseudocode to help you understand the logic behind each step.

Step 1: Build the Next.js project:

Install Next.js globally or use npx to create a new Next.js project.

npx create-next-app weather-app

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Step 2: Create Pages and Components:

Create a file named index.js inside the page directory. This file will be the home page of the weather app.
If necessary, create additional pages for weather conditions or forecasts.
Create a components directory and create reusable React components for your weather app.

Step 3: Get weather data:

Choose a weather data provider API like OpenWeatherMap.
Implement a function to get weather information using the selected API.

function fetchWeatherData(location) {


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Step 4: Use Server Side Rendering (SSR):

In the weather application page component (pages/index.js), use the getServerSideProps function to get the weather information when the server side is displayed.

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const weatherData = await fetchWeatherData(context.query.location);
  return {
    props: {

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Step 5: Build the user interface:

Use it to build intuitive user interfaces using React components using received weather data propositions.
Display weather information, including temperature, weather conditions, and other relevant information.

Step 6: Style and Upgrade the Program:

Style your weather app using a CSS framework like Tailwind CSS or style components.
Improve the functionality of the application by adding interactive elements such as section switches (Celsius/Fahrenheit) or buttons to move between different areas.

Step 7: Install the Weather app:

Choose a hosting platform like Vercel, Netlify, or AWS Amplify for hosting.Follow the platform-specific deployment instructions to deploy your Next.js weather application.

Pseudo code:

// Step 3: Fetch Weather Data
function fetchWeatherData(location) {
  // Make an API call to fetch weather data for the given location
  // Return the response as JSON

// Step 4: Use Server-Side Rendering
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const weatherData = await fetchWeatherData(context.query.location);
  return {
    props: {

function WeatherApp({ weatherData }) {
  return (
      {/* Display weather information */}
      <p>Temperature: {weatherData.temperature}</p>
      <p>Conditions: {weatherData.conditions}</p>
      {/* Additional UI components */}

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Step 7: Deploy the Weather App

Last Step Deploy Weather App on different websites.

The results:

By following this step-by-step guide, you can create a weather application using Next.js and take advantage of server-side features to improve data retrieval and user experience. The pseudocode provided provides a high-level understanding of the logic behind each step. Take advantage of the powerful features of Next.js and build your weather app today.

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