
UTSOURCE - Sep 6 - - Dev Community

DIY Electronic Project: Building a Digital Voltmeter with the 71017AB
In the world of DIY electronics, creating measurement tools can be both fun and educational. One such project is building a digital voltmeter, which allows you to measure voltage accurately and display it digitally. The 71017AB is a versatile and popular component for this purpose, offering a straightforward way to build a reliable voltmeter. This article will guide you through constructing a basic digital voltmeter using the 71017AB integrated circuit (IC).

What is the 71017AB?
The 71017AB is a 3.5-digit digital voltmeter IC designed by Intersil. It features a 3.5-digit LED display with a maximum reading of 1999, making it ideal for measuring and displaying DC voltages. The IC includes an integrated A/D (analog-to-digital) converter, allowing for direct conversion of analog voltage to a digital readout. This makes it a convenient choice for DIY projects involving voltage measurement.

Components and Tools Needed
For this project, you'll need the following components and tools:

71017AB IC – The core of the voltmeter circuit.
3.5-Digit LED Display – To show the voltage readings.
Resistors (various values) – For calibration and current limiting.
Capacitors (various values) – For stabilization and filtering.
Potentiometer (10kΩ) – For adjusting the reference voltage.
Voltage Reference Source – For calibration purposes.
Breadboard and Jumper Wires – For prototyping.
Power Supply – Typically 5V DC.
Soldering Kit – For final assembly if not using a breadboard.
Building the Circuit
Prepare the Breadboard: Place the 71017AB IC and the 3.5-digit LED display on the breadboard. Ensure there is enough space for all the connections and components.

Power the Circuit: Connect the V+ (pin 1) of the 71017AB to a +5V power supply and GND (pin 2) to ground. Add a 100nF capacitor between V+ and GND to filter any power supply noise.

Connect the LED Display: Wire the LED display pins to the corresponding output pins of the 71017AB. Refer to the datasheet for pin assignments to ensure correct connections.

Set Up the Reference Voltage: Connect a potentiometer (10kΩ) between the reference voltage input pin (Vref) and ground. Adjusting this potentiometer will help calibrate the voltmeter.

Connect Input Voltage: The analog voltage to be measured should be connected to the input pins of the 71017AB. Ensure that the input voltage is within the acceptable range specified by the datasheet.

Add Calibration Components: Connect resistors and capacitors as needed to stabilize and calibrate the input and reference circuits. Use a known voltage reference source to fine-tune the accuracy of your voltmeter.

Testing and Calibration
Power Up the Circuit: Connect your power supply and observe the LED display. It should show a digital readout corresponding to the input voltage.

Calibrate the Voltmeter: Use the reference voltage source to calibrate the voltmeter. Adjust the potentiometer to match the displayed voltage with the known reference value. Fine-tune as necessary to ensure accuracy.

Verify Operation: Test the voltmeter with different known voltages to ensure it reads accurately across its range. Make adjustments if there are discrepancies.

Building a digital voltmeter with the 71017AB is an excellent DIY electronics project that offers practical insights into voltage measurement and digital display technology. This project not only enhances your understanding of analog-to-digital conversion but also provides you with a useful tool for future electronics experiments. By carefully assembling and calibrating your voltmeter, you’ll gain valuable hands-on experience and create a reliable device for measuring voltages. Gather your components, set up your breadboard, and enjoy the satisfaction of constructing your own digital voltmeter with the 71017AB!

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