Stunning Pendulum Animation Crafted with HTML+CSS: A CodeParrot VS Code Extension Masterpiece

soniyakaramchandani42510 - Feb 17 - - Dev Community

This pendulum animation, designed with HTML and CSS, showcases the elegance of pure CSS animations and the versatility of HTML for creating visually appealing web components. Crafted using the CodeParrot VS Code extension

HTML Structure:

  • The .base class creates a central container for the pendulum.

  • Inside .base, there are several elements: .holder for the attachment point of the pendulum, .thread for the string or rod of the pendulum, which contains .knob at the top and .pendulum at the bottom as the weight, and finally, .shadow to simulate the pendulum's shadow.

CSS Styling:

  • Global styles reset (*) ensure consistent styling by setting margin, padding, and box-sizing to their base values.
  • The .base class styles the main container, setting its width and creating a top border to simulate the ceiling or support structure.

  • .holder is styled to look like the fixture from which the pendulum hangs.

  • .thread represents the pendulum's string, with its movement animated by keyframes.

  • .knob and .pendulum are styled to represent the top attachment and the bottom weight of the pendulum, respectively, with specific shapes and colors.

  • .shadow is styled to mimic the moving shadow of the swinging pendulum, enhancing the realism of the animation.

CSS Animations:

  • moveIt Animation: Applies to the .thread to create a swinging effect. The keyframes rotate the element from one side to the other, simulating the pendulum's motion.
  • moveShade Animation: Targets the .shadow, simulating the movement of the pendulum's shadow across the floor. This animation alternates and loops infinitely, matching the pendulum's swing with horizontal movement and blur effects.

The use of border-radius, gradients, and subtle border styling on the pendulum and knob adds depth and a more realistic appearance.
The shadow's animation includes scaling and blurring effects to mimic the changing perspective and focus as the pendulum swings.

This pendulum animation is not just a demonstration of HTML and CSS capabilities but also highlights the practicality of using the CodeParrot VS Code extension for web development. The extension's efficiency and developer-friendly features streamline the coding process, allowing for the creation of intricate animations and designs with ease.
Image description

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