What the Hell is Closure in JavaScript?

Royal Jain - Feb 27 - - Dev Community

You might have heard the term "closure" tossed around in JavaScript conversations and tutorials, but what the hell is it really?

What is a Closure?

In the simplest terms, a closure is a function that remembers the variables from the place where it was defined, regardless of where it is executed later. Let's break it down with an example:

function outerFunction() {
    let outerVariable = 'I am outside!';

    function innerFunction() {

    return innerFunction;

const myInnerFunction = outerFunction();
myInnerFunction(); // Outputs: 'I am outside!'
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In this example, innerFunction is a closure. Why? Because it is a function defined within another function (outerFunction) and it has access to the variables of the outerFunction scope (in this case, outerVariable) even after outerFunction has finished executing.

When outerFunction gets called, it defines outerVariable, defines innerFunction, and then returns innerFunction. Even though outerFunction has completed execution and outerVariable would theoretically be out of scope and garbage collected, innerFunction still has access to outerVariable.

Why are Closures Useful?

Data Encapsulation:

You can use closures to create private variables and methods. This can be particularly useful in the modular design of your code.

function createCounter() {
    let count = 0;
    return {
        increment: function() {
            return count;
        decrement: function() {
            return count;

const counter = createCounter();
console.log(counter.increment()); // 1
console.log(counter.increment()); // 2
console.log(counter.decrement()); // 1
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In this example, count acts as a private variable. It's accessible only to the increment and decrement functions but not from the outside world.

Maintaining State

In JavaScript, closures are often used to maintain state in asynchronous operations, event handlers, and more.

function setupAlertTimeout() {
    var message = 'Message after 3 seconds';
    setTimeout(function alertMessage() {
    }, 3000);

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Here, the alertMessage function maintains access to the message variable even after setupAlertTimeout has finished executing.


Closures allow the use of currying, which is a technique of evaluating functions with multiple arguments into sequences of functions with a single argument.

function multiply(a) {
    return function(b) {
        return a * b;

const multiplyByTwo = multiply(2);
console.log(multiplyByTwo(4)); // 8
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In this case, multiplyByTwo is a closure that remembers the value of a (which is 2).

Try it out

Consider the following code snippet:

function outer() {
    var count = 0;
    return function inner() {
        return count;
var counter1 = outer();
var counter2 = outer();

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What will be the output of the above code and why?


In the provided code, two separate closures are created by calling outer() twice. Each closure maintains its own separate lexical environment, where the count variable is preserved between calls. Here's what happens step by step:

  1. var counter1 = outer(); creates the first closure. Inside this closure, count is initialized to 0.

  2. counter1() is called for the first time. This increments count to 1 inside the first closure and returns 1.

  3. counter1() is called again. This increments count to 2 inside the first closure and returns 2.

  4. var counter2 = outer(); creates the second closure. Inside this closure, a new, separate count is initialized to 0.

  5. counter2() is called for the first time. This increments the count in the second closure to 1 and returns 1.

  6. counter2() is called again. This increments the count in the second closure to 2 and returns 2. Therefore, the output of the code will be:

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A real world example

function showDelayedMessage(message, delay) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, delay);

showDelayedMessage('Hello after 3 seconds', 3000);
showDelayedMessage('Hello after 5 seconds', 5000);
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Writing a function like showDelayedMessage without leveraging closures would typically involve using global variables

var globalMessage; // Declare a global variable

function showDelayedMessageGlobal(message, delay) {
    globalMessage = message; // Assign the message to the global variable
    setTimeout(function() {
        globalMessage = null; // Clear the message after displaying it
    }, delay);

showDelayedMessageGlobal('Hello after 3 seconds', 3000);
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This examples illustrate that while you can avoid closures, doing so often leads to less desirable coding practices, such as global namespace pollution, especially when dealing with asynchronous events or encapsulating functionality. Closures provide a clean and effective way to encapsulate data with functions, which is why they are so widely used despite the alternative approaches available.

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