DSA: Array - interview preparation questions

Jayaprasanna Roddam - Oct 9 - - Dev Community

Hey all!
List of problems that would help you in developer interview prep.

 1. Array Basics here
·    Introduction to Arrays
·      Accessing Array Elements
·      Insertion and Deletion in Arrays
·      Traversal of Arrays
·      Static vs. Dynamic Arrays
 2. Searching and Sorting in Arrays
·      Linear Search
·      Binary Search
·      Bubble Sort
·      Selection Sort
·      Insertion Sort
·      Merge Sort
·      Quick Sort
·      Heap Sort
·      Counting Sort
·      Radix Sort
 3. Array Manipulation Techniques
·      Reverse an Array
·      Rotate an Array (Left and Right Rotations)
·      Prefix Sum and Suffix Sum Arrays
·      Kadane’s Algorithm (Maximum Subarray Sum)
·      Finding Missing Number in an Array
·      Two-Pointer Technique
·      Sliding Window Technique
·      Partitioning an Array (Dutch National Flag Problem)
·      Rearranging Positive and Negative Numbers
 4. Searching and Indexing in Arrays
·      Finding the First and Last Occurrence of an Element
·      Finding Majority Element (Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm)
·      Searching in a Rotated Sorted Array
·      Finding Peak Element
·      Finding Fixed Point (Index where A[i] = i)
·      Searching in 2D Arrays
 5. Optimization and Advanced Array Problems
·      Finding Subarray with Given Sum
·      Longest Consecutive Subsequence
·      Finding Duplicates in an Array
·      Merging Intervals
·      Finding Common Elements in Two Arrays
·      Maximum Product Subarray
·      Trapping Rainwater Problem
·      Maximum Profit from Stock Prices
·      Longest Increasing Subsequence
·      Subarray Sum Equals K
 6. Mathematical Problems on Arrays
·      Finding Pair with Given Sum (Hashing Approach)
·      Finding Triplets with Zero Sum
·      Three Sum Problem
·      Four Sum Problem
·      Product of Array Except for Self
·      Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array
·      Finding the Median of Two Sorted Arrays
·      XOR of All Elements in an Array
·      Majority Element in an Array (Using HashMap)
·      Smallest Missing Positive Integer

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