System design: Designing Scalable Systems

Jayaprasanna Roddam - Oct 7 - - Dev Community

When designing scalable systems, the goal is to ensure that your application can handle increased loads without degrading performance. Scalability is a key factor in building robust, high-performance systems, especially in modern distributed architectures like microservices or cloud-based applications. Let’s break down the core concepts of designing scalable systems with practical insights.

1. System Scaling Techniques (Vertical vs Horizontal Scaling)

Scaling systems can be done in two primary ways: vertical scaling and horizontal scaling. Each has its advantages and limitations.

Vertical Scaling (Scaling Up)

Vertical scaling involves increasing the capacity of a single server or system by adding more CPU, RAM, or storage. Essentially, you’re giving a single machine more power.

Let’s say you run a database on a server that has 8GB of RAM and 4 cores. Vertical scaling means upgrading that server to have 32GB of RAM and 16 cores.


  • Simplicity: No need to distribute data or logic across multiple machines.
  • Less complexity in terms of network or distributed coordination.


  • Hardware limits: You eventually hit a ceiling. There’s only so much CPU and memory you can add.
  • Single point of failure: If the single powerful machine fails, your entire system could go down.
  • Cost: High-performance machines can be very expensive.

Practical Scenario:
Imagine an online e-commerce application. Initially, the traffic is low, and you run the entire application (frontend, backend, and database) on one large server. To handle growing traffic, you add more RAM and CPU, making it a more powerful server. This works up to a certain point, but it’s not infinitely scalable.

Horizontal Scaling (Scaling Out)

Horizontal scaling involves adding more machines to your system. Instead of one powerful server, you distribute the load across multiple servers.

Suppose your web application is running on one server. When traffic increases, instead of upgrading that server, you add more servers to share the load. Each server runs a copy of the web application and is behind a load balancer.


  • Infinite scalability: You can theoretically keep adding machines indefinitely.
  • Fault tolerance: If one machine goes down, others can continue to handle traffic.
  • Cost-effective: Adding commodity hardware or cloud instances can be cheaper than scaling up a single machine.


  • Complexity: More machines mean you need to manage distributed data, consistency, and communication between them.
  • Load balancing: Ensuring that traffic is properly distributed across servers becomes essential.

Practical Scenario:
A streaming service like Netflix. It uses horizontal scaling to serve millions of users by distributing workloads across thousands of servers globally. Load balancers direct users to the appropriate server based on factors like geographic location or current load.

2. Stateless vs Stateful Services

Understanding whether your services should be stateless or stateful is crucial in designing scalable architectures.

Stateless Services

A stateless service doesn’t store any client-specific data between requests. Each request is independent, and any necessary state is passed in the request itself.

Imagine a RESTful API where each request is self-contained. The API processes the request and returns a response without needing to remember previous interactions.


  • Easier scaling: Since no session or user-specific state is stored on the server, you can route any request to any instance of the service. This is ideal for horizontal scaling.
  • Resilience: If a stateless service crashes, another instance can seamlessly take over since no session data is lost.

Practical Scenario:
A typical e-commerce website where the product listing service is stateless. Each time a user requests to view products, the server retrieves the list and sends it to the user. The server doesn’t need to remember previous requests.

Stateful Services

A stateful service, on the other hand, maintains session or user-specific data between requests. State must be stored on the server or in some centralized storage.

A game server where each player’s session is maintained, storing the current state of the game, the player’s position, and any in-game items they possess.


  • Necessary for certain applications like games, chats, or video calls, where the session state needs to be preserved.


  • Scaling: It’s harder to scale stateful services because you need to ensure the state is available to the correct instance. You often need session affinity (also known as sticky sessions) where requests from the same client go to the same server.

Practical Scenario:
Consider a chat application where users have ongoing conversations. Each user’s session (chat history, typing status) is maintained by the service. If you have multiple chat servers, the user should always be routed to the server holding their session.

3. Distributed Databases and Data Partitioning

As systems scale horizontally, managing data across multiple servers becomes crucial. Distributed databases and data partitioning techniques help handle large-scale data efficiently.

Distributed Databases

In distributed databases, data is stored across multiple nodes (servers) to improve performance, availability, and fault tolerance.

NoSQL databases like Cassandra or MongoDB are distributed by design. They partition data across multiple nodes and automatically replicate it to ensure high availability.


  • Scalability: You can easily add more nodes to handle increased data loads.
  • Fault tolerance: If one node goes down, the data is still available from other nodes.


  • Consistency: Ensuring data consistency across nodes can be difficult, especially in systems where real-time updates are critical (CAP theorem).
  • Latency: As data is spread across nodes, accessing it might require more network hops, increasing latency.

Practical Scenario:
Imagine a global social media platform like Facebook. User data is distributed across multiple data centers worldwide. If one data center goes down, another can take over. This is possible because of data replication across multiple nodes.

Data Partitioning (Sharding)

Partitioning, or sharding, is a technique where large datasets are split into smaller, more manageable parts (shards) distributed across multiple machines.

A database of users might be sharded by user ID. Users with IDs 1-1000 are stored in one shard, while users with IDs 1001-2000 are stored in another shard.


  • Scalability: Each shard can be stored on a separate machine, allowing the system to handle more data without overloading a single machine.
  • Performance: By dividing data across shards, each query only hits a specific subset of data, improving query performance.


  • Complexity: Sharding introduces complexity in querying and maintaining the data. You need to know which shard to query based on the partition key.
  • Re-sharding: If your data distribution changes (e.g., a certain shard becomes overloaded), re-sharding the data can be time-consuming and difficult.

4. Auto-scaling, Monitoring, and Capacity Planning

To build a truly scalable system, you need to plan for growth, monitor performance in real-time, and dynamically adjust the capacity based on the load.


Auto-scaling is the ability to automatically adjust the number of compute resources (e.g., servers or containers) based on traffic or load.

Cloud platforms like AWS offer auto-scaling services where instances (virtual servers) are added or removed dynamically based on the CPU usage or network traffic.


  • Cost-efficient: You only pay for the resources you actually need. When traffic spikes, the system adds more resources. When traffic decreases, those resources are scaled down.
  • Handling peak loads: During high traffic periods, auto-scaling ensures that your system can handle the load without manual intervention.

Practical Scenario:
An online ticketing system for concerts. When tickets for a major artist go on sale, traffic spikes, and the system automatically scales out, adding more servers to handle the demand. Once the rush is over, the extra servers are removed.


Real-time monitoring helps you keep track of your system’s health and performance. Key metrics include CPU usage, memory consumption, request latency, error rates, and traffic patterns.

Tools like Prometheus and Grafana can monitor various aspects of your system and trigger alerts when certain thresholds are reached.

Practical Scenario:
A live streaming service like Twitch. Monitoring tools track the performance of each streaming node and alert the operations team if certain nodes start experiencing high latency or if they drop too many video frames.

Capacity Planning

Capacity planning involves estimating future resource needs based on expected growth. It helps you ensure your system can handle future loads without degradation in performance.

Practical Example:
For an e-commerce platform, you might analyze historical traffic data and predict how much server capacity will be needed during peak shopping seasons, like holiday sales.


Designing scalable systems requires a thorough understanding of different scaling techniques, stateless vs stateful services, data partitioning strategies, and the tools available for auto-scaling and monitoring. By leveraging horizontal scaling, distributed databases, and proper monitoring, you can build systems that are not only resilient and high-performing but also capable of growing with your user base and business needs.

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