System design: Designing an Online Book Reader System(Like Kindle)

Jayaprasanna Roddam - Oct 8 - - Dev Community

Designing an online book reader system like Kindle requires a combination of functional, and non-functional requirements, scalable architecture, and attention to user experience. Let’s break down the system in a clear and structured way.

1. Functional Requirements

First, we need to identify what the system should do for the users:

  • User Sign-Up and Login: Users should be able to create accounts, sign in, and manage their profiles.
  • Book Catalog: The system must offer a library of available books, which users can browse, search, and select.
  • Book Purchase/Download: Users should be able to purchase or download books from the catalogue.
  • Book Reading Interface: Provide an interface to read the book (similar to the Kindle reader), including features like bookmarks, font size adjustments, and night mode.
  • Book Progress Tracking: Track user progress in each book (current page, last opened, etc.).
  • Highlighting & Annotations: Users should be able to highlight text and add notes to books.
  • Synchronization Across Devices: Users’ reading progress, bookmarks, and notes should sync across all devices.
  • Recommendations & Reviews: Show personalized recommendations and allow users to rate and review books.

2. Non-Functional Requirements

To make the system robust and scalable, we also need to focus on:

  • Scalability: The system must support millions of users and vast amounts of data.
  • Availability: The system should have high availability, ideally 99.99%.
  • Latency: Ensure that search, book loading, and synchronization operations are fast.
  • Data Storage: Efficient storage for large text and media files (ebooks, images, audio).
  • Security: Implement authentication, secure book purchase transactions, and prevent unauthorized access to books.
  • Fault Tolerance: Handle failures and ensure that critical components don’t become bottlenecks.

3. High-Level Architecture

Here’s an overview of the components involved in the system design:

  1. Frontend (Web/Mobile App)

    • User Interface for account management, book browsing, reading, and synchronization.
    • User requests are routed to backend servers via the load balancer.
    • The app caches frequently accessed data (recent books, bookmarks) to improve performance.
  2. Backend API

    • Authentication Service: Handles sign-ups, logins, and authorization (JWT/OAuth2).
    • Book Catalog Service: Manages book metadata, including titles, authors, genres, and availability.
    • Recommendation Engine: Suggests books to users based on their reading habits and reviews.
    • Reading Progress Service: Tracks users’ current page and bookmarks, syncing this data across devices.
    • Annotation/Bookmark Service: Manages user annotations, highlights, and notes.
    • Search Service: Allows users to search for books based on title, author, or content using full-text search engines (e.g., Elasticsearch).
    • Payment and Licensing Service: Manages book purchases and licensing (users can only read purchased books).
  3. Databases

    • User Database: Stores user data (profile, purchase history, bookmarks, etc.) in a relational database like PostgreSQL.
    • Book Metadata DB: Stores book metadata (e.g., book title, author, genre) and reviews.
    • Content Storage: Store ebooks and media files (PDF, EPUB, audiobooks) in an object storage system (e.g., AWS S3).
    • Search Index: Stores indexed book content and metadata for fast searches (e.g., Elasticsearch).
    • Cache: Use Redis/Memcached for caching frequent operations like book data, user progress, etc.
  4. File Storage (CDN and Object Storage)

    • CDN (Content Delivery Network): A CDN like AWS CloudFront distributes ebook files efficiently across geographies, reducing latency for book downloads.
    • Object Storage: Books (PDFs, EPUBs, audiobooks) are stored in an object storage system like AWS S3.
  5. Load Balancer

    • Distributes incoming user traffic across multiple backend API servers to handle scale.
    • Ensures that backend services aren’t overwhelmed by user requests.
  6. Synchronization Service

    • Ensures that reading progress, bookmarks, and annotations are synced across devices.
    • Whenever a user finishes reading on one device, their state is updated and propagated to the cloud, allowing seamless transition between devices.
  7. Recommendation Engine

    • Provides book suggestions based on:
      • Collaborative filtering (recommend books based on what similar users have read).
      • Content-based filtering (suggest books based on the genres, authors, or styles users prefer).
    • This can be implemented using a machine learning model that processes historical user data.

4. Detailed Workflow

Let’s go through a typical workflow:

  • Step 1: User Sign-Up/Login

    Users sign up or log in through OAuth/JWT-based authentication. User credentials are securely stored in the user database.

  • Step 2: Browse/Search for Books

    Users can browse categories or use the search function (backed by Elasticsearch or a similar search engine). Book metadata is fetched from the catalog service, and the content is retrieved from object storage (e.g., S3).

  • Step 3: Purchase or Download Book

    After selecting a book, the user can purchase it through the payment gateway (integrated with a third-party payment provider like Stripe). A purchase confirmation and book license are recorded in the licensing service, ensuring only authorized access to the book.

  • Step 4: Reading

    When a user starts reading, the system streams book content from a CDN. Reading progress is continually synced and recorded by the backend reading progress service.

  • Step 5: Sync Across Devices

    The system keeps track of the user’s reading state. When the user switches devices, the synchronization service ensures that the user’s progress, bookmarks, and notes are seamlessly synced to the new device.

5. Mathematical Estimations

Let’s make some estimations to ensure scalability and handle various workloads.

Storage Requirements

Assume the average book is 1 MB in size (for text). If we store audiobooks, images, and PDFs, the average size can be around 10 MB.

  • For 10 million books: Total storage = 10 million * 10 MB = 100 TB of storage required.

Traffic Estimates

Let’s say the system has 100 million users, and 20% of them are daily active users (DAU).

  • DAU = 100 million * 0.2 = 20 million daily active users.
  • If each user reads 1 book per day, that’s 20 million book reads/downloads.
  • Assuming average book size is 10 MB, daily data served = 20 million * 10 MB = 200 TB/day.

To serve this traffic efficiently, we’ll need a global CDN to cache popular books and minimize latency.

Read-Write Operations

  • Assuming that 80% of requests are reads (fetching books, reading pages, getting progress) and 20% are writes (annotations, progress tracking, etc.).
  • For 20 million DAU, this means:
    • 16 million read operations/day
    • 4 million write operations/day

The cache layer (e.g., Redis) will handle a significant portion of reads (e.g., last opened books, user progress).

6. Scaling Strategy

Database Sharding

For scalability, we can shard the databases based on user_id or book_id. For example, users can be split across multiple shards (databases), so each shard manages a subset of users.


Use caching (Redis/Memcached) to reduce the number of calls to the database for frequently accessed data like reading progress, book metadata, etc.

CDN & Object Storage

Offload static content (ebooks, images, audiobooks) to a CDN for fast global delivery. Store content in object storage like AWS S3 to ensure scalability and reliability.

Read-Write Separation

We can scale the database further by separating read and write operations. Use master-slave replication to ensure that the master database handles writes, while the replicated (read-only) databases handle read requests.

7. Security Considerations

  • Encryption: Encrypt all book content to prevent unauthorized distribution.
  • DRM (Digital Rights Management): Protect books by implementing DRM to control how many devices a book can be read on.
  • Access Control: Ensure that only users who have purchased or downloaded a book can access it.
  • Secure Transactions: Use HTTPS and secure payment gateways to handle book purchases.
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