DSA: Strings - interview preparation questions

Jayaprasanna Roddam - Oct 9 - - Dev Community

1. Basic String Operations
·      Reverse a String
·      Check if a String is a Palindrome
·      Count Vowels and Consonants in a String
·      Check if Two Strings are Anagrams
·      Remove All Occurrences of a Character in a String
·      Find the First Non-Repeating Character in a String
·      Find the Last Non-Repeating Character in a String
·      Convert a String to Uppercase and Lowercase
·      Remove Whitespace from a String
·      Count the Frequency of Each Character in a String

2. String Matching and Searching
·      Implement Naive String-Matching Algorithm
·      Implement Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Algorithm
·      Implement Rabin-Karp Algorithm
·      Implement Boyer-Moore Algorithm
·      Find All Occurrences of a Pattern in a Text (Using KMP)
·      Find All Anagrams of a Pattern in a Text (Using Sliding Window)
·      Find the Longest Prefix Suffix (LPS) Array
·      Find the First Occurrence of a Substring in a String
·      Check if a String Contains Another String (Substring Search)
·      Count Number of Occurrences of a Pattern in a Text
3. String Manipulation
·       Rotate a String by N Characters
·      Swap Two Characters in a String
·      Remove Duplicates from a String
·      Replace All Occurrences of a Substring with Another Substring
·      Merge Two Strings Alternately
·      Find the Longest Common Substring
·      Find the Longest Common Prefix
·      Find the Longest Repeating Substring
·      Reverse Words in a String
·      Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in a String
 4. String Transformations
·      Convert a String to an Integer (String to Integer Conversion)
·      Convert a String to a Float (String to Float Conversion)
·      Implement String Compression
·      Implement String Decompression
·      Find the Minimum Window Substring Containing All Characters of Another String
·      Find the Maximum Repeating Character
·      Count the Number of Distinct Substrings in a String
·      Implement a Simple Text Formatter
·      Convert a String to Title Case
·      Convert a String to Camel Case
 5. String Algorithms
·      Implement a Trie for String Matching
·      Find the Longest Palindromic Substring (Expand Around Center or Dynamic Programming)
·      Implement Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Algorithm
·      Find the Shortest Common Supersequence
·      Find the Minimum Number of Insertions to Make a String Palindromic
·      Find the Minimum Number of Deletions to Make a String Palindromic
·      Find the Edit Distance Between Two Strings (Levenshtein Distance)
·      Implement a Suffix Array
·      Implement a Suffix Tree
·      Implement a Longest Increasing Subsequence in a String
 6. String Comparison
·      Compare Two Strings (Ignoring Case)
·      Compare Two Strings (Case-Sensitive)
·      Check if a String is a Rotated Version of Another String
·      Check if a String is a Subsequence of Another String
·      Check if a String Contains Only Unique Characters
·      Check if a String is a Permutation of Another String
·      Find the Longest Palindromic Subsequence
·      Find the Longest Common Subsequence (Dynamic Programming)
·      Check if a String is a Valid Number (Integer/Float)
·      Check if a String is Valid as a Parentheses Sequence
 7. String Patterns and Regular Expressions
·      Implement Regular Expression Matching (Wildcard and Exact Matching)
·      Find All Matching Substrings in a Text Using Regular Expressions
·      Validate an Email Address Using Regular Expressions
·      Validate a Phone Number Using Regular Expressions
·      Validate a URL Using Regular Expressions
·      Extract Dates from a String Using Regular Expressions
·      Extract Phone Numbers from a String Using Regular Expressions
·      Replace Words in a String Based on Regular Expressions
·      Find All Words of a Certain Length in a String Using Regular Expressions
·      Split a String Based on Regular Expressions
 8. String Rotations and Shifts
·      Check if One String is a Rotation of Another
·      Rotate a String to the Left by N Characters
·      Rotate a String to the Right by N Characters
·      Find the Minimum Number of Rotations to Match Two Strings
·      Find the Maximum Number of Rotations for a Palindrome
·      Implement a Circular Buffer for String Rotation
·      Find All Possible Rotations of a String
·      Shift Characters of a String by N Positions
·      Determine if Two Strings are Rotations of Each Other
·      Rotate Words in a String by N Words
 9. Advanced String Manipulations
·      Encode and Decode Strings
·      Implement a Basic Text Editor with String Operations
·      Implement a String-Based Search Engine
·      Find All Permutations of a String
·      Find All Combinations of a String
·      Find the Smallest Window Substring Containing All Characters of Another String
·      Determine the Longest Common Substring between Two Strings
·      Implement a String-Based Compression Algorithm
·      Extract Substrings of a Given Length
·      Calculate the Longest Common Prefix Length between Multiple Strings

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