DSA: Stack - Interview preparation questions

Jayaprasanna Roddam - Oct 9 - - Dev Community

1. Stack Basics
·      Implementing a Stack Using Arrays
·      Implementing a Stack Using Linked Lists
·      Implementing a Stack Using Two Queues
·      Implementing a Stack Using a Single Queue
·      Stack Operations (Push, Pop, Peek)
·      Implementing a Min Stack (Get Minimum in O(1) Time)
·      Implementing a Max Stack (Get Maximum in O(1) Time)
·      Implementing a Stack Using Two Stacks
·      Implementing a Stack Using Recursion
·      Stack Implementation Using Dynamic Arrays
 2. Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Expressions
·      Converting Infix to Postfix
·      Converting Infix to Prefix
·      Converting Postfix to Infix
·      Converting Prefix to Infix
·      Evaluating a Postfix Expression
·      Evaluating a Prefix Expression
·      Validating an Infix Expression
·      Parenthesis Matching (Balanced Parentheses)
·      Implementing Shunting Yard Algorithm for Expression Parsing
·      Converting Infix to Postfix with Associativity and Precedence Handling
 3. Advanced Stack Operations
·      Design a Stack that Supports GetMin, GetMax, and GetMedian
·      Implementing a Two-Stack Queue
·      Design a Stack with Increment Operation
·      Implementing a Stack Using Deque
·      Implementing Special Stack Operations (Double Push, Double Pop)
·      Building a Stack from Scratch Without Using Built-In Data Structures
·      Implement a Stack with Dynamic Resizing
·      Implement a Stack That Supports Middle Element Access
·      Implement Stack Sorting Using Recursion
·      Implement a Custom Stack with Customized Push/Pop Rules
 4. Stack-Based Problem-Solving
·      Next Greater Element to the Right
·      Next Greater Element to the Left
·      Next Smaller Element to the Right
·      Next Smaller Element to the Left
·      Stock Span Problem
·      Largest Rectangle in Histogram
·      Trapping Rain water Problem
·      Simplify Directory Path (Unix Style Path Simplification)
·      Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
·      Validating Stack Sequences
 5. Stack and Recursion
·      Reverse a Stack Using Recursion
·      Sort a Stack Using Recursion
·      Insert an Element at the Bottom of a Stack Using Recursion
·      Finding Maximum Depth of Nested Parentheses
·      Decode a String with Nested Patterns (e.g., "3[a2[c]]" → "accaccacc")
·      Removing K Digits to Get the Smallest Number
·      Checking Redundant Parentheses in an Expression
·      Flattening Nested Lists (Nested List Weight Sum)
·      Recursive Depth Calculation Using Stack
·      Implement an Algorithm for the Nearest Smaller Values (Monotonic Stack)

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