Running Valheim on an Linux Server

Michael - Oct 26 '21 - - Dev Community

Commands standardized for Ubuntu, you will have to adjust if you are using another distro.

Starting from ground zero

1). Install dependencies

# As root or with sudo run the following:
apt update
useradd -m steam
apt install software-properties-common -y
add-apt-repository multiverse
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt update
apt install -y \
  lib32gcc1 steamcmd unzip wget curl gosu jq
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Running as steam user


gosu steam bash
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2). Edit steams .bashrc
3). Add the following to the bashrc:

export PATH="$HOME/.bin:/usr/games/:$PATH"
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4). Run the following to download the latest release:

DOWNLOAD_URL="$(curl | jq -r '.assets[0].browser_download_url')"
wget -O "${DOWNLOAD_URL}"
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5). Unzip the bundle unzip
6). Move the files to the .bin folder

mkdir -p $HOME/.bin
chmod +x {odin,huginn}
mv odin $HOME/.bin
mv huginn $HOME/.bin
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7). Navigate to the folder you wish to install the server to.
8). Configure odin with odin configure --password "Your Password"
9). Start the server :) odin start

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Terabox Video Player