How To Push Eclipse Project To GitHub

S3CloudHub - Oct 9 - - Dev Community

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In today’s digital age, version control systems like GitHub are essential for managing code and collaborating with other developers. This article will guide you through the process of pushing your Eclipse project to GitHub, ensuring your work is backed up and easily shareable.

For a visual walkthrough of the concepts covered in this article, check out my YouTube Video:-
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  • Eclipse IDE: Make sure you have Eclipse installed on your system.
  • Git: Ensure that Git is installed and configured. You can download it from
  • GitHub Account: Sign up for a free account on GitHub if you don’t have one.

Step 1: Create a GitHub Repository

1. Log in to GitHub: Go to and sign in.
2. Create a New Repository:

  • Click the “+” icon in the top right corner and select “New repository.”
  • Enter a name for your repository (e.g., my-eclipse-project).
  • Optionally, add a description and choose whether to make it public or private.
  • Click “Create repository.”

Step 2: Configure Git in Eclipse

1.Open Eclipse: Launch your Eclipse IDE.
2.Install EGit Plugin (if not already installed):

  • Go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
  • Search for “EGit” and install it.

3.Configure Git:

  • Go to Window > Preferences > Team > Git.
  • Set your user name and email address, which will be used in your commits.

Step 3: Initialize Git in Your Project

1. Open Your Project: In the Project Explorer, select the project you want to push.
2. Right-Click on the project, navigate to Team > Share Project.
3. Select Git: Choose Git and click Next.
4. Select Repository:
If you already have a Git repository, select it.
Otherwise, choose “Create” to initialize a new repository within your project.
5. Finish: Click Finish to complete the setup.

Step 4: Commit Your Changes

1. Right-Click on the project and select Team > Commit.
2. Enter a Commit Message: Write a descriptive message for your changes.
3. Select Files: Ensure the files you want to commit are checked.
4. Click Commit: This will save your changes to the local repository.

Step 5: Push to GitHub

1. Right-Click on the project and navigate to Team > Push to Upstream.
2. Add Remote Repository:

3. Push Your Changes:

  • In the Push Dialog, ensure your branch is selected.
  • Click Push to upload your changes to GitHub.

Step 6: Verify Your Changes on GitHub

  • Go to your GitHub repository in a web browser.
  • Refresh the page to see your newly pushed files.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully pushed your Eclipse project to GitHub. By using Git, you can efficiently manage your code, collaborate with others, and keep your projects organized. Remember to commit and push regularly to keep your repository up to date.

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