Template literals is a pretty simple thing - it is a multi-line string with interpolations:
// instead of this
"old-school string " + variable + "\nmore text";
// you can write this
`template string ${variable}
more text`;
Tagged template literal is a function (tag) attached to a template literal. For example:
color: red;
- this function can parse CSS and return it as a JS object
- or it can insert it in the DOM and return the corresponding HTML class
- or it can run PostCSS over the input
- etc.
Pretty simple idea, but it opens a fountain of creativity.
TTL + Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense
- SQL tagged template literals - A VS Code extension, which enables syntax highlighting for template literals tagged with an sql function in JavaScript and TypeScript files
- lit-html - Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for html inside of JavaScript and TypeScript tagged template strings
- vscode-styled-components - Syntax highlighting for styled components in JavaScript and TypeScript. Detailed CSS IntelliSense while working in styled strings.
- vscode-graphql - Syntax highlighting (type, query, mutation, interface, union, enum, scalar, fragments, directives). Autocomplete suggestions
- vscode-comment-tagged-templates Adds basic syntax highlighting for JavaScript and TypeScript tagged template strings using language identifier comments
TTL + TypeScript
See Awesome Template Literal Types