This article inspired by Sara Vieira's talk "Build dumb sh*t".
Best way to learn something is to use it, to play with it (primitive interpretation of Piaget's constructivism theory), right? But don't build yet another todo app, because it is boring, and when something boring it is harder to learn, you need forcefully push it in your brain. Instead, find some fun task in which you can practice new technology along the way. Build something fun and useless.
So I want to get a better understanding of React's hooks and I wonder what is the most absurd idea for the hook you can come up with?
I already got some ideas:
- useFaviconProgress - show progress in favicon, see faviconx
- useProgressBar - show youtube-like progress bar, see nprogress
- useGreenlet - run function in a web worker, see greenlet
- usePopup
- useSocket - subscribe to websocket
Build fun, dumb, simple hooks. Share your ideas and/or implementations in comments.
Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash