nmcli - NetworkManager Command Line Interface
- The nmcli utility can be used by both users and scripts for controlling NetworkManager.
- nmcli is a command-line tool which is used for controlling NetworkManager.
- nmcli command can also be used to display network device status, create, edit, activate/deactivate, and delete network connections.
List of commands
nmcli general status
nmcli connection
nmcli connection modify <name> i<tab>
- Once modified & then bring the nmcli UP.
- nmcli connection modify "name" ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns
- Now bring it UP.
nmcli connection up "<name>"
- Nameserver is also referred as DNS.
- Give the tab always so that option appears , its like what is next command or word.
- IP address , Netmask , Gateway & Nameserver.
- How to assign number after "/" in the IP address --> TBD