- To help users understand how commands are used in Linux.
- Important " z " & " w " are the KEY.
- Which is used to print the current userID
- whereami?
- System's hostname.
- கம்ப்யூட்டருடைய name அவ்வளவுதான் in simple , so that they can communicate with each systems.
- In-dept ( DNS & FQDN )
- எனக்கு இந்த பேர் பிடிக்கல so you can change hostname too.
- sudo hostname
- hostname -I ( Private IP )
- current date and time of the system.
- date
- date --date="3 years ago" --> மூணு வருஷத்துக்கு முன்னாடி.
- date --date="tomorrow"
- date --date="next wed"
- date --date="1 year"
- List the directory contents
- "ls -l" --> long listing of files Filesணு சொல்லுவாங்க , that means You will see the file permissions, the number of links, owner name, owner group, file size, time of last modification, and the file or directory name .
- "ls -lh" --> human readable
- "ls -lt" --> newest file at the top.
- "ls -a" --> The -a option displays all files, hidden or otherwise. Some files begin with . or .. and those files are hidden from the user by default.
- "ls -lS" --> Sort by file size ( வகைபடுத்து / arrange )
- "ls -R" --> list directory trees in a long format.
- concatenates files and print on the standard output.
- cat /etc/hosts
- cat /etc/group
- View Multiple files --> cat file1.xt file2.txt
- ஒரு file create பண்ணனும்னா - cat > filename.txt ( write the content which you require ) CONTROL + D , it will be saved.
- more & less --> cat /proc/cpuinfo | less ( to view larger files ) --> spacebar & pagedown ( one page forward ) --> pageup & b ( one page backward ) cat /proc/cpuinfo | more .
- list of commands used in the terminal.
- history 10 --> latest command.
- !100
- !! --> last command repeat
- history -d 1356 --> delete
- history -c --> clear the whole history
- history | tail 10 --> last 10 commands
- Displaying lines of text.
- Prints out arguments as the standard output.
- To display text strings or command results as messages.
- echo [string]
- "echo welcome to kaniyam"
- echo "welcome to kaniyam"
- Remove files or directory
- rm file_name
- rm -r --> recursively
- rm -i --> interactively
- rm -f --> forcefully
- rm -f *.txt --> all files
- Above command in the tshirt will crash the complete Linux system - Don't try . It's just to know 😊