10 best product analytics tools

Zipy team - Mar 11 - - Dev Community

By:- Vijith Nair

Zipy-Product analytics tool

This one is for the data enthusiasts and the product pioneers. So, if you fall into either of those categories — buckle up! If handling a product is too wild a ride for you with all its ups and downs, here’s a blog that will tell you how to make your life easier.

In this blog, we’ll be diving head first (helmets on, of course) into the world of product analytics. We’ll start off by discussing its need, the things to track, the metrics that help and then finally finish with which tools can give you that data. From the freebies to the crème de la crème, this article will try to be your guide through the diverse landscape of product analytics tools.

Ready to make understanding data more exciting? Continue reading, duh!

What are product analytics tools

If you’re trying to find the right product analytics tool for you, then chances are you already are aware of how they can help. Let’s still brush up on the need for it, shall we? Product analytics tools are specialized software solutions designed to collect, analyze, and visualize user interaction data within a product. These tools empower product teams with actionable insights to enhance user experience, identify points of friction, and optimize product features.

zipy | what is product analytics

By leveraging product analytics software, companies can develop a data-driven roadmap, understand user behavior, and make informed decisions to drive product adoption and growth.

Whether free or subscription-based, the best product analytics tools provide a comprehensive view of product performance, enabling a culture of continuous improvement. Some also extend into product analytics platforms, integrating with other business tools for a seamless analytics experience.

Product analytics tools are pivotal assets for companies aiming to optimize their products based on actual user interaction data rather than assumptions or limited feedback. These tools provide a platform for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing user behavior and engagement data within a product.

But what should you be getting from your product analytics tool? Let’s get a more elaborate understanding of product analytics tools in the next section.

Core features of product analytics tools

Event tracking

It’s all about keeping a keen eye on the specific moves users make while hanging out in your product. Event Tracking is your radar, tuned in to the heartbeat of the user experience. It’s not just monitoring either, it’s decoding the secret language of user actions. We’re talking about clicks, form submissions, or just flipping through different pages. It’s the nitty-gritty details of their journey, and product analytics tools capture it all.

User behavior analysis

Understanding how users interact with the product, identifying common usage patterns, and spotting anomalies. It’s about understanding the “why” behind the “what” — why do users click on that particular button? Why do they abandon their shopping carts mid-purchase? It offers a look at the well-trodden paths that users take as they navigate your product. These patterns can reveal areas of friction or confusion, allowing you to smooth out the user journey and enhance the overall experience.

zipy | what is product analytics | mobile

But what about the anomalies, the outliers that deviate from the expected path? These are the red flags that signal potential problems — maybe a feature is underutilized, or a particular step in the onboarding process is causing users to drop off. Identifying and addressing these anomalies can help you nip issues in the bud, preventing them from snowballing into larger problems. User behavior analysis isn’t just about identifying problems; it’s also about uncovering opportunities.

Conversion funnel analysis

Analyzing the user journey through different stages of the product to identify drop-off points. I like to think of conversion funnel analysis as a master plumber, examining the pipeline of your product’s conversion funnel — identifying the bottlenecks that cause users to drop off. It’s about pinpointing the exact spots where potential customers lose interest and abandon the journey. With product analytics tools, you can visualize the flow of users through each stage of the funnel — from initial sign-up to completing a purchase. By analyzing these funnel drops, you can uncover hidden friction points and areas for improvement.

zipy | conversion funnel analysis

A/B testing

Comparing different versions of a feature to determine which performs better in terms of user engagement or other predefined metrics. A battleground of features, where different versions vie for user supremacy. A/B testing is the process of pitting two versions of a feature against each other to determine which improves user engagement. It’s about putting your hypotheses to the test, letting data decide which feature emerges as the champion.

Cohort analysis

Examining the behaviors and performance of different user groups over time​​. Your users will prove to have a vast landscape of unique preferences and behaviors. Cohort analysis is the process of mapping out the different user groups and tracking their behaviors over time. It’s about understanding the evolution of user engagement and revealing trends and patterns that can inform product decisions.

By examining cohort retention, engagement, and conversion rates, you can identify which groups are thriving, which are struggling, and which require tailored interventions.

Need for product analytics tools

Alright, let’s talk about these product analytics tools. Why do they exist? Even though they do, do we really need one?

Considering that there are numerous relatively long articles on them, I think you can guess that the answer is — YES! Why, you ask? Because they cut through the guesswork and lay out the raw facts of user behavior and product performance. Facts like — what features click, where users hit roadblocks, and what they prefer to avoid. It’s like having a direct line to the user experience, no fluff.

They not only spot the bumps in the user journey but also help us iron them out. That’s the deal with product analytics tools-they guide us in crafting a seamless user experience, not just by fixing bugs but by fine-tuning every aspect for top-notch product performance. These tools are like the mechanics in our digital garage, ensuring our product runs efficiently. So, let’s chat about why they’re the real MVPs in our digital journey.

  • Data-driven decisions : Product analytics tools provide objective data that helps in making informed decisions, thus reducing reliance on assumptions or subjective opinions​. They act like the navigational beacons through the fog of uncertainty. With product analytics tools you don’t need to rely on hunches and gut feelings; these tools give cold, hard facts for decision-making.
  • Improved user experience : By understanding user behavior, companies can enhance user interfaces, fix bugs, and optimize features for better user satisfaction​​. Product analytics tools help pinpoint where users trip over within the product, where bugs lurk, and where the user needs a nudge. The result? An outstanding user experience.
  • Product optimization : Helps in identifying and rectifying friction points, which in turn improves product performance and user retention​​. Fixing these friction points isn’t just a tune-up for your product, rather, it’s a turbo boost ensuring you stay ahead in the race for user satisfaction. These tools help identify and eliminate anything slowing down your product, ensuring it runs smoothly.
  • Real-time monitoring : Some tools operate in real time, alerting teams to service needs or suggesting preventative actions, which is crucial for maintaining a high-quality user experience​​. A few product analytics tools keep a constant watch, alerting you the moment anything seems off. It’s not just about fixing problems as they arise, it’s a proactive stance. It’s about nipping issues in the bud before they disrupt the user experience. It’s like a trusty alarm system!

Operational challenges and solutions

  • Manual setup and programming challenges: One major operational hurdle with traditional product analytics tools is the need for manual setup to track user interactions. This process often demands programming skills, making it time-consuming and susceptible to human error. The intricacies of coding for each event or interaction can slow down implementation and hinder the agility of adapting to evolving analytical needs.
  • Limitation to quantitative data: Traditional tools may primarily offer quantitative data, requiring a level of analytical expertise to extract meaningful insights. This limitation can pose a challenge for those without advanced analytical skills, creating a barrier for teams looking to make data-driven decisions without specialized training.
  • Predictive challenges in interaction tracking: Anticipating and predicting all the user interactions to track beforehand can be a daunting task. Traditional tools rely on a predefined set of interactions, making it challenging to adapt to evolving user behaviors or unexpected patterns. This can result in overlooking crucial data points and hinder a comprehensive understanding of user engagement.

Since I’ve given you insights into the limitations of traditional product analytics tools, its only fair that I also provide you a solution to counter them. So, here goes -

These operational challenges have been addressed quite efficiently with the new crop of product analytics tools. Modern tools, like Zipy, address these challenges by automating the user interaction tracking process. With minimal setup requirements, tools like these auto-capture every user interaction, eliminating the need for manual coding. This streamlining not only saves time but also reduces the margin for human error, making product analytics more accessible to a broader range of teams.

Broader organizational impact

Are product analytics tools limited to product teams? No. There are a whole host of insights that product analytics tools offer that have organization-wide impacts.

Product analytics tools contribute to holistic decision-making by providing insights that resonate across multiple departments in an organization. Beyond product managers, the insights provided by these tools allow marketers to refine strategies, help UX designers enhance user experiences, guide customer success managers in tailoring support, and assist developers in optimizing features. This comprehensive perspective on all things product improves alignment and ensures that decisions made are informed and based on a collective understanding of user behavior and product performance.

Product analytics tools of the modern age have evolved into comprehensive product analytics platforms that integrate with other business tools. Through a blend of quantitative and qualitative insights, these tools play a crucial role in steering product strategy and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making within organizations.

A list of really awesome product analytics tools


Zipy | product analytics tool

Zipy (in the most unbiased way possible) is the most comprehensive product analytics tool on the market. It gives you crucial, but more importantly actionable insights on your user behavior and product performance. Zipy’s focus is geared towards minimizing bad experiences on your app or website by proactively identifying issues and highlighting them. The integration of quantitative analytics, qualitative analytics, and user experience analytics makes Zipy one of the best product analytics tools with user-centered design. Its session replay capabilities and analytics built on top of it allow you to understand every single user interaction better.

Features: Zipy comes equipped with a myriad of features. You could say it is a combination of multiple tools listed below. Its product engagement dashboard provides a bird’s-eye view of user activity, with metrics like Daily Active Users (DAU), Weekly Active Users (WAU), and Monthly Active Users (MAU), giving a clear pulse on product health. Moreover, it goes further into product health by providing proactive info on any issues or bugs on your web app. The platform excels in user behavior analysis, unraveling the intricacies of interactions, clicks, and feature usage.

The Conversion Funnel Analysis offered by Zipy acts as a navigational guide, mapping user journeys and pinpointing areas of improvement. For a deep dive into the user experience, you get a look at real-time interactions through session recordings. It goes above and beyond, providing comprehensive heatmaps and user flow analyses to fine-tune product interfaces. All in all, Zipy has a ton of features to help product managers deliver the best experiences and child world-class products. Below is a snapshot of the aforementioned features:

Zipy | product analytics tool | DAU WAU MAU

Pricing: Although packed with features that address a variety of product use cases, Zipy is the most affordable option out of this list. This makes it a great choice for small businesses. Enterprise businesses that deal with millions of user sessions also find the platform a convenient choice as it is very cost-effective on such a large scale.

You can also use Zipy free for a lifetime as the freemium plan gives you the capability to record up to 1000 sessions and all the errors in those sessions. Startup plans start at just $39/month on an annual plan with 7500 sessions and access to a ton of extra features.

You’ll find the pricing 40% cost-effective when compared to alternatives like FullStory , SmartLook , LogRocket etc. For more information, you can also reach out to the sales team or visit Zipy’s pricing page.


Amplitude is a wonderful tool that allows you to deep dive into user behavior. It gives you insights into your app or website interactions.

Zipy | product analytics tool | Amplitude

Features: Amplitude shines with features like advanced cohort analysis. They allow you to track groups of users over time. A/B testing empowers you to experiment and refine strategies based on real-time user feedback. Additionally, its user-friendly interface makes navigating complex data a breeze.

Pricing: Amplitude offers a free plan and its paid versions are tiered based on usage. Pricing scales with the number of Monthly Tracked Users (MTUs). This ensures flexibility for businesses of all sizes who choose Amplitude. For precise pricing details, you can contact Amplitude for a tailored plan that suits your needs.


Hotjargives you heatmaps, session recordings, and some of the best tools to understand user behavior.

Zipy | product analytics tool | Hotjar

Features: Hotjar’s heatmap feature visually represents user interactions, showing you the hottest spots on your website. Session recordings provide an end-to-end look of user journeys, while surveys let you gather direct feedback. Its intuitive dashboard makes analysis accessible for everyone.

Pricing: Hotjar offers a free basic plan, and its paid plans are tiered based on website traffic. The Plus plan caters to growing businesses. The Business plans on the other hand offer advanced features like multi-user collaboration and priority support. However, before you make up your mind it would be good to check out hotjar alternatives.


Heap is one of the popular product analytics tools out there. Its strength lies in its ability to capture every user interaction, enabling businesses to retroactively analyze data without predefined events.

Zipy | product analytics tool | heap

Features: Heap’s automatic event tracking saves you time and effort. This ensures that no crucial user interactions slip through the cracks. Retroactive analysis lets you explore historical data without predefined events. All of this makes for a dynamic and adaptive approach to understanding user behavior.

Pricing: Heap’s pricing model is based on the number of users tracked monthly. The platform offers a free plan with basic features. There are also paid plans that offer advanced analytics capabilities. You can reach out to Heap’s sales team for personalized pricing based on your specific requirements. You can also explore this Heap alternative.


Mixpaneloffers event-based tracking. This allows companies to measure user engagement and retention. Mixpanel’s segmentation capabilities allow you to target specific user groups for personalized experiences.

Zipy | product analytics tool | mixpanel

Features: Mixpanel provides an event-based tracking system that allows businesses to measure user engagement and retention. The platform goes beyond basic analytics with features like funnel analysis which you understand where users drop off in their journey.

Pricing: Mixpanel’s pricing is also another tool based on Monthly Tracked Users (MTUs), with a free plan available for small businesses. As your user base grows, Mixpanel offers scalable paid plans. Check out MixPanel alternatives.


Pendo is a comprehensive tool whose strength lies in its ability to combine product analytics and user feedback platform. It also excels in guiding users through in-app experiences with tooltips and walkthroughs. Pendo helps businesses make data-driven decisions to improve product adoption and satisfaction.

Zipy | product analytics tool | pendo

Features: Pendo stands out with its in-app guidance features, including tooltips and walkthroughs, facilitating a smoother user experience. It is a platform that also integrates user feedback — something that allows businesses to align product development with user preferences.

Pricing: Pendo’s pricing is customizable based on your specific needs, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. It offers a free trial, and for detailed pricing information, I’d recommend getting in touch with Pendo’s sales team.


FullStory is a session replay and product analytics tool of the highest order that enables businesses to understand user behavior at a granular level. It comes stocked with very good search and segmentation capabilities that make it easy to identify trends and issues.

Zipy | product analytics tool | fullstory

Features: FullStory’s session replay feature allows you to watch exactly how users interact with your product. The accompanying advanced search and segmentation tools enable you to pinpoint specific user behaviors which makes it easier to optimize user journeys.

Pricing: The pricing for FullStory is based on the number of sessions recorded per month. It offers a free plan with basic features and paid plans that provide access to advanced functionalities. Check out Fullstory alternatives.


Smartlook is a user-friendly analytics tool that offers session replay, heatmaps, and conversion funnels. It is known for being a simple and easy-to-implement tool. The tool is especially useful for visualizing user journeys and identifying friction points in the user experience.

Zipy | product analytics tool | smartlook

Features: Smartlook’s simplicity is its strength, offering session replay, heatmaps, and conversion funnels for easy visualization of user interactions. The platform’s capability in being a quick implementation makes it accessible for businesses looking for a straightforward analytics solution.

Pricing: Smartlook provides a free plan with basic features and offers affordable paid plans with additional capabilities. The pricing is tiered based on the number of sessions recorded per month. To learn more about their pricing you can visit Smartlook’s website or reach out to their sales team. You can also consider Smartlook alternatives before making up your mind.


LogRocket specializes in session recording and error tracking, allowing teams to understand and troubleshoot issues in real-time. LogRocket is particularly suited for companies with a strong emphasis on real-time issue resolution and product improvement.

Zipy | product analytics tool | logrocket

Features: LogRocket excels in error tracking and session recording, providing a comprehensive view of user interactions. It captures console logs and network activity in real-time, making it a powerful tool for troubleshooting issues efficiently.

Pricing: LogRocket’s pricing model is based on the number of sessions recorded per month. It offers a free trial and has paid plans to meet needs of everyone from small businesses to enterprises. For more information, you can visit their website or reach out to the sales team at LogRocket. You can also explore this Logrocket alternative.


LuckyOrange is a versatile tool offering features like session recording, heatmaps, and live chat. It is ideal for businesses looking to understand user behavior in real-time and engage with users proactively through live chat.

Zipy | product analytics tool | lucky orange

Features: LuckyOrange’s session recording and heatmaps provide visual insights into user behavior, while the live chat feature facilitates real-time engagement. Form analytics on the other hand, help businesses optimize conversion rates by identifying areas for improvement.

Pricing: LuckyOrange offers a free trial and affordable paid plans, with pricing based on the number of monthly recorded sessions. For specific pricing details tailored to your business, visit LuckyOrange’s website or contact their sales team.

How to choose the right product analytics tools

As far as the task of choosing the right one from the array product analytics tools is concerned, what you should first do is carry out research. Then you’d want to analyze the market, and find out what product analytics tools would be best for you.

Ultimately market research for finding out which product analytics tool would be best for you is fully reliant on what your goals are, what it is that you require from the product, and other criterias that need to be fulfilled.

It also comes down to the factor of how many of your needs are fulfilled with each tool. Some organizations rely on multiple tools for their needs, while others choose a comprehensive tool that does a little bit of everything. You might also want to define a budget which is set based on the ROI you can get from these product analytics tools.


There is no shortage of product analytics tools in the market right now. In fact, you have one for each month if you choose to try them all out. However, these tools are deeply integrated with your product and the key is to find a reliable tool that can service your needs long term.

When choosing a product analytics tool, it is important to consider your specific needs, read reviews and compare different ones. Once you get an astute understanding of all of this you will know what to go with. The ideal thing to do would be to start with a free trial, which would give you the opportunity to explore the product, before you spend on it. So, once you know what problem you are looking to solve, go select from the list of product analytics tools above and give them a shot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a product analytics tool?

Ans: A product analytics tool is an essential component for product managers and teams seeking to evaluate and enhance the performance of their digital experiences. Functioning as a robust set of instruments, these tools enable in-depth analysis of user interactions, allowing teams to optimize performance, identify issues, and establish connections between customer activity and long-term value. Zipy serves as a comprehensive product analytics solution. Zipy empowers organizations by providing critical insights into user behavior, offering a unified platform for data-driven decision-making in product development and enhancement.

How do I choose a product analytics tool?

Ans: When selecting a product analytics tool, prioritize essential features to ensure comprehensive insights and efficient usability. Look for capabilities such as custom event tracking for tailored analytics, real-time insights for dynamic understanding, and direct data access for in-depth analyses. Seek tools with low-code setup for quick implementation, conversion funnel analysis for user journey optimization, and retention reporting for user base engagement. Retroactive stats offer historical trend identification, while user-level activity streams provide a granular view for personalized experiences. Elevate your analytics experience with Zipy, the all-in-one solution that seamlessly combines qualitative and quantitative data, offering a holistic and streamlined approach to data-driven decision-making.

Which teams use product analytics?

Ans: Product managers, UX designers, and growth strategists are among the key beneficiaries of product analytics tools. These tools empower teams to monitor and analyze user interactions across apps, websites, and devices. Trusted across diverse industries and utilized by professionals worldwide, Zipy seamlessly integrates both qualitative and quantitative data for a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and product performance.

What are the benefits of product analytics?

Ans: Product analytics plays a pivotal role in refining product design by offering in-depth insights into user behavior. By tracking user events, it becomes easier to figure out which features customers actively use and identify those that go untouched. This level of granularity allows for a streamlined and efficient product design abstraction process. With Zipy as your product analytics tool, this process is further enhanced. Zipy not only provides a comprehensive view of user engagement but also facilitates data-driven decision-making. You can trim the excess and optimize your product design with Zipy , thus improving product’s efficiency and responsiveness based on real user interactions.

Call to Action

Feel free to comment or write to us in case you have any further questions at support@zipy.ai. We would be happy to help you. In case you want to explore for your app, you cansign up orbook a demo.

Originally published at https://www.zipy.ai.

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