9 Examples of Effective Customer Journey Mapping

Zipy team - Mar 18 - - Dev Community

Karthik MSN

~ min read | Published on Feb 07, 2024


CX journey mapping is a vital process for understanding and improving the experience of your customers. By analyzing their touchpoints and emotions throughout their interactions with your brand, you can gain valuable insights into their needs, expectations, and pain points. To illustrate how this can benefit your organization, here are some effective example:

1. E-commerce Purchase Journey: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Online Fashion Retailer

Imagine you’re running an online fashion store. By creating a customer journey map, you can track a customer’s path from their initial landing on your website to making a purchase. This map can reveal critical touchpoints, such as product discovery, product page navigation, the ease of adding items to the cart, the checkout process, and payment completion. By analyzing this journey, you may discover that customers often abandon their carts during the checkout process due to complex forms or hidden shipping costs. Armed with this knowledge, you can streamline the checkout process and provide clear pricing information to reduce cart abandonment and boost sales.

2. Restaurant Dining Experience: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Upscale Fine Dining Restaurant

In a high-end restaurant, understanding the customer journey is paramount. From the moment a guest arrives at your establishment to the conclusion of their dining experience, each step plays a role in shaping their perception. here it can uncover areas for improvement, such as wait times, table turnover, or server interactions. For instance, the map may reveal that customers often experience delays during peak hours. To address this, the restaurant can optimize reservation systems, allocate additional staff during busy periods, and enhance the overall dining experience.

3. Subscription Service: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Streaming Video Service

Consider a subscription-based streaming platform. Mapping the customer journey helps you understand how users progress from signing up to becoming loyal subscribers. Through this map, you may discover that users sometimes struggle to find their favorite shows or experience difficulty canceling their subscriptions. Armed with this insight, the platform can redesign its user interface, improve content discovery algorithms, and simplify the cancellation process to enhance the overall user experience and reduce churn.

4. Banking Transactions: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Online Banking Application

For an online banking application, it can provide valuable insights into user interactions. It can reveal how customers navigate through their accounts, conduct transactions, and manage their finances. This map might uncover that customers face confusion when trying to set up recurring payments. In response, the bank can enhance its user interface, provide clearer instructions, and offer real-time support to ensure customers can easily manage their finances.

5. Travel Booking: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Online Travel Agency

In the travel industry, it can be a game-changer. Mapping the journey from researching destinations to booking flights, accommodations, and post-trip feedback can highlight areas for improvement. For instance, the map may indicate that users often abandon the booking process due to complicated forms. To address this issue, the travel agency can simplify the booking process, offer clear pricing information, and provide live chat support for instant assistance.

6. Customer Support: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Technology Support Service

When it comes to customer support, mapping the journey from initial contact to problem resolution is crucial. Imagine you run a tech support service. Your customer journey map might reveal that customers experience delays in getting technical issues resolved. To improve this, you can invest in a more efficient ticketing system, offer self-help resources, and provide proactive updates to keep customers informed about the progress of their support requests.

7. Healthcare Services: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Medical Clinic

It can be used in the healthcare sector to enhance patient experiences. Consider a medical clinic. Mapping the patient’s journey from scheduling appointments to receiving treatment can reveal areas for improvement. For instance, the map might uncover that patients often face long wait times for appointments. The clinic can address this by optimizing scheduling, improving communication with patients, and implementing a digital check-in system to reduce wait times.

8. Software Onboarding: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Project Management Software

For software companies, onboarding users effectively is essential. Mapping the user journey from signing up to becoming proficient in using the software can highlight pain points. For example, the map might show that users struggle with complex features during the initial setup. The software company can respond by providing interactive tutorials, clear tooltips, and responsive customer support to help users get the most out of the software quickly.

9. Retail Shopping: Customer journey mapping example

Use Case: Department Store

In physical retail, mapping the customer journey from entering the store to the point of checkout is crucial. Consider a department store. Understanding how shoppers interact with products, make purchase decisions, and engage with sales associates can inform strategic decisions. The map might reveal that customers often leave without making a purchase due to long checkout lines. To address this issue, the store can invest in additional checkout counters, implement mobile payment options, and optimize store layouts to enhance the overall shopping experience.

Incorporating these specific use cases provides actionable insights that can drive improvements in each business segment. By addressing pain points and enhancing positive touchpoints, businesses can not only improve customer satisfaction but also foster long-term loyalty and growth in their respective industries.

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Make Sure You Have Done Your Research

In order to create a customer journey map that truly resonates with your target audience, thorough research is essential. By understanding your customers’ motivations, goals, purchasing habits, and pain points, you can develop a map that accurately reflects their journey and addresses their needs. This research involves building buyer personas and conducting interviews with your customers.

“Customer journey research is the foundation for creating a comprehensive map and identifying areas for improvement.”

By creating buyer personas, you can gain valuable insights into the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience. This allows you to tailor your customer journey map to meet their specific needs and expectations.

Interviewing customers is another crucial aspect of the research process. By directly engaging with your customers, you can gain firsthand insights into their experiences, challenges, and pain points. These interviews provide valuable qualitative data that can inform your customer journey map and help you identify any potential problems that customers may encounter along their journey.

“Proper research lays the groundwork for an accurate customer journey map.”

In addition to customer interviews, it’s important to gather information about your organization’s channels and touchpoints. By interviewing frontline staff and teams, you can understand how the customer interacts with your brand at different stages of their journey. This information helps you identify the touchpoints that are most critical to the customer’s experience and ensures that your customer journey map is comprehensive and accurate.

By conducting customer journey research , building buyer personas, and interviewing customers, you can gather the necessary data to create a customer journey map that truly reflects your customers’ experiences. This research forms the foundation for developing an effective map and helps identify areas for improvement.

Define Behavioral Stages from the Customer’s Perspective

After conducting research, it is essential to define the behavioral stages of the customer from their perspective. This involves understanding the processes and goals that customers go through on their path to purchase and beyond. The customer journey map should be organized based on the major goals that customers are trying to achieve at each stage. By aligning the map with customer goals and using data from customer interviews, organizations can better understand how well they are meeting those goals and addressing any questions or concerns.

Behavioral Stages

Understanding these stages is crucial in order to tailor the customer experience to meet customer expectations and needs. The following are the typical stages that customers go through:

  • Awareness: The customer becomes aware of a need or problem that requires a solution.
  • Consideration: The customer evaluates different options and considers different solutions.
  • Decision: The customer makes a decision and chooses a specific product or service.
  • Purchase: The customer completes the transaction and makes the purchase.
  • Post-Purchase: The customer evaluates their experience and decides whether to repurchase or recommend the brand.

Each of these stages represents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage their customers and provide value. By understanding the goals and motivations of customers at each stage, organizations can create targeted strategies and experiences that effectively guide customers along their journey.

Customer Goals

At each behavioral stage, customers have specific goals and objectives that they want to achieve. These goals drive their decision-making process and influence their interactions with a brand. By identifying and aligning with these goals, organizations can provide a customer-centric experience that meets their needs and expectations.

Customer Journey Map

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the customer’s entire interaction with a brand, from the initial touchpoint to post-purchase activities. It outlines the different stages, touchpoints, and emotional experiences that customers go through. By mapping out the customer journey, organizations can gain insights into the customer’s perspective, identify pain points, and uncover opportunities for improvement.

Customer Journey Map Components & Description


Identify the different behavioral stages that customers go through, as mentioned above.


List all the touchpoints that customers encounter during their journey, such as website visits, social media interactions, and customer service interactions.

Customer Goals

For each stage, outline the specific goals that customers want to achieve.


Document the range of emotions that customers may experience at each stage, such as excitement, frustration, or satisfaction.

Pain Points

Identify the challenges and pain points that customers may encounter throughout their journey.

Opportunities for Improvement

Highlight areas where the organization can enhance the customer experience and address any gaps or pain points.

By creating a comprehensive customer journey map that includes these components, organizations can gain a holistic understanding of the customer experience. This insight can inform strategic decision-making and enable businesses to deliver exceptional experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Capture Your Customer’s Considerations

When creating a customer journey map, it is crucial to not only focus on the customer’s goals but also to capture their specific considerations and thoughts at each stage of their journey. These considerations encompass various factors such as pricing, options, and information availability. By understanding and including these considerations in the journey map, organizations can evaluate how well they are meeting customer needs and address any questions or concerns that may arise.

By delving into the customer’s mindset and considering their unique considerations, organizations can gain valuable insights that help them offer a more personalized and tailored experience. Let’s explore some of the common customer considerations across different stages of the journey map:

Considerations at the Awareness Stage:

  • Price affordability
  • Product/service quality
  • Brand reputation

Considerations at the Evaluation Stage:

  • Product/service features and specifications
  • Comparisons with competitors
  • Reviews and testimonials

Considerations at the Purchase Stage:

  • Shipping and delivery options
  • Return policy
  • Payment methods

Considerations at the Post-Purchase Stage:

  • Customer support availability
  • Product/service satisfaction
  • Upselling or cross-selling opportunities

By understanding these considerations, organizations can better align their offerings with customer expectations, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

“Including customer considerations in the journey map allows us to anticipate customer needs and address potential pain points, creating a seamless and satisfying experience for them throughout their journey.”

Stage & Considerations


Price affordability, product/service quality, brand reputation


Product/service features and specifications, comparisons with competitors, reviews and testimonials


Shipping and delivery options, return policy, payment methods


Customer support availability, product/service satisfaction, upselling or cross-selling opportunities

Detail Every Touchpoint

An effective customer journey map should detail every touchpoint that a customer has with the brand throughout their journey. This includes all interactions and potential touchpoints that may occur. By mapping out these touchpoints, organizations can have a comprehensive understanding of how customers interact with their brand and identify areas for improvement or potential pain points.

Creating a detailed inventory of touchpoints allows organizations to visualize the entire customer journey, from the initial point of contact to post-purchase interactions. This holistic view enables businesses to identify critical moments of customer engagement and evaluate the effectiveness of each touchpoint in driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Touchpoints can take various forms, including:

  • In-store interactions
  • Online interactions
  • Customer service calls
  • Email communications
  • Website visits
  • Social media engagements

By identifying and analyzing these touchpoints, organizations can gain valuable insights into the customer experience and identify opportunities for improvement. This allows businesses to optimize key touchpoints, enhancing customer interactions and ultimately improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Detail Customer Pain Points

Once all touchpoints have been identified, it is important to detail the customer pain points on the journey map. These pain points can be identified through interviews with customer-facing staff and teams, who are familiar with the issues that customers may encounter. By highlighting these pain points on the map, organizations can prioritize areas for improvement and take actions to address these issues. It is also important to highlight areas where the organization is doing well, to ensure that positive experiences are acknowledged and reinforced.

Examples of Customer Pain Points:

“Long wait times on customer service calls”

“Confusing website navigation”

“Inconsistent product availability”

“Lack of transparency in pricing”

“Difficulty finding product information”

“Complicated checkout process”

Identifying and addressing customer pain points is essential for delivering a seamless customer experience. By understanding the challenges customers face and proactively working to resolve them, organizations can build trust, loyalty, and satisfaction.

Chart Changing Customer Emotions

In addition to identifying pain points, a customer journey map should also capture the range of emotions experienced by customers throughout their journey. Customer emotions play a crucial role in shaping their overall experience and perception of a brand. These emotions can be influenced by various factors, including the quality of service provided, the effectiveness of communication, and how well the brand meets their goals and expectations.

By charting the changing emotions of customers with a practical customer journey mapping example, organizations can gain valuable insights into the emotional journey customers embark on when interacting with their brand. This can help businesses understand how the customer experience evolves, from initial frustration or dissatisfaction to eventual satisfaction or delight as demonstrated in this customer journey mapping example.

For example, let’s consider the customer journey of a tech start-up called InnovateTech. Through the journey and this customer journey mapping example, InnovateTech discovers that many customers experience frustration during the onboarding process due to complex instructions and limited support. However, as customers continue to engage with the product and receive personalized assistance, their emotions shift to satisfaction and excitement as they realize the value and potential of the technology, as illustrated in this real-world customer journey mapping example.

“The customer journey map revealed that by addressing pain points and guiding customers towards key milestones, we could turn frustration into enthusiasm. This helped us create a more positive emotional journey for our customers and build long-lasting relationships.”

  • Mark Johnson, CEO of InnovateTech

Charting customer emotions on the journey map allows organizations to visualize key emotional touchpoints and identify opportunities for improvement. It helps businesses understand the pivotal moments that contribute to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, enabling them to take proactive steps in enhancing the emotional journey.

By focusing on improving the emotional aspects of the customer journey, businesses can foster deeper connections with their customers, increase loyalty, and drive growth. Understanding the impact of emotions at each stage of the journey empowers organizations to deliver more personalized experiences and exceed customer expectations.

Outline Opportunities for Improvement

Once you have identified the pain points and opportunities for improvement through the customer journey mapping examples, it is crucial to take action. A customer journey map is a valuable tool that can drive positive change and enhance the overall customer experience. By outlining these improvement opportunities on the map and developing an action plan , you can ensure that your efforts translate into tangible results.

Start by prioritizing the areas for improvement based on their impact and feasibility. Focus on the pain points that have the greatest potential to make a significant difference in the customer journey. This strategic approach will help you streamline your efforts and allocate resources effectively.

With the identified areas for improvement in mind, it’s time to develop an action plan. Define specific actions and initiatives that aim to address the pain points and enhance the customer experience. Set clear goals, assign responsibilities, and establish timelines to ensure accountability and progress. Regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of your action plan to track its effectiveness and make adjustments if needed.

Remember, customer journey improvement is an ongoing process. Continuously review your customer journey map, gather feedback from customers, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices. By embracing a proactive approach, you can create meaningful experiences that foster customer loyalty and drive business growth.

More resources on Customer Journey Mapping Examples

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What are customer journey mapping examples?

Customer journey mapping examples are visual representations of the customer’s interactions with a brand. Some common instances include illustrating the steps in an e-commerce purchase, mapping a restaurant dining experience, outlining the process of subscribing to a service, detailing banking transactions, showing travel booking procedures, and depicting customer support interactions. These maps help businesses enhance customer satisfaction and improve their overall experience by identifying key touchpoints and areas for improvement in the customer journey.

Why is research important ​​and what role does a customer journey mapping example play?

Research is essential because it helps gather data from both the customer and the organization, forming the foundation for creating a comprehensive customer journey map. Including a customer journey mapping example in the process can illustrate real-world scenarios and provide practical insights into the customer’s experience..

How do you conduct research for CX journey mapping?

Research for customer journey mapping can be conducted by identifying the target audience, understanding their motivations and goals, building buyer personas, and conducting interviews with customers and frontline staff.

What should be included while mapping a customer journey?

A customer journey map should include the major goals, considerations, touchpoints, pain points, and changing emotions experienced by customers throughout their journey with a brand. Customer journey mapping is crucial for visualizing the entire customer experience.

Why is it important to capture customer considerations creating a map for customer journey?

Capturing customer considerations helps organizations evaluate how well they are meeting customer needs and address any questions or concerns that customers may have. This aspect of customer journey mapping ensures a thorough understanding of the customer’s perspective.

Why should every touchpoint be detailed in a customer journey map?

Detailing every touchpoint in a customer journey map helps organizations have a comprehensive understanding of how customers interact with their brand and identify areas for improvement or potential pain points. This is a fundamental part of effective customer journey mapping.

How do you identify customer pain points in a customer journey map?

Customer pain points can be identified through interviews with customer-facing staff and teams, who are familiar with the issues that customers may encounter on their journey. This step is vital in customer journey mapping for enhancing customer satisfaction.

Why is it important to chart changing customer emotions on a customer journey map?

Charting changing customer emotions on a customer journey map helps organizations gain insight into how the customer experience evolves from negative to positive and identify opportunities to enhance the emotional journey. This emotional insight is a key benefit of customer journey mapping.

What should be done once pain points and opportunities for improvement are identified in a customer journey map?

Once pain points and opportunities for improvement are identified in a journey map, organizations should outline them on the map and develop an action plan to drive positive change and enhance the customer experience.

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