Zipy vs Logrocket: An in-depth comparison for 2024

Zipy team - Sep 24 - - Dev Community

“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology.” 

- Steve Jobs 

Now he might have said it in a different context, but how true is that? Makes sense, right? After all, if your users aren't happy, neither is your product. That’s where tools like Zipy and LogRocket come in. That’s exactly what this in-depth look at Zipy vs. LogRocket is all about.

Both give you a clear window into how people use your app and where things go wrong. But they do it in different ways. Zipy is like an all-in-one control center. You get session replays, error tracking, product analytics, and even API monitoring—all in one place. It’s designed to give you a complete insight into the user journey so that you can fix issues faster and improve the overall experience.

LogRocket, on the other hand, focuses mainly on session replays and performance tracking. It’s more focused, making it popular amongst technical teams who need quick, detailed insights into what users are doing.

So, when it comes to Zipy vs. LogRocket, which one’s the right fit for your needs? Of course, it depends on what you’re after. So, let’s break it down, feature by feature so that you can make the best choice for your team.

What are Zipy and LogRocket?

Before we get into the finer details, let’s quickly glance over what Zipy vs LogRocket is all about. Both are popular platforms designed to help teams improve their products by tracking user behavior and performance. Here’s a quick snapshot of each platform:


Zipy is an all-in-one platform that doesn’t just show you what’s happening on your product - it gives you a full view. You’ve got error monitoring, session replays, product performance analytics, and even API monitoring all in one place. This makes it easier to spot problems and fix them quickly, so you can keep your users’ experience unhampered.


LogRocket, on the other hand, is primarily known for its session replay capabilities, but it doesn’t stop there. It also offers error tracking, performance monitoring, and network request logging. This makes it an excellent tool for developers who want to dive deep into understanding user behavior and troubleshoot issues by recreating them.

How does Zipy compare with LogRocket?

Both Zipy and LogRocket help you understand your users better, but they approach it a little differently.

Zipy is all about the holistic view. It pulls together session replays, real-time error monitoring, API performance checks, and even user journey analytics. This makes it an all-in-one platform that helps teams quickly pinpoint issues and understand how those issues affect the broader user experience. It’s ideal for teams that need one tool to manage and improve their product’s performance. From developers to customer support, everyone can benefit from the insights and analytics that Zipy provides. It is the best choice if you want to promote efficient cross-collaboration amongst your teams.

LogRocket focuses more on providing session replays and error tracking. Its core strength lies in its ability to help developers identify and fix issues faster. LogRocket captures console logs, network requests, UI interactions, and performance metrics, which is great for troubleshooting specific issues. If you’re looking for something that goes beyond session replays to cover performance monitoring and product-level insights, you might need additional tools alongside LogRocket.

As you can see, the question between Zipy vs LogRocket has a simple enough answer. So, if you’re after a more well-rounded platform that covers multiple areas like user experience management, analytics, and performance monitoring, Zipy might be the better choice. But if your focus is on diving deep into session replays and diagnosing bugs quickly, both could be a perfect fit.

Zipy vs LogRocket

Both solutions are pretty similar in many aspects. If you were looking for a true alternative to any one, you could go for the other. So, let’s take a look at a quick snapshot of Zipy vs LogRocket based on their core features. This section will tell you which tool is capable of handling more of your requirements:

Feature Zipy LogRocket
Session replays Yes Yes
Error tracking Yes Yes
Real user monitoring Yes Yes
API performance Yes No
Stack traces Yes Yes
Network and console logs Yes Yes
User identification Yes Yes
AI bug resolution Yes No
Mobile support Yes Yes
Heatmaps Yes Yes
Pagespeed tool Yes Yes
Integrations Multiple Multiple

When it comes to Zipy vs LogRocket, it's another close match between two powerful platforms. Both Zipy and LogRocket pack in a lot of features, from session replays to error tracking and even real user monitoring. If you're looking for a solution to monitor user behavior and diagnose issues, both tools can serve you extremely well. Whether it's session replays or heatmaps, Zipy and LogRocket have a lot in common that makes them strong competitors in the analytics space.

But where do they differ? When deciding between Zipy vs LogRocket, it’s all about those unique features that can tip the scales. Zipy sets itself apart with a few key features that could make a big difference, especially for teams looking for in-depth insights. For example, Zipy offers API performance tracking, something LogRocket doesn’t currently provide. This feature is critical if you need to monitor the performance of APIs and ensure they’re not a bottleneck in your user experience. Not to mention, Zipy’s AI resolve feature that works just like the name sounds. It’s an AI-powered bug resolution feature that shines as the standout. It helps identify and fix issues faster without you needing to sift through all the code yourself. LogRocket applies its AI magic elsewhere, which we will get to in a little bit. 

That said, both tools come with mobile support and integrate with plenty of third-party platforms, so you're not missing out on the basics with either one of them. But if you’re leaning towards better API tracking and automated bug fixes, Zipy might just edge out LogRocket in this round.

Product Analytics and Insights

This section of the Zipy vs LogRocket face-off is where things start to get interesting. While both platforms excel in session replays and real-time recordings for web and mobile apps, Zipy stands out for its user experience analysis and proactive issue identification. LogRocket offers deeper insights with conversion funnels and path analysis for those looking to improve their product performance. Both tools deliver when it comes to session recordings and heatmap coverage, and be rest assured that no click or scroll goes unnoticed.

Feature Zipy LogRocket
Web-app replays Yes Yes
Mobile-app replays Yes Yes
Real-time recordings Yes Yes
Proactive issue identification Yes Yes
AI Insights Yes Yes
Session summarization Yes Yes
Conversion funnels No Yes
Path analysis No Yes
Heatmaps Yes Yes
Click maps Yes Yes
Scroll maps Yes Yes
Rage clicks Yes Yes
Dead clicks Yes Yes
No-code event tracking Yes No
Data export Yes Yes
Cohort analysis Yes Yes
Data Retention Customizable Up to 12 months (on Pro and Enterprise plans only)
Private sharing Yes No
Free sessions 6000 per month 1000 per month

So, what can we gather from this section of the Zipy vs LogRocket comparison? Both platforms offer a solid foundation for tracking user behavior as they come equipped with session replays, heatmaps, real-time recordings etc. This positions them as great options for understanding how users interact with your product. But some key differences start to crop up in the Zipy vs LogRocket debate when you dig deeper. This might sway your decision depending on your needs. This is why the next section breaks down the standout features and why they could make a difference for your team.

  1. No-code event tracking: Zipy offers no-code event tracking through their “Labels” plugin feature that makes it easier to track user actions without needing to rely on developers or complex coding. This is a huge time-saver for product managers or marketers who want to dive into user analytics without the hassle of manual tracking setups. LogRocket doesn’t offer this, which might limit flexibility for non-technical teams.
  2. AI-powered bug resolution: In the Zipy vs LogRocket discussion, one major highlight is the AI Insights offered by both solutions. While both platforms offer AI-powered analysis, Zipy takes it further by integrating deeper AI features in the form of “steps to reproduce” issues and AI summaries for sessions. This can prove to be really powerful for teams that rely on fast insights.
  3. Higher free session count: If you’re weighing Zipy vs LogRocket on free-tier options, Zipy clearly stands out with 6,000 free sessions per month, compared to LogRocket’s 1,000. The free plan is ideal for smaller teams or startups who need more sessions to fully evaluate the platform without breaking the bank. Having more free sessions means more data, and more data leads to better insights.
  4. Customizable data retention:  Zipy allows for customizable data retention, which is a big deal if you need to keep user data for extended analysis or compliance reasons. In contrast, LogRocket’s data retention is limited to up to 12 months on Pro and Enterprise plans which may not be flexible enough for all businesses. They also only offer a one-month retention on their free and team plans. 
  5. Conversion funnels and path analysis: On the flip side, if conversion tracking and user flow analysis are top priorities for your team, LogRocket brings extra firepower with its conversion funnels and path analysis tools. These are essential if you want even more insights to understand where users drop off in your funnel and optimize your product accordingly. Zipy, while excellent for real-time insights, doesn’t include these specific features. However, a little birdie says that building these features is on their medium-term roadmap. So, this part of the Zipy vs LogRocket equation might be a lot more closer than you think in the future.

Error and Performance Monitoring

When comparing Zipy vs LogRocket, it’s clear that both these tools don’t just meet the standard - they redefine it. While LogRocket handles basic error tracking well enough, Zipy offers a more holistic and forward-thinking approach to performance monitoring.

Zipy's advanced error monitoring doesn't just wait for issues to be reported - it proactively catches both visible and hidden problems. It helps you address these problems quickly and efficiently. It helps developers zero in on the root cause with detailed logging and stack traces. Add in Zipy’s AI-powered error fixes, which can decode complex errors, and you’ve got a solution that really helps you stay ahead of the curve.

That said, both platforms shine in their own ways. So, where do they truly differ? Let’s break it down:

Feature Zipy LogRocket
Console errors Yes Yes
Network errors Yes Yes
API performance Yes Somewhat
API diagnostics Yes No
Stack traces Yes Yes
Release tracking Yes Yes
Error digests Yes No
Alerting Yes Yes
AI code resolution Yes No
Error dashboards Yes Yes
Error grouping Yes Yes

When comparing Zipy vs LogRocket for error and performance monitoring, both platforms offer solid solutions. Some of Zipy’s additional features cater to teams looking for deeper, more actionable insights. The difference shows in how Zipy is designed for development teams focused on efficiency and preventing future errors. If your team is looking for not just tracking, but smarter error management, Zipy might just be the better fit and the next part of this article might just tell you why:

  1. API diagnostics and performance: Zipy offers comprehensive API diagnostics and performance tracking. While LogRocket does a great job with network and console errors, Zipy goes a step further by offering a full view of API performance. For teams relying heavily on API-based systems, this feature is invaluable, as it allows for quicker detection and resolution of issues before they escalate. As for the resolution of these API issues, Zipy also provided diagnostics so that your team can get to solving the problem instead of figuring it out.
  2. AI code resolution: Another area where Zipy vs LogRocket differ from each other is Zipy’s AI-powered code resolution. This feature provides fixes for complex error messages, which can save developers a significant amount of time. While LogRocket provides excellent error-tracking capabilities, the AI error resolution makes Zipy more efficient for teams that need to fix issues on the fly.
  3. Error digests and grouping: Both, Zipy and LogRocket, offer pretty decent error dashboards, but Zipy’s error digests give teams a summarized view of recurring issues. Additionally, Zipy offers advanced error grouping, which clusters related issues together. This saves teams from having to sift through redundant logs - a feature that can be particularly useful for larger teams managing multiple projects.
  4. Custom reporting: Lastly, both tools offer alerting options, but Zipy provides more flexibility with its daily, weekly and monthly error reports. In the Zipy vs LogRocket comparison, this can make a critical difference in keeping track of all issues over some time and acting fast. This is especially beneficial for teams that require more specific and tailored notifications.

Extended Capabilities and Integrations

This is where the Zipy vs LogRocket debate goes beyond just comparing features. This portion of this guide starts to explore how these platforms fit into your existing tech stack. Both tools stand out individually, but their true power lies in how well they integrate with other essential tools in your workflow. Whether you're looking to improve your monitoring with other error tracking or analytics platforms, or you simply want easy collaboration with communication tools, both Zipy and LogRocket offer some strong integration capabilities.

Here’s a quick look at how Zipy vs LogRocket stack up when it comes to integrations and additional applications:

Feature Zipy LogRocket
Slack Yes Yes
Sentry Yes Yes
Intercom Yes Yes
Hubspot Yes Yes
Segment Yes Yes
Mixpanel Yes Yes
Google Analytics Yes Yes
Zendesk Yes Yes
New Relic Yes Yes
Rollbar Yes Yes
RB2B Yes No
SumoLogic Yes Yes
Track JS Yes Yes
Heap Yes Yes
Crashlytics Yes Yes
Jira Yes Yes
Amplitude Yes Yes
Shopify Yes Yes
Plugin to record sessions independently Yes No

As you can see, Zipy vs LogRocket both offer a whole host of options for integrations. Both solutions are highly adaptable to any tech stack. But how do they compare? Let’s break it down:

  1. Slack and collaboration: Both Zipy vs LogRocket offer easy-to-set-up Slack integration. You can receive alerts and updates directly in the designated channels in your workspace. However, Zipy stands out with its added customization features. Not only can you get real-time notifications, but Zipy also allows for AI-generated summaries of critical sessions and a “steps to reproduce” option for critical errors. Talk about giving your team instant insight without needing to dig through logs, sounds awesome, eh?
  2. Product and support app integrations: When it comes to integrating with popular tools like Intercom, Zendesk, and HubSpot, Zipy and LogRocket perform similarly. 
  3. Independent plugin: Zipy provides something additional for non-technical teams with its standalone plugin that allows teams to record sessions independently. This is particularly useful for support teams handling customer issues as it gives them more flexibility by letting them record sessions without needing to fully integrate Zipy.
  4. Advanced analytics: If product analytics is your focus, both Zipy and LogRocket support integrations with top platforms like Mixpanel and Amplitude. 

Privacy, Security and Compliance

It’s been a tight race so far, hasn’t it? With both Zipy and LogRocket pulling their weight in every round, it’s tough to call a winner just yet. Now we’re diving into the finer details that can make or break your decision. At this stage, both platforms cater to a variety of organizations, from startups to enterprises. As such, ensuring data security is non-negotiable. But what sets Zipy vs LogRocket apart when it comes to keeping your user data safe and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards?

Here’s a quick snapshot of what you can expect from Zipy vs LogRocket when it comes to privacy and compliance:

Feature Zipy LogRocket
GDPR Yes Yes
SOC 2 Yes Yes
Data anonymization Yes Yes
Custom masking Yes No
On-premise hosting No Yes

As you can see from the table above, both tools meet essential regulatory standards, which include GDPR compliance and SOC 2 certification. They also both provide data anonymization through input masking, helping to protect sensitive user information.

  1. Custom masking: Zipy offers custom masking that allows teams to hide specific areas of your application that might expose personally identifiable information (PII). This is above and beyond the basic measures that ensure no input fields like email or password are captured. LogRocket also does the basic masking but doesn't provide the option to not capture certain elements of your app. This could be a deciding factor between Zipy vs LogRocket if data privacy is crucial for your team.
  2. On-prem solution: LogRocket has the advantage here as it offers self-hosting options for organizations that prefer to keep all data within their own infrastructure. This, however, is only a part of their enterprise plans. Zipy, while strong on data privacy, doesn’t offer self-hosting yet, but its customizable data retention features still make sure of strong protection.


When comparing Zipy vs LogRocket on their free offerings, it's clear both platforms give smaller teams a great entry point without needing to commit financially right away. But, as usual, the devil is in the details.

Zipy comes out swinging with 6,000 sessions per month on their free tier. This is a big deal for startups or smaller teams reading this Zipy vs LogRocket guide. If you need need reliable tracking without worrying about costs racking up quickly, Zipy could be a great choice. With its free plan, you get access to unlimited events and error captures too. This gives you the freedom to monitor all key issues and events without being constrained by limits. When you're ready to scale, Zipy offers various pricing options like the Startup plan for $39/month, Growth plans for mid-sized organizations, and custom enterprise plans that scale up based on your needs. Zipy also provides you with the option to customize the tools you need with add-ons for API performance monitoring, heatmaps, and even AI capabilities. So, you can tailor your plan based on your specific requirements.

On the other hand, LogRocket's free plan is more basic with just 1,000 free sessions per month on their free tier and only accommodates up to 3 team members. Team plans with 10,000 sessions start at $69 per month. Professional plans are priced from $295 per month and also offer 10,000 sessions per month but allow for customizable seat numbers and data retention options. It is designed for larger teams that require advanced features such as issue types and performance monitoring capabilities. They also offer higher tiers for added features, including advanced analytics and retention tools.

In this Zipy vs LogRocket pricing showdown, it's pretty clear that Zipy’s free plan gives you a lot more room to breathe with its higher session limit and customizable add-ons. LogRocket's free plan, while smaller in scope, still delivers decent value. However, Zipy’s flexibility in scaling and pricing tiers might give it the edge for growing teams looking to get the most out of their analytics from the get-go.


As you can see, when it comes to Zipy vs LogRocket, we’ve got so much to unpack because both platforms offer a lot. Both tools continue to evolve and are shipping new features fast enough to keep you on your toes.

The choice between Zipy vs LogRocket isn’t an easy one - it’s about what your team values most. Do you value robust monitoring and analytics or do you want to jump deeper into the user journey insights by analyzing conversion paths? Do you need a self-hosted solution or do you need something on the cloud? Do you prefer a large pool of insights offered by LogRocket or do you prefer actionable diagnostics to issues offered by Zipy? Do you like having all the information or do you want something that makes your teams more productive? If you prefer a more comprehensive free plan, Zipy’s 6,000 free sessions give you a bit more wiggle room to grow before hitting a paywall. LogRocket, on the other hand, is more limited in its free tier.

Ultimately, it’s all about your priorities. If your main focus is digging deep into error tracking, performance monitoring, and session replays to improve user experience, Zipy’s features coupled with its AI-powered fixes will have you covered. On the other hand, if your team wants more qualitative analytics, LogRocket might just tip the scales. Either way, both solutions have you covered with some serious muscle.

So, why not jump in and give them a test? With generous free tiers on both platforms, the Zipy vs LogRocket debate can be settled by your own hands-on experience. Try out Zipy here, and you’ll be glad you did.

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