Top 13 React Debugging Tools — Enhance Your Dev Skills

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Top 13 React Debugging Tools — Enhance Your Dev Skills

By:- Roshan Khan

React Devs Assemble!

Ever found yourself knee-deep in code, scratching your head, wondering why that button isn’t doing the button-y thing it’s supposed to do? Have you ever stared blankly at your screen, trying to decipher cryptic React errors? Yeah, me too, my friend.

Debugging in React can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube — confusing. Which is why I decided to dive in and do some research. I came up with the 13 Best React Debugging Tools that I could find. With these you’ll be squashing bugs faster than you can say “useState.” So, grab your favorite debugging snack (because let’s be real, debugging is always better with snacks), and let’s get started!

What are React debugging tools?

React Debugging Tools play a pivotal role in unearthing and rectifying errors within a React application. Since React is a JavaScript library, debugging in React is akin to JavaScript debugging, yet with a specific focus on React’s framework. React Debugging Tools come in handy to provide tailored solutions for such tasks. Here’s a more detailed insight into what React Debugging Tools are and their indispensable value:

Error identification and resolution :

The essence of React debugging revolves around identifying and resolving errors within a React application. React Debugging Tools offer a variety of techniques and utilities tailored for troubleshooting issues inherent to the React framework, making them an integral part of the debugging process​​.

Component inspection and analysis :

Among the array of React Debugging Tools, tools like React Developer Tools stand out by enabling inspection and analysis of React components. They provide the ability to edit component properties and states for debugging purposes. Furthermore, some of these React Debugging Tools come with built-in profilers for performance analysis, embodying a comprehensive solution for debugging React applications​​.

Supplemental tools :

Beyond the core React Debugging Tools, there are supplemental utilities that developers can leverage to further streamline the debugging process. These include tools like “Why Did You Render” which aids in performance analysis among others. The mix of React Debugging Tools available can be tailored to create a debugging process suited to a developer’s specific needs.

Browser plugin extensions :

Many React Debugging Tools come as browser plugin extensions allowing developers to delve into the React component hierarchy right within their browser’s developer tools. These extensions enhance the debugging capabilities, making it easier to inspect and debug React applications​.

Debugging tool sets :

React comes with a built-in set of React Debugging Tools that aid in inspecting and debugging applications. For instance, the React Developer Tools extension for Chrome or Firefox allows developers to inspect the React component hierarchy and view the properties and state of components, thereby simplifying the debugging process​​.

React Debugging Tools are a cornerstone for developers aiming for a bug-free, optimized React application. They furnish the necessary resources to delve into the code, understand the component hierarchy, and rectify issues, ensuring a smoother, more efficient development process among React Debugging Tools.

Why use React debugging tools

Utilizing React Debugging Tools is a fundamental practice for developers working with React applications, here’s why:

Error identification and resolution :

Debugging is a crucial part of the software development process, particularly in React development. When the time for debugging arrives, the importance of React Debugging Tools becomes apparent as they aid in identifying and resolving errors within the application​.

Insight into component state :

React Debugging Tools, like the React Developer Tools browser extension, provide invaluable insight into the current state of each component within a React application. This feature is essential as React apps are designed to scale and grow quickly, which could lead to subtle bugs infiltrating the code. These tools help track down such bugs, making the debugging process more efficient​.

Effortless and efficient debugging :

Modern front-end developers find React Debugging Tools indispensable for demystifying the debugging experience. These tools simplify debugging in React applications, making the process effortless and efficient. The primary aim is to facilitate easier identification and resolution of issues within the code, which in turn enhances software debugging practices​4​.

Testing and validation :

Testing and debugging are integral parts of the development process for any React application. Employing the right React Debugging Tools ensures that your application remains stable and reliable. These tools provide a means to follow best practices in testing and debugging, which is essential for the maintenance and optimization of React applications​.

React Debugging Tools are not just a luxury but a necessity for developers aiming to build robust, error-free React applications. Their ability to provide deeper insight into the application, identify potential issues, and offer solutions to resolve these issues makes them an integral part of the React development ecosystem.

Built-in vs. third-party React debugging tools

In React development, choosing between Built-In and Third-Party React Debugging Tools can significantly impact the debugging experience. Here’s a breakdown of both categories, to help understand their distinct advantages and disadvantages:

Ease of access :

  • Built-in : Languages like JavaScript, which React is based on, come with built-in debugging tools. These tools are readily available, requiring no additional installations or configurations.
  • Third-party : Third-party React Debugging Tools may require additional setup and installation but often come with extended documentation and community support to ease the process.

Features and capabilities :

  • Built-in : Built-in tools provide essential debugging features such as error identification, code stepping, and breakpoint setting.
  • Third-party : Third-party React Debugging Tools tend to offer more advanced features, a user-friendly interface, and additional functionalities that can elevate the debugging experience. They often provide a more sophisticated debugging environment with extended capabilities like performance profiling, advanced breakpoint management, and real-time error tracking.

User interface :

  • Built-in : The user interface of built-in tools is often basic and may require a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with debugging practices.
  • Third-party : Third-party React Debugging Tools often boast a more intuitive, user-friendly interface. They may also provide better visualization of data, which can be crucial for understanding complex issues

Community and support :

  • Built-in : While built-in tools have official documentation, they may lack a large community or extensive support resources.
  • Third-party : Third-party React Debugging Tools often have a robust community, extensive documentation, and support resources. They may also have active forums and community-driven enhancements that can be beneficial for resolving complex debugging issues.

Integration and compatibility :

  • Built-in : Built-in tools are generally well-integrated with the development environment and ensure compatibility with the language/framework in use.
  • Third-party : Third-party React Debugging Tools may require additional configuration to ensure seamless integration and compatibility with your development environment and React applications.

Customizability and extensibility :

  • Built-in : Built-in tools may offer limited customizability and extensibility.
  • Third-party : Third-party React Debugging Tools often offer a higher degree of customizability and extensibility, allowing developers to tailor the debugging environment to their specific needs.

Examples :

  • Built-in : Console and debugger are some built-in debugging options available for managing bugs in React applications.
  • Third-party : Tools like React Developer Tools, a browser extension, add a set of React-specific inspection widgets to aid development, showcasing the type of enhanced functionality third-party React Debugging Tools can offer.

The choice between built-in and third-party React Debugging Tools depends on project requirements, the complexity of the React application, and the preferences of the development team. While built-in tools provide a straightforward, no-frills approach to debugging, third-party React Debugging Tools offer a richer, more enhanced debugging environment with additional features and support resources.

Now that we’ve talked about what React Debugging Tools are and why they’re important, let’s take a look at some of the different tools you can use. Each tool has its own special features that can help you with your React projects. In the next section, we’ll go over some of the top React Debugging Tools, look at what they can do, and how much they cost. This way, you’ll get a good idea of which tool might be the best fit for your needs. Let’s jump in and explore these React Debugging Tools!

Zipy is as a proactive debugging tool. It is one of the best in the domain of React debugging tools, and helps developers in monitoring user sessions within web applications to track errors and exceptions as they occur in the end user environment.

By merely incorporating a two-line JavaScript SDK provided by Zipy, developers can initiate the monitoring process. Zipy begins recording user actions, request responses, console events, errors, and exceptions within the app once it is installed. This enables developers to proactively address issues that affects the users​​.

Pros :

  • Real-time user monitoring : Use session recording to understand the sequence of actions leading to errors or exceptions, promoting a deeper insight into user experiences.
  • Frontend monitoring : Constantly monitor the frontend to catch any anomalies, errors, or exceptions as they occur​.
  • Network monitoring : Keep a close watch on network interactions to ensure seamless communication between the frontend and backend systems​.
  • Stack trace analysis : Analyze stack traces to pinpoint the origins of errors, aiding in faster debugging​​.
  • Console and network logs : Access console logs and network logs to derive a comprehensive understanding of the system’s behavior and interactions​.
  • API performance : Zipy measures the latency of each and every API to help you find and fix that are slowing down your web application.
  • Custom error logging: Add your own custom logs and exceptions based on your web application.
  • AI assistance for debugging: Get instant fix suggestions for the errors in your code using Zipy’s AI resolve feature.

Cons :

  • Learning curve : Might require a certain level of familiarity with debugging tools to fully leverage the features offered by

Pricing :

Free plan : Enjoy up to 1,000 sessions monthly, featuring a selection of core functionalities.

Startup plan : Priced at $39/month, this plan hosts up to 7,500 sessions monthly.

React Developer Tools

React Developer Tools shines bright among React debugging tools, offering a seamless debugging experience for React applications. Developed and maintained by Meta, this open-source, MIT-licensed tool is primarily designed as a browser extension, making it a popular choice in the React debugging tools spectrum.

Pros :

  • Ease of installation : The installation process of React Developer Tools is a breeze, making it a favorable choice among React debugging tools.
  • Component inspection : Allows effortless inspection of React components, editing their props and state, providing a clear lens into the anatomy of React applications.
  • Performance identification : Easily identify performance issues, a feature that amplifies its stature among React debugging tools.
  • Logging component data : With a simple click, log component data to the console, displaying crucial information about the component.
  • Accessibility : Accessible via a right-click in the browser window or a simple press of F12, this feature adds to the user-friendliness of React debugging tools.
  • Comprehensive panels : React Developer Tools provides Components and Profiler panels for detailed inspection and performance analysis.

Cons :

  • Browser dependency : Being primarily a browser extension, it might not cater to developers accustomed to other debugging environments, a minor hiccup in the realm of React debugging tools.

Pricing :

React Developer Tools is an open-source tool and is available for free, making it a cost-effective choice in the lineup of React debugging tools.

Redux DevTools

Redux DevTools stands out in the realm of React debugging tools, being an essential library for managing and centralizing the state of applications, particularly when working with Angular and React to build user interfaces.

Its core functionality lies in the DevTools extension which provides a robust debugging platform, enabling developers to inspect payloads for status and action, rewind actions to a previous state, and pinpoint errors alongside the actions that triggered them​​.

Pros :

  • Action tracing : One of the hallmark features is its ability to trace actions back to their origin, showcasing the call stack that triggered the action​.
  • Custom dispatching : This enables dispatching actions without writing any code, aiding in testing side effects and dependent actions​.
  • Time travel debugging : Allows going back in time by “cancelling” actions to see how the application state evolved over time​.
  • State inspection : This lets you inspect every state and action payload to understand the state changes better​.
  • Performance identification : Facilitates identifying performance bottlenecks with powerful techniques like “time-travel debugging”​.

Cons :

  • Browser dependency : Being available primarily as a browser extension, it may not cater to developers who prefer other debugging environments​.

Pricing :

Redux DevTools is an open-source tool and is freely available, making it a cost-effective addition to your React debugging tools kit.

Why did you render

Why Did You Render, a library designed by Welldone Software, distinguishes itself among React debugging tools by offering a pathway to uncover the reasons behind component re-rendering in React and React Native applications. By monkey patching React, it allows developers to effortlessly pinpoint when and why their components re-render, which is instrumental in debugging performance-related issues​.

Pros :

  • Action tracing : Provides a clear trail of why a component re-rendered, making debugging a more straightforward task​.
  • Avoidable re-render notifications : Notifies developers about potentially avoidable re-renders, aiding in enhancing app performance​.
  • Customizable : Extends support for custom hooks tracking like React-Redux’s useSelector, and integration with other libraries such as Next.js​.
  • Performance identification : Assists in identifying performance bottlenecks and proposing solutions, an invaluable feature among React debugging tools​​.

Cons :

  • Development only : The library should only be utilized in the development environment as it can slow down React and may cause breaks in certain scenarios​​.

Pricing :

Why Did You Render is an open-source tool, and is freely available, thus presenting a cost-effective solution in the array of React debugging tools at your disposal.


Reactotron, a creation of Infinite Red, holds a distinguished place among React debugging tools. It’s a free desktop application that supports macOS, Linux, and Windows, designed to inspect React JS and React Native applications effortlessly. It emerges as a powerful ally for developers, providing a suite of features to visualize and debug applications in a real-time scenario​.

Pros :

  • Real-time event timeline : Observe app events as they occur in real-time, track the duration of network requests or Redux actions, and resolve race conditions as they arise​.
  • State subscription : Pinpoint perplexing states by subscribing to changes, watching them update live as you interact with the app​​.
  • Design overlay : Achieve pixel-perfect component layout by overlaying a jpg or png on your screen, aligning your components with the design​.
  • Application states inspection : Delve into, inspect, and even modify your application state, a pivotal feature for understanding state-driven behavior​​.
  • API requests/responses monitoring : Keep an eye on API interactions, ensuring efficient and timely communication with backend servers​.
  • Quick benchmarks : Utilize the Event Timeline and benchmark numbers to identify, isolate, and enhance app performance across the board​​.

Cons :

  • Desktop application : Being a desktop application, it might not cater to developers who prefer browser-based debugging tools.

Pricing :

Reactotron is an open-source tool and is available for free, making it a cost-effective yet potent addition to your React debugging tools arsenal.

Error Boundaries

Error Boundaries emerge as a cornerstone among React debugging tools, especially when it comes to enhancing the user experience of a React application by gracefully handling JavaScript errors.

They work by catching JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, logging those errors, and displaying a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed. This mechanism prevents the entire app from breaking due to an error in a part of the UI, making Error Boundaries an essential tool for any robust React application​.

Pros :

  • Graceful error handling : Provides a mechanism to catch and handle JavaScript errors in a user-friendly manner, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Fallback UI : Allows the rendering of a custom fallback UI, ensuring that the user isn’t greeted with a blank screen or error messages.
  • Error logging : Logs errors for further analysis, which can be instrumental in identifying and rectifying issues.
  • Real-time error catching : Catches errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, and in constructors, providing a real-time safeguard against potential crashes​.

Cons :

  • No error catching in event handlers : Error Boundaries do not catch errors in event handlers, asynchronous code, server-side rendering, or within the error boundary component itself​.

Pricing :

Error Boundaries is a built-in feature of React and doesn’t come with any additional cost, making it a cost-effective solution in the array of React debugging tools.


Jest is a well-regarded JavaScript testing framework primarily designed for React applications, although its utility extends to projects using Babel, JavaScript, Node, Angular, and Vue. Created by Facebook, Jest emphasizes ensuring the correctness of JavaScript codebases. It allows developers to write tests with a familiar, feature-rich API, making the testing process swift and enjoyable​​.

Pros :

  • Snapshot testing : This feature captures the code of a component at a specific time, storing it as a reference snapshot alongside the test, which can be compared in subsequent tests to track changes in UI.
  • Zero configuration : Jest aims to work out of the box on most JavaScript projects without requiring any configuration.
  • Isolated testing : Tests are parallelized by running them in their own processes, maximizing performance​.
  • Code coverage : With a simple flag, Jest can generate code coverage reports, including information from untested files.
  • Easy mocking : Jest simplifies the mocking of imports in your tests, allowing for the creation of mocked imports with a rich API for function call spying​.

Cons :

  • Learning curve : For developers new to testing frameworks, there might be a learning curve to fully understand and utilize Jest’s extensive features.

Pricing :

Jest is an open-source tool, available for free to all developers, making it a cost-effective solution among React debugging tools.


Cypress is a distinguished player among React debugging tools, catering to developers with an all-in-one solution for writing end-to-end tests for applications running in a browser. Unlike other tools that require a blend of libraries and frameworks, Cypress consolidates the entire testing process within a single tool, significantly simplifying the setup.

Its open-source nature, coupled with a user-friendly interface, makes it a preferred choice for organizations like NASA and DHL​​.

Pros :

  • Simplified setup : With Cypress, there’s no need to install multiple libraries and frameworks to write end-to-end tests, making the setup process straightforward​.
  • Real-world testing scenario representation : The tool allows for the creation of tests that mimic real-world user interactions with the application, contributing to more reliable testing outcomes.
  • jQuery-like querying : Developers familiar with jQuery will find Cypress’s querying of elements similar, which eases the transition to using this tool​.
  • Comprehensive documentation : Cypress has extensive documentation, providing valuable resources for understanding its core concepts and applying them effectively in testing scenarios.

Cons :

  • Comparatively new : Being relatively new in the testing arena, some features found in established frameworks might be missing.

Pricing :

Cypress is an open-source tool, rendering it a cost-effective solution for developers and organizations. However, they also offer a paid plan for the Cypress Dashboard Service, which provides additional features like test recording and parallelization.


Enzyme is a robust JavaScript testing utility for React, enabling developers to verify the output of their React Components effortlessly. The tool facilitates manipulation, traversal, and simulation of runtime conditions to a certain extent, delivering a more intuitive and flexible testing experience by mimicking jQuery’s API for DOM manipulation and traversal​.

Pros :

  • Intuitive API : Enzyme’s API is designed to be intuitive, making it easier for developers to write and manage tests.
  • DOM manipulation and traversal : By mimicking jQuery’s API, Enzyme allows for seamless DOM manipulation and traversal.
  • Flexible testing environment : Enzyme supports a variety of testing scenarios including shallow rendering, full DOM rendering, and static rendering.

Cons :

  • Setup requirements : Initial setup requires selecting and installing an adapter corresponding to the version of React being used.

Pricing :

Enzyme is an open-source tool that provides a cost-effective solution for developers looking to enhance their testing practices among React debugging tools.


Storybook emerges as a pioneering solution among React debugging tools, offering an interactive environment for developers to create and test UI components. With its robust platform, teams can build, organize, and design UI components, and even entire screens, without the hurdles of business logic and plumbing.

It’s a favored choice for many developers working with React, Vue, and Angular, aiming to refine their UI development and documentation processes​1​​2​.

Pros :

  • Isolated component development : Storybook provides a sandbox to build and test UI components in isolation, helping to tackle hard-to-reach states and edge cases without running the whole app​.
  • Addon ecosystem : Boasts an extensive range of add-ons that augment your UI development workflow, aiding in building UI faster, documenting component libraries, and integrating with other tools​.
  • Interactive documentation : Combines UI, examples, and documentation in one place, facilitating the adoption of existing UI patterns by your team​.
  • Testing utilities : Stories in Storybook capture the “known good” states of UI components, acting as a pragmatic, reproducible means to track UI edge cases and power automated tests​.

Cons :

  • Learning curve : This might present a learning curve for newcomers, especially in understanding the utility of stories and integrating add-ons.

Pricing :

Storybook is an open-source tool, offering a cost-effective solution for developers and organizations to enhance their UI development and testing practices among React debugging tools.

React Cosmos

React Cosmos emerges as an invaluable asset among React debugging tools, tailored for both React and React Native projects. It stands out by offering a conducive environment for developers to meticulously work on, test, and iterate UI components, ensuring they seamlessly integrate with the intended application settings.

Pros :

  • Component isolation : Enables working on one component at a time, simplifying the tackling of different states and edge cases without the need to run the entire application​.
  • Smart webpack integration : Minimizes the developmental effort by efficiently bundling components, thus accelerating the project turnaround time​.
  • Reusable component creation : React Cosmos acts as a one-stop-shop for creating reusable components, aiming to enhance all facets of React development​.
  • Easy testing and debugging : Facilitates effortless testing and debugging of React components, contributing to the creation and publishing of component libraries, which in turn eases the debugging ordeal​.
  • Supports various coding styles : Whether the code is in JSX, ES6, or TypeScript, React Cosmos can be utilized effectively​.

Cons :

  • Learning curve : There might be a learning curve for developers new to this tool, especially in understanding its full capabilities and integrations.

Pricing :

React Cosmos, being an open-source tool, presents a cost-effective solution for developers and organizations aiming to bolster their debugging practices among React debugging tools without incurring additional costs​​.


LogRocket is a proficient tool in the realm of React debugging tools, designed to optimize the debugging process for developers. Through a highly-optimized JavaScript SDK and Redux middleware, LogRocket provides a robust platform for recording Redux data, network requests, console logs, JavaScript errors, and full DOM videos​​.

Pros :

  • Redux logging : LogRocket stands out as the first production Redux logging tool for web applications, making it a premier choice for React developers​​.
  • Real-time debugging : Helps JavaScript developers debug code more rapidly by showing exactly what a user did to trigger an issue, thus promoting a more efficient debugging process​.
  • React plugin : Comes with a React plugin allowing for filtering sessions based on user interactions with specific components in your React app, which can be a boon for pinpointing issues related to particular UI elements​​.
  • Session recordings : Captures logs and session recordings to help developers understand user behavior, which in turn aids in bug fixing and enhancing user satisfaction​​.
  • Performance monitoring : Provides insights into key frontend performance metrics including slow DOM element rendering, page loads, CPU usage, memory usage, and browser crashes, thus helping to optimize app performance​.

Cons :

  • Cost : For some, the pricing might be a concern especially when scaling to higher plans which offer more features.

Pricing :

LogRocket offers a diverse pricing structure to cater to various needs. It provides a free version for developers wanting to test the waters. The pricing starts at $99.00 per feature, per month, with more comprehensive plans for teams and professionals ranging from $99 to $460 per month. They also offer custom pricing plans tailored to a company’s specific needs, making it a flexible solution for different budget ranges

React Sight

React Sight marks its presence in the domain of React debugging tools by offering a unique visualization advantage. Designed to delineate the component hierarchy in React applications, this tool proves to be a reliable companion for developers. Compatible with React version 14.7 and onwards, including Fiber, React Sight extends its support to libraries like React Router and Redux.

With its live portrayal of the component hierarchy tree, navigating through the intricate structure of React applications becomes a straightforward task.

Pros :

  • Wide compatibility : React Sight fits well in the ecosystem of React debugging tools with its support for various libraries including React 14.7+ (including Fiber), React Router v4, and React Redux, catering to diverse project requirements​​.
  • Live component hierarchy view : One of the strengths of React Sight among React debugging tools is its live view of the component hierarchy tree, aiding developers in visualizing and understanding the application structure in real-time​.
  • Interactive visualization : By reading React’s virtual DOM and forming an interactive tree diagram, React Sight stands out. Hovering over the nodes reveals the state, props, and children of the component, offering an intuitive understanding of component relationships​.
  • Efficient debugging : React Sight simplifies the debugging process by visualizing the component hierarchy, thus aiding in quickly addressing production bugs and onboarding new developers onto complex projects.

Cons :

  • Browser extension dependency : Being a web browser extension, its usage might be limited to the browsers it supports, and necessitates the installation of React Dev Tools for functionality.

Pricing :

Being an open-source tool, React Sight offers a cost-effective solution for developers and organizations aiming to enhance their visualization and debugging practices among React debugging tools.

React Sight’s distinctive visualization feature for displaying an application’s structure solidifies its position as a valuable asset among React debugging tools for developers working with React, React Router, and Redux​​.

Selecting the right React debugging tools

Selecting the right React Debugging Tools for your project is a pivotal decision that can significantly streamline the development process. Here are some factors to consider when you are making this choice:

Project requirements :

Every project has unique requirements and challenges. Evaluate the debugging needs of your project and look for React Debugging Tools that align with these needs.

Ease of use :

There is a learning curve associated with the React Debugging Tools. It is important to consider this learning curve. Tools that are easy to use and have a user-friendly interface can save time and boost productivity.

Features and capabilities :

Look for React Debugging Tools that offer a robust set of features. Advanced features like performance profiling, real-time error tracking, and advanced breakpoint management can be particularly useful.

Community and support :

A strong community and good support resources are invaluable. React Debugging Tools with a robust community, extensive documentation, and active forums can provide the support needed to resolve complex debugging issues.

Integration and compatibility :

Ensure that the React Debugging Tools you choose are compatible with your development environment and can be integrated seamlessly into your workflow.

Customizability and extensibility :

The ability to customize and extend the functionality of React Debugging Tools can be beneficial. Look for tools that offer a high degree of customizability and extensibility to meet your project’s evolving needs.

Cost :

Cost is an important factor, especially for small teams or individual developers. There are several free and open-source React Debugging Tools available that offer a wide range of debugging capabilities.

Reviews and recommendations :

Look for reviews and recommendations from other developers. Community-driven platforms and forums can provide insights into the pros and cons of different React Debugging Tools.

Trial and evaluation :

If possible, try a few React Debugging Tools to see which one aligns best with your workflow and meets your debugging needs.

Ongoing development and updates :

Choose React Debugging Tools that are under active development with regular updates to ensure you benefit from the latest features and bug fixes.

By carefully evaluating your project’s needs, considering the ease of use, features, community support, integration, customizability, cost, and by seeking reviews and trialing potential tools, you can select the React Debugging Tools that will best serve your project and significantly enhance your debugging experience.


The React JS ecosystem offers a ton of resources that makes the lives of devs easier. Debugging isn’t just about fixing errors, it’s also about understanding your code, refining your skills, and continuously learning. Whether you’re a seasoned React veteran or just starting out, these debugging tools serve as invaluable assistants.

Multiple factors like your project’s complexity, team collaboration needs, and specific debugging challenges should guide your tool choices. Remember, the right tool not only helps in error detection but also improves productivity and streamlines one’s development workflow. So, prioritize thoughtful consideration of these tools and ensure they align with your requirements.

As the saying goes — “To err is human, but to debug is divine!” (Okay, maybe I just made that up, but you get the gist!)

F&Q about React debugging tools

What are debugging tools for React JS?

Debugging tools for React JS are software utilities designed to help developers identify, analyze, and fix issues or bugs within their React applications. They provide insights into the application’s performance, structure, and behavior, making it easier to spot and resolve errors. Examples include browser extensions like React Developer Tools, and third-party libraries like Redux DevTools, and React Cosmos.

Which is the best React debugging tool?

The “best” React Debugging Tool can vary based on personal preferences, project requirements, and the specific issues a developer is looking to address. However, some of the most highly recommended and commonly used React Debugging Tools include React Developer Tools, Redux DevTools, and React Cosmos. Each of these tools has its own set of unique features and capabilities that cater to different debugging needs.

React Developer Tools, for instance, is highly valued for inspecting and managing React components, while Redux DevTools is a go-to for managing application state in React apps using Redux. React Cosmos, on the other hand, is appreciated for its ability to render components in a controlled environment, aiding in component design and debugging. Exploring and trialing a few different tools can be a good way to determine which one best meets your needs.

Originally published at

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