Vue vs React: Which one to choose in 2023

Zipy team - Dec 20 '23 - - Dev Community

React vs Vue
JavaScript has become the most widely used scripting language for creating web applications. Its flexibility and compatibility with web standards have made it a go-to choice for developers.

JavaScript frameworks provide predefined structures and features. They simplify the development process by handling common tasks, allowing developers to focus on the unique aspects of their applications. Vue vs React are popular comparisons in this domain which are searched by people around the world.

There are numerous JavaScript frameworks available, each with its own set of advantages and limitations. The choice of a framework largely depends on the specific requirements of the project. A common debate among developers is Vue vs React, which is better or which one should they opt for as both have their unique strengths.

Before diving into any framework, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of JavaScript's core concepts. This foundational knowledge is essential for effectively using and mastering any JavaScript framework. Understanding the differences and similarities in VueJS vs ReactJS can be a part of this learning curve.

Before diving into any framework, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of JavaScript's core concepts. This foundational knowledge is essential for effectively using and mastering any JavaScript framework, especially when considering Vue vs ReactJS.

Vue vs React

Reactjs - A Brief overview:

Developed by Facebook, React.js is known for its virtual DOM feature, which enhances performance, especially in dynamic applications.

React’s component-based architecture promotes reusable code, making it a popular choice for large-scale applications.

Vuejs - A brief overview:

Vue.js, created by Evan You, is admired for its simplicity and ease of integration. It is a progressive framework, meaning you can adopt it incrementally.

Vue’s two-way data binding and direct manipulation of the DOM make it a great choice for small to medium-scale applications.

Comparison and use cases:

Both React.js and Vue.js are capable of building similar types of applications, but their approaches and ecosystems differ.

React.js is often preferred in complex, large-scale applications, particularly due to its extensive ecosystem and strong community support.

Vue.js shines in scenarios where ease of use, straightforward integration, and gentle learning curve are prioritized.

Pros and cons:

Both frameworks are efficient and feature-rich, but their suitability varies depending on the project requirements.

React.js has a steeper learning curve but offers more flexibility and a larger community.

Vue.js is more approachable for beginners and offers a more straightforward integration process.

In conclusion, while both React.js and Vue.js are powerful tools for front-end development, the choice between them should be guided by the specific needs of your project and your familiarity with JavaScript. Understanding their distinct characteristics and how they align with your project goals is key to making an informed decision.

Framework usage

According to the survey, 42% of developers use React.js, while around 19% use Vue.js. This statistic reflects the popularity and adoption rate of these frameworks in the developer community.

Stack Overflow’s percentage graph for using ReactJs and VueJs

Reactjs vs Vuejs - similarities

Component-based architecture: Both frameworks utilize a component-based architecture, allowing for reusable and maintainable code. This approach helps in breaking down the user interface into smaller, manageable parts.

Reactivity and state management: React.js and Vue.js both provide efficient ways to manage state and react to changes, making it easier to build dynamic user interfaces.

Ecosystem and community: They both have strong ecosystems with a wealth of libraries and tools. The community support for both frameworks is robust, offering extensive resources for learning and troubleshooting

Reactjs vs Vuejs - Differences

Learning curve: React.js, with its JSX syntax and more JavaScript-centric approach, has a steeper learning curve compared to Vue.js. Vue.js is often considered more beginner-friendly, with its HTML-like template syntax and more straightforward concepts.

Flexibility vs. convention: React.js offers more flexibility in how you structure your applications but requires more decisions to be made by the developer. Vue.js, while flexible, is more opinionated about application structure, providing more clear conventions and defaults.

Performance: Both frameworks are highly performant, but their internal handling of DOM updates and reactivity differs, which can affect performance in certain scenarios.

What’s new in React

React continuously evolves, adding features and improvements that make it even more efficient and developer-friendly. To stay updated on the latest in React, it's a good idea to follow the official React blog or its GitHub repository. Recent updates have focused on enhancing performance, improving the developer experience, and making state management more efficient.

React features

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible javascript library for building user interfaces. There are multiple react libraries and kits that let you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called "components ." ReactJs has been designed for gradual adoption, and you can use as little or as much React as you need. Whether you want to get a quick start with a simple "Hello World" example or build a complex production-ready app, React is ready to help.

React is famous for its speed, simplicity, and flexibility. It is used by major companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, and more. Here are some of the critical features of react that make it so popular:

1. JSX: JSX is a syntax extension to javascript that makes writing react components more accessible. With JSX, you can write your markup and javascript in the same file. This makes your code more readable and easier to write.
2. React components: React components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces and think about each piece in isolation. This makes it easier to build complex UIs. With the help of react testing libraries, you can test and verify the working of your react components.
3. React router: React Router is a complete routing library for react. It lets you define your routes declaratively with JSX and gives you the power to navigate your app programmatically.
4. React native: React Native lets you build native mobile apps using javascript. With React Native, you can write your app once and deploy it to multiple platforms such as iOS, android, and windows.
5. React dev tools: The React Dev Tools let you inspect the react component hierarchy, including props and state. This is a great way to debug react apps. React is a powerful and popular javascript library for building user interfaces.

If you're looking for a way to make fast and scalable user interfaces, react is a great choice.

Advantages of React

ReactJs was introduced by Facebook in 2013 and quickly gained popularity due to its unique approach to building user interfaces. Unlike traditional methods where the entire webpage is refreshed for a small change, ReactJs focuses on building a dynamic and responsive user experience. It allows developers to create reusable UI components that manage their state, leading to more efficient and easier-to-maintain codebases. This approach has made ReactJs a go-to choice for many developers when building scalable and robust web applications.

Here are some of ReactJs advantages:

1. Declarative: ReactJs is declarative, which means, you can describe what your component should look like, and react will take care of the rest. This makes your code more readable and easier to draw a rationale.
2. Efficient: ReactJs is efficient because it uses a virtual DOM, a javascript representation of the actual DOM. This means that when a component is updated, only the elements that need to be updated are re-rendered, making the process more efficient.
3. Flexible: ReactJs is flexible because it can be used with other libraries and frameworks. This makes it easy to integrate react into your existing projects. After you finished the integration, you can deploy your react app locally or publically with other hosting options,
4. Simplifies Development: ReactJs simplifies development by taking care of the user interface (UI) for you. This means that you can focus on developing the business logic of your application and let react take care of the UI.
5. Code reusability: It allows the developers to reuse the code components of various levels while working on the project.
6. Easy to learn: ReactJs is considered an easy programming language to learn in compression to other front-end frameworks, specifically for new developers. All you need to know is how react works under the hood before you start with it.

What’s new in Vue

Let’s shift our focus to another significant player in the world of web development: VueJs. VueJs, much like ReactJs, is a JavaScript framework, but it has its unique strengths and approaches that make it a favorite for many developers, especially when it comes to building dynamic user interfaces and single-page applications.

What sets VueJs apart is its approachability. Even if you're just starting with JavaScript, VueJs's learning curve is relatively gentle, making it a great entry point into the world of modern web development.

Vue features

VueJs is a javascript framework that allows developers to create user interfaces and single-page applications. It is a lightweight framework that is easy to learn and use. VueJs also has a small footprint, so it can be used in projects where performance is essential.

A striking feature of VueJs is how it handles data binding. Data binding is nothing but connecting data to elements in the user interface. With VueJs, data binding is two-way. When data in the model changes, the view updates automatically. Similarly, when data in the view changes, the model is updated automatically. This makes it easy to create dynamic user interfaces.

Another unique feature of VueJs is the way it handles components. Components are reusable pieces of code used to create user interfaces. With VueJs, components can be designed and used in several different ways. For example, they can be used as standalone components or as part of a more extensive application.

Features of VueJs - a Javascript framework<br>

VueJs is an excellent javascript framework for creating user interfaces and single-page applications. It is easy to learn and use and has a small footprint. Its unique data binding and component features make it an excellent choice for creating dynamic user interfaces.

Advantages of Vue

As we explore VueJs, it becomes apparent why this JavaScript framework has garnered so much widespread acclaim in the web development community. Its blend of simplicity, flexibility, and power makes it a go-to choice for crafting cutting-edge web applications. Before we go deep into the nitty-gritty of code and components, let's pause and reflect on the key advantages that make VueJs a standout choice for developers.

There are many reasons to love VueJs, but here are some of the most notable pros:

1. Simplicity: VueJs is very easy to learn and use. It is well-documented and has a gentle learning curve, making it an excellent choice for developers across experience levels.
2. Flexibility: VueJs is very flexible and can be used in different ways. It can be used as a traditional front-end framework, or it can be used more creatively, like using it to create custom directives or creating entire Single Page Applications (SPAs).
3. Small size: VueJs is very lightweight, which makes it fast and easy to use. The small size also means that it has a low impact on your website's load time.
4. Virtual DOM: VueJs uses a virtual DOM, which only updates the parts of the DOM that have changed, making it much faster than other frameworks that update the entire DOM on every change.
5. Component-based: VueJs is component-based, which means that your code is modular and easy to reuse. This makes it easy to create large-scale applications with a consistent and maintainable codebase.
6. Support: VueJs has a large and active community, which means you can find help and support when needed. There is also a growing ecosystem of libraries and tools that work with VueJs, making it even more powerful and easy to use.

Vue vs React - A comparison

VueJs and ReactJs have emerged as significant frameworks in the Vue vs React discussion. Both are highly regarded for their ability to create dynamic web applications. VueJs, known for its intuitive nature, was introduced in 2014, closely following ReactJs, which Facebook released in 2013. These frameworks have revolutionized the way we think about building web applications, a key aspect of the Vue vs React comparison. Let's go through each of the aspects of the tools that make them what they are today.

1. Maturity

Vue and React have been used long enough to become mature tools in the Vue vs React context. Their initial flaws were removed during this time, and the technologies significantly improved. They were created at around the same time - ReactJs by Facebook in 2013 and VueJs was released in 2014.

Continuous enhancements allowed React and Vue to become the best JavaScript frameworks for building popular web products such as Instagram, Facebook, GitLab, or Trivago, as already mentioned earlier, a vital point in the Vue vs React analysis.


User satisfaction chart

React slightly outperforms Vue in terms of user satisfaction, an interesting point in the Vue vs React comparison.

Performance graph showing usability of react and vue

Most wanted framework

ReactJs was also the most wanted JavaScript framework of 2021 according to StackOverflow, yet again outperforming VueJs by around 8 percent, a significant factor in the Vue vs React debate.

Percentage graph for the most popular javascript framework


The size of the community speaks volumes in the Vue vs React context. More questions asked about a particular framework means more users using it. There are over 400,000 questions on StackOverflow with the tag "ReactJs" and over 250,000 results on GitHub. On the other hand, there are about 96,000 questions on StackOverflow and about 113,000 responses on GitHub to the tag "VueJs."

The ReactJS community is much bigger than that for Vue.js. However, the main problem refers to React's fragmentary nature, so getting feedback on common questions is more complicated, a noteworthy aspect in the Vue vs React discussion.

Number of downloads

The below graph shows the number of package downloads in the past year and a direct comparison between React and Vue, a very important metric in the Vue vs React analysis.

Comparison of React vs Vue

Speed and cost

A website can be created using either React or Vue. Speed of website creation and cost incurred are the major factors that affect the adoption choice in the Vue vs React debate.

React and Vue have similar development speeds, and the difference is negligible. It ultimately boils down to the ease of use and the developer's experience level in the Vue vs React context. The libraries offered by each framework can influence your decision based on the desired outcome.

However, using one framework might cost you more than using another. According to Codementor, the average hourly rate to hire a React developer is around 81 dollars, while it is $61 for a Vue developer, a notable point in the Vue vs React comparison.

Flexibility and ease of use

The flexibility and scalability of a framework are crucial factors that influence its adoption and effectiveness in different project scenarios. Both ReactJs and VueJs offer remarkable flexibility, but they do so with distinct approaches and tone, a key point in the Vue vs React comparison.


ReactJs is a very flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces, a significant aspect in the Vue vs React discussion. It has a small API and is easy to learn. There are many ways to use ReactJs, and it can be used with other libraries and frameworks. By using bootstrap in react, developers can craft React interfaces that are not only functional but also visually stunning.

Another essential aspect of React's flexibility, notable in the Vue vs React analysis, is its ability to be sprinkled into existing applications. React can replace individual elements in a page until the entire application makes the transition. This is how Facebook slowly moved from server-rendered PHP to client-side rendered React. However, React does not provide you with state management, something Vue does, a key point in the Vue vs React debate.


One of the reasons that VueJs is so flexible, an important aspect in the Vue vs React context, is that it uses a component-based architecture. This means that the framework comprises small, reusable components that can be combined to create larger applications. This makes it easy to create custom applications without writing much code from scratch.

Another reason that VueJs is so flexible, a distinction in the Vue vs React comparison, is that it has many built-in features.

It also consists of a state management library called Vuex that makes it easy to manage the state of your application. This makes it easy to create complex applications without much boilerplate code. Vue is more intuitive than React, for both small and large applications.

Overall, the flexibility of VueJs makes it an excellent choice for building modern web applications, a key factor in the Vue vs React comparison. It is easy to use and has many built-in features that make it easy to create complex applications.


React, and VueJs uses virtual DOM; however, VueJs is much faster and more performant than React. To summarize, Vue has excellent performance, but ReactJS and VueJs are formidable contenders.

Comparison table of react and vue

1. Component-based architecture

When comparing Vue and React, one important aspect to consider in the Vue vs React debate is their component-based architecture. Let's take a look at some differences between Vue and React;


  • Vue utilizes the mixing pattern for building reusable components in the Vue vs React context. Mixins are objects that contain methods or data which can be combined into a component. For example, mixins allow you to share methods or data across components.
  • Vue adopts a two-way data binding system, enabling data to flow in both directions. This means that child components can directly modify the state of their parent components using the Vue model or properties. While this simplifies keeping your data and user interface synchronized, it also introduces the risk of dependencies or conflicting updates in the Vue vs React comparison.


  • React employs a higher-order component (HOC) pattern for creating components, a notable difference in the Vue vs React analysis. HOCs enable you to add functionalities like authentication, data fetching, error handling, etc., to your components.
  • React follows a one-way data flow approach where the parent component passes data down to its child component but not the other way around. The child element is unable to alter the state of the parent element. However, it can utilize props (properties) or callbacks to establish communication with the parent element, a distinct approach in the Vue vs React comparison.

2. State management

State management is a crucial aspect of web development, especially in the Vue vs React context, as it involves how we handle, update, and access the data that powers the user interface. ReactJS and VueJS take different approaches when it comes to managing state, a key comparison point in the Vue vs React discussion.

ReactJS doesn't come with an in-built solution for state management. Instead, it relies on libraries like Redux and MobX. These libraries enable you to create a centralized store where you can store the overall state of your application, a significant consideration in the Vue vs React comparison.

On the other hand, VueJS has its reactivity system that simplifies state management. You can use the data option to define the state of your component and then bind this data to the user interface using directives, like v-model or computed properties, a noteworthy distinction in the Vue vs React debate.

3. Support for mobile and desktop

When it comes to mobile development, ReactJS offers a framework called React Native, a significant point in the Vue vs React comparison. You can build applications for Android and iOS platforms using the same codebase used for your web application. This flexibility is a key factor in the Vue vs React discussion.

On the other hand, VueJS does not have a dedicated framework for mobile development but provides various options that allow you to create mobile apps with VueJS, a unique aspect in the Vue vs React context. Some popular choices include Ionic Vue, Framework7 Vue, Vue Native, and NativeScript Vue.

For development purposes, both ReactJS and VueJS have a framework called Electron. This framework empowers you to develop platform desktop applications using familiar web technologies, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a commonality in the Vue vs React debate. Electron utilizes Chromium and Node.js to offer a feature-rich environment for your application.

4. Integration with other libraries and tools

ReactJS and VueJS are frameworks known for their flexibility and modularity enabling developers to integrate various libraries and tools. Here are a few examples of libraries that are compatible, with ReactJS and VueJS;

  • Redux
  • Axios
  • Bootstrap
  • D3

5. Learning curve and documentation
Both VueJs and ReactJs offer unique learning experiences, shaped by their respective syntax, architecture, and community resources in the Vue vs React debate. The ease with which developers can adapt to and master these frameworks is not just a matter of personal familiarity with JavaScript concepts but also heavily depends on the clarity, organization, and comprehensiveness of the documentation provided in the context of Vue vs React.


  • It has a steeper learning curve than Vue in the Vue vs React comparison, as it requires more familiarity with JavaScript and its advanced features, such as JSX, ES6, hooks, etc.
  • It has a more minimalistic approach and a stronger focus on UI, which means that it provides only the core functionality for creating user interfaces in the Vue vs React framework.
  • React has good documentation quality, but not as clear and organized as Vue. The official React documentation covers the necessary concepts and features of React, but there are still some gaps and inconsistencies in the content.


  • Vue has a shallower learning curve than React in the Vue vs React scenario, as it uses HTML templates by default, which are more familiar to web developers. Vue also has a more ergonomic and intuitive syntax, which makes it easier to understand and write.
  • It also provides more tools and libraries out of the box, such as Vuex for state management, Vue Router for routing, Vue test utils for testing, etc.
  • Vue is known for its documentation, which greatly contributes to its appeal. The official Vue documentation stands out due to its writing style organization and thoroughness.

Vue vs React - Summary

Both ReactJS and VueJS are powerful tools for building interactive user interfaces, each with its unique strengths and considerations. When considering Vue vs React, the choice between them should be based on a thorough understanding of your project's needs, team capabilities, and long-term goals. But here is my final take on this Vue vs React comparison.


React is to be chosen while building complex web applications or working on a front-end UI that demands high user interaction. For a better approach in the Vue vs React debate, use Material UI in React for creating awesome user interactions. React takes care of the lower-level algorithm, which means you'll only need to focus on the interface's view model.

You should also shift to React if your existing code base gets out of hand. It is also easier to hire talent for React as its popularity has caused many developers to add it to their skill sets in the context of Vue vs React.

Another reason to opt for this framework, in the Vue vs React discussion, is the vast number of React UI libraries that can simplify and accelerate the development process.


Vue is a good choice for building small, lightweight applications in the Vue vs React context. It is easy to start with and has a wide range of features that make it a good fit for many different applications.

The Vue community is smaller than the React community but is growing exponentially. Mastering all the nooks and crannies is quicker and easier as the learning curve is lower. It is an approachable, versatile, and performant JavaScript framework that helps build more maintainable and testable code. It is also scalable and offers code reusability.

Both tools can be implemented interchangeably almost everywhere in the Vue vs React scenario, but it is sometimes easier to use one over the other.

The below table sums up the factors you should consider when choosing between React and Vue.

Factors to keep in mind

Signing off

In the end, Vue vs React shows that both React and Vue are excellent tools for your web application. They provide a wide array of features for solving tasks of all complexities. And you can choose either of them. Once you have picked the framework for your choice and start developing the app, it’s important to track and debug errors.

Let's wrap up our discussion on Vue vs React for web application development. Now, when we talk about choosing between these two, remember, it's not a one-size-fits-all scenario. It's about what your project needs and what your team knows best. Vue, you see, it's like the friendly neighborhood of web frameworks. It's easy to learn, quick to develop with, and integrates smoothly with existing projects. It's a fantastic choice if you're starting up or working on smaller scale applications. And its performance? It's right up there with React, depending on how well you optimize your application.

Now, React, that's a different beast. It's backed by a giant like Facebook and boasts a massive community and ecosystem. This makes React a powerhouse for complex, large-scale applications. If you're building something that might grow big and needs a lot of technical muscle, React's your go-to. If you're leaning towards complex, scalable apps, React is your best bet. But if you're aiming for something simpler and more straightforward, Vue will serve you well.

In the end, the debate of Vue vs React reveals that both Vue and React are excellent choices. They each have their strengths and cater to different needs. Your decision should be based on the specific requirements of your project and the skills your team brings to the table. Remember, the right tool is the one that best fits your project's needs and goals.

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