How To Add Google Maps in React JS

Udemezue John - Oct 12 - - Dev Community


Integrating Google Maps into your React app can seem like a daunting task, but it's actually more straightforward than you'd think.

I’ll walk you through the process of adding Google Maps into your React project, covering everything from setting up the Google Maps API to rendering the map and adding markers. So, if you've been wondering how to do this, let's get into it!

How Do I Add Google Maps in React JS?

Step 1: Get a Google Maps API Key.

To start, you'll need an API key from Google Cloud. Here's how you can get one:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Create a new project (if you don’t already have one).
  • Navigate to the “APIs & Services” dashboard and enable the Maps JavaScript API.
  • Once the API is enabled, generate an API key. This will be used to authenticate your requests to Google Maps.
  • Keep this key safe—it’s essential for accessing Google Maps.

Step 2: Install Required Packages.

React doesn’t have built-in support for Google Maps, so I’ll be using the @react-google-maps/api package, which provides a lightweight and easy-to-use wrapper around Google Maps.

To install it, run the following command in your project:

npm install @react-google-maps/api
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This package allows you to load the map and interact with it through React components, making the integration process smoother.

Step 3: Create a Google Maps Component.

Next, you'll want to create a new component for rendering the map. Here's how you can do it:

import React from 'react';
import { GoogleMap, LoadScript } from '@react-google-maps/api';

const containerStyle = {
  width: '100%',
  height: '400px',

const center = {
  lat: -3.745,
  lng: -38.523,

const MyMapComponent = () => {
  return (
    <LoadScript googleMapsApiKey="YOUR_API_KEY">
      <GoogleMap mapContainerStyle={containerStyle} center={center} zoom={10}>
        {/* Additional map components like markers can go here */}

export default MyMapComponent;
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Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with the API key you generated earlier. The LoadScript component is responsible for loading the Google Maps JavaScript API, and the GoogleMap component renders the map itself.

In this example, I've set the map’s center to a specific latitude and longitude (this is the location of Fortaleza, Brazil, in case you're curious).

Step 4: Customize the Map.

At this point, you have a functional map, but you’ll probably want to customize it. Let's look at a few ways to enhance your map:

Adding Markers

To add markers to your map (such as user locations or points of interest), use the Marker component from the same package:

import { Marker } from '@react-google-maps/api';

const MyMapComponent = () => {
  return (
    <LoadScript googleMapsApiKey="YOUR_API_KEY">
      <GoogleMap mapContainerStyle={containerStyle} center={center} zoom={10}>
        <Marker position={{ lat: -3.745, lng: -38.523 }} />

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This will place a marker at the specified coordinates. You can also add multiple markers or even customize them with custom icons.

Changing Map Styles

To change the visual style of the map (for example, to match your app's theme), you can use custom map styles.

These are available through various styling tools, or you can create your own. Here’s an example of how to apply a custom style:

const mapStyles = [
    featureType: 'all',
    elementType: 'geometry',
    stylers: [{ color: '#242f3e' }],
    featureType: 'all',
    elementType: 'labels.text.fill',
    stylers: [{ color: '#746855' }],
  // Add more style rules here

const MyMapComponent = () => {
  return (
    <LoadScript googleMapsApiKey="YOUR_API_KEY">
        options={{ styles: mapStyles }}
        <Marker position={{ lat: -3.745, lng: -38.523 }} />

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This will give your map a dark theme. You can experiment with different styles by using the Google Maps Styling Wizard.

Step 5: Optimize Map Performance.

When working with maps, especially on pages with lots of interactions or data, performance becomes crucial.

Here are a few tips to ensure your Google Maps integration performs smoothly:

  • Lazy Load the Map: Use React's lazy loading to load the map only when it comes into view.
  • Cluster Markers: If you have many markers on the map, clustering them reduces the number of markers rendered at a time.
  • Minimize Re-Renders: Ensure that the map component doesn’t re-render unnecessarily by memoizing props and using the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method or React’s useMemo.

Pros and Cons of Using Google Maps in React


  • Familiarity: Users are already comfortable with Google Maps, which means they won’t need to learn a new interface.
  • Customizability: Google Maps offers a high degree of customization, including map styles, overlays, and markers.
  • Rich API: The API provides access to a wealth of features, from routing and traffic data to place searches.
  • Cross-platform: Google Maps is consistent across devices, offering a smooth user experience on web and mobile apps.


  • API Costs: Google Maps API isn't free beyond certain usage limits, and the costs can add up if your app experiences heavy traffic. Pricing details can give you an idea of potential costs.
  • Performance Issues: Loading maps, especially with many markers or heavy customization, can slow down your app if not optimized properly.
  • Privacy Concerns: Sharing user location data requires adherence to strict privacy policies, which might add extra layers of responsibility for developers.


Adding Google Maps to a React app doesn’t have to be complicated, and the flexibility it offers can significantly enhance your project.

With tools like @react-google-maps/api, it’s easy to get a map up and running, complete with markers, custom styles, and more.

But, are the benefits of Google Maps worth the potential cost and performance trade-offs for your specific use case? What other mapping services could better suit your needs?

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