How To Use Yarn In React JS

Udemezue John - Oct 13 - - Dev Community


If you’ve spent some time working with JavaScript, particularly in the world of front-end development, you've likely encountered React—the popular JavaScript library used to build user interfaces.

Regarding managing dependencies and speeding up the workflow for React projects, Yarn is a great alternative to npm (Node Package Manager).

Whether you’re starting a new project or managing an existing one, using Yarn can make life easier, with faster installations and improved security features. But how exactly do you set it up with React?

This guide will take you through the process of using Yarn in a React project, including installation, commands, and best practices.

What Is Yarn, and Why Use It with React?

Yarn is a package manager developed by Facebook (yes, the same company behind React), and it’s designed to handle JavaScript dependencies in a fast, secure, and reliable way.

Yarn is often seen as an improvement over npm because of its speed and the way it resolves dependencies, preventing "dependency hell" where different versions of packages cause conflicts.

I prefer Yarn in many situations because of its speedier installs, offline mode, and deterministic installs, meaning that Yarn always installs the exact same versions of dependencies across all machines.

If you’re collaborating on a project or working across different devices, Yarn can be a real-time-saver.

1.Installing Yarn.

First, you’ll need to have Node.js installed, as both npm and Yarn rely on it. If you don’t have Node.js installed yet, head over to the Node.js download page and grab the latest version.

Once Node is set up, you can install Yarn globally using npm (ironic, right?). Open your terminal and type:

npm install -g yarn
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This will install Yarn globally on your system. After the installation, you can verify that Yarn is installed correctly by running:

yarn --version
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Now you’re ready to start using Yarn in your React project.

2.Setting Up a New React Project with Yarn

To create a new React project using Yarn, run the following command in your terminal:

yarn create react-app my-app
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This command uses Yarn Create, which is essentially a shortcut for downloading and executing the create-react-app script. Replace my-app with the name of your project.

Once the setup is complete, navigate into your project directory:

cd my-app
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Now you can start the development server:

yarn start
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This will compile your React app and start it on a local server, typically at http://localhost:3000.

3. Using Yarn to Manage Dependencies.

In a React project, you’ll often need to install third-party libraries, whether it’s for state management, routing, or UI components. Yarn makes this process quick and straightforward.

To install a package, use the yarn add command followed by the package name:

yarn add axios

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This will install the Axios library, for example, and automatically update your package.json file and yarn.lock file.

The yarn.lock file is crucial—it ensures that everyone working on the project uses the same versions of dependencies, even if the package.json file allows for version ranges.

4.Want to remove a package? Just run:

yarn remove axios
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Yarn also makes upgrading dependencies easy. To upgrade a specific package to the latest version, use:

yarn upgrade axios
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If you want to upgrade everything to the latest version, you can run:

yarn upgrade --latest
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5.Offline Mode with Yarn

One feature I love about Yarn is its offline mode. After you’ve installed a package once, Yarn caches it locally.

This means that if you ever need to reinstall that package in the future, Yarn can pull it from your local cache instead of fetching it from the internet, speeding up the installation process.

If you're in an environment with limited internet access, this is a huge plus.

To take advantage of offline mode, you don’t need to do anything special—it’s automatic. Yarn will always check your cache first when installing packages.

6. Speed and Parallelization.

Another reason I lean toward Yarn over npm is its superior speed. Yarn performs multiple package installations in parallel, reducing the amount of time you spend waiting for dependencies to download.

npm installs package sequentially, which can feel sluggish when you have a lot of dependencies.

Pros and Cons of Using Yarn in React Projects


  • Speed: Yarn is generally faster than npm because it installs dependencies in parallel.
  • Security: Yarn has a built-in lockfile system (yarn.lock), ensuring secure and consistent installations.
  • Offline Mode: You can install dependencies even without internet access if they’ve been cached locally.
  • Deterministic Installs: Yarn guarantees the same versions of dependencies across different environments.
  • Ease of Migration: Migrating from npm to Yarn is pretty seamless. You can even use both in one project, although it’s better to stick to one.


  • Learning Curve: If you’re used to npm, there’s a slight learning curve for the new commands.
  • Compatibility: While Yarn is mostly compatible with npm, some rare edge cases might arise with certain packages.
  • Community Preference: npm still holds the crown in terms of larger community use, so some tools or guides might be more focused on npm.


So, is Yarn worth it for your next React project? It depends on your specific needs. If you prioritize speed, deterministic installs, and offline functionality, Yarn is an excellent choice.

On the other hand, if you’re happy with npm and don’t want to deal with a new set of commands, sticking with npm may be fine too.

What are your thoughts—will you give Yarn a try in your next project, or do you prefer to stick with npm?

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