How To Use React JS in WordPress

Udemezue John - Oct 16 - - Dev Community


Integrating React JS into WordPress can seem like a daunting task, especially if you're more familiar with PHP or traditional front-end technologies.

But with the rise of headless WordPress and the increasing demand for dynamic, fast-loading sites, using React in WordPress is becoming more common—and even necessary in some cases.

If you're looking to give your site a modern, interactive feel, learning how to combine these two powerful tools might be the solution.

In this article, I'll walk you through how to use React JS in WordPress, from basic setup to understanding when it's the right choice for your project.

What Is React JS and Why Use It in WordPress?

React JS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook that’s designed to build user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications.

It’s all about creating reusable components, which can help you develop more dynamic and interactive websites.

WordPress, on the other hand, is the most popular content management system in the world, powering 43% of all websites as of 2023.

It traditionally relies on PHP for its back end, but with the rise of REST APIs and headless CMS setups, the door is wide open to integrate other front-end technologies like React.

But why even use React in WordPress? Here are a few reasons:

  • Speed & Performance: React allows for faster rendering thanks to its virtual DOM. If your WordPress site has a lot of dynamic content, React can handle that efficiently without bogging down performance.
  • User Experience: With React, you can create more interactive, seamless experiences for users, like real-time updates and dynamic interfaces, without needing to reload pages.
  • Component-Based Development: React's component-based architecture makes it easier to reuse code, which is a big win for large sites or complex applications.

How Do I Set Up React JS in WordPress?

Now, let's get into the setup process. There are two common ways to integrate React with WordPress: using it with a headless setup (decoupling WordPress) or embedding React components within a traditional WordPress theme or plugin.

1. React with Headless WordPress.

In a headless WordPress setup, WordPress is only used as a backend, serving content through its REST API or GraphQL, while the front-end is built entirely with React.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for this:

Step 1: Set up WordPress.

Install and configure WordPress as usual. You’ll be using it for managing content and providing API endpoints.

Step 2: Install WPGraphQL or Enable the REST API.

WPGraphQL is a plugin that adds GraphQL support to WordPress, making it easier to query data. If you prefer REST, WordPress has a built-in REST API, so you don’t need extra plugins.

Step 3: Create a React App.

You can create a new React app using the Create React App command:

npx create-react-app my-app
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Step 4: Fetch Data from WordPress API.

Inside your React app, use the fetch API or Axios to pull in data from WordPress. For example, to fetch posts via the REST API:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data));
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Step 5: Display Data in React Components.

Once you have your data, you can pass it to your React components and render it.

Use hooks like useState and useEffect to manage state and lifecycle methods.

Step 6: Deploy Your React App.

When your React app is ready, you’ll need to deploy it on a server. Netlify, Vercel, or any static site hosting platform works well with headless WordPress.

2. Embedding React into a WordPress Theme or Plugin.

If going fully headless sounds like overkill, you can also embed React into your existing WordPress theme or plugin. Here’s how:

Step 1: Add React and Babel.

The easiest way to integrate React into a theme is by adding it through a package manager or CDN. In your functions.php file, enqueue the React and Babel scripts:

function enqueue_react() {
  wp_enqueue_script('react', '');
  wp_enqueue_script('react-dom', '');
  wp_enqueue_script('babel', '');
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_react');

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Step 2: Create React Components.

Now, create your React components inside your theme files. You’ll write the JSX code directly in your PHP templates:

<div id="my-react-app"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
  function MyApp() {
    return (
        <h1>Hello from React!</h1>
  ReactDOM.render(<MyApp />, document.getElementById('my-react-app'));

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Step 3: Handle Dynamic Data.

To pass WordPress data to React components, use wp_localize_script to make your WordPress content available in the front-end JavaScript:

wp_localize_script('react-app', 'wpData', array(
  'posts' => get_posts()

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Pros and Cons of Using React in WordPress

Before jumping in, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of integrating React with WordPress:


  • Improved Performance: React’s virtual DOM is fast and efficient, making your site more responsive.
  • Rich User Interfaces: React lets you build highly interactive, modern user interfaces.
  • Component Reusability: You can reuse components across your WordPress theme or application, saving time.
  • SEO Benefits in Headless: Using server-side rendering (with tools like Next.js) can improve your site’s SEO, even when using React.


  • Learning Curve: If you’re not familiar with React, there’s a learning curve, especially when mixing it with WordPress’ PHP-based architecture.
  • Complexity: A headless setup can add more complexity to your project, requiring a deeper understanding of both React and WordPress.
  • Maintenance: Managing two separate systems (React front-end and WordPress backend) can be more challenging in terms of maintenance and updates.
  • SEO Challenges (Without SSR): React-based sites require additional tools or configurations for optimal SEO performance if you don't implement server-side rendering.


Using React JS in WordPress can be a game-changer for creating dynamic, fast-loading websites, but it comes with its own set of challenges.

The choice ultimately comes down to your project’s needs and your comfort level with both technologies.

Have you ever considered using React in your WordPress projects? If so, what’s holding you back from diving in?

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