It's time to come out of the closet, so to speak.
I love robots. 🤖🤖🤖
🧐 What's this series about?
After joining the AWS Developer Relations team last year, I accidentally got into robotics after seeing a tweet announcing the launch of the AWS RoboMaker service. I'm excited to share tips about how to get into robotics development & some hardware suggestions.
👩🏻💻 What kind of techy stuff will you talk about?
- Python (no way I'm getting into C++ too this year!)
- ROS1 vs ROS2
- Gazebo (for simulations)
- autonomous robots
- mobile robotics
- cloud robotics
- fleet management
- robot toys for STEM learning
- sample hardware
- AWS RoboMaker, of course!
🙌🏾 Will you show me how to write the code?
You bet! I'll also show you how to use the Cloud9 IDE within the AWS console, which was specifically enhanced to build an entire Ubuntu development environment for you. In fact, creating an AWS RoboMaker development environment takes only 1 click!
🎥 Is this series only in written form, or will you include videos too?
Besides blogging here, I'll continue to stream for AWS Twitch about Open Source efforts in ROS2 and how to leverage the AWS RoboMaker solution.
If you're curious to check a few of those out ahead of time, you've my permission to go crazy...
¡Gracias por tu tiempo!
~Alejandra💁🏻♀️ & Canela🐾