Chapter 3: Three Worlds

Sarthak Sharma - Oct 15 '23 - - Dev Community

Hey, everyone,

It's been a week, and as promised, here is Chapter 3.

Don't forget to play the background music I composed for all of you. Try listening to it while reading. 📚🎶🎵

Three Worlds

The land of Internet may be divided into two parts, but these two parts have in them three entirely distinct worlds.

It has been 70 years since the first wave of Engis arrived here, wave 'Boom', commonly known as 'Voomers'. They were the ones who laid down the first colonies on the surface. The 'Idea Domes' did help in combating the harsh atmosphere of the surface during daytime, but Voomers still had a rough time in the scorching heat; so they called the surface city on both side of SPCT-RIM 'Hard-Ville'.

AI Generated Image of Hard Ville

The Left Region was named 'Breachers' as Engis on the region believed they could breach their way into the HAPI-NS.

The Right Region was named 'Keepers' as they believed in the ancient wisdom of Humani-T. "Things will fall into place when the right time comes," they would often repeat the saying, being true believers. They had faith in their ancestors and believed that there was a reason they preserved it, and when it's time, the way into HAPI-NS will reveal itself.

AI Generated Image of Hard Ville

The Breachers would soon discover something inside the DeTA caves, something special that could elevate Humani-T to newer heights and lead it to achieve what it never could in the past. They thought the days of the Keepers were long gone.

And what’s that special thing you may ask?

Magic 🪄

AI Generated Image of DeTA Caves

You see, the light source emerging is not just to provide lighting in the caves. The Second Wave on the Lands of Internet, Wave X, also know as VXs, discovered it in DeTA caves.

Voomers made enough gold from initial settlers, but the people new to Inter-Net couldn’t afford it. They went with the old ways and stayed in the caves. VXs were the first ones to settle there. The surface was called Hard-Ville, but ironically, it’s actually harder to live in DeTA caves. That’s also the place where they discovered Magic. Every day inside the caves was a challenge, survival took everything, and the residents were no strangers to tragedy. But as they say, “The deeper you fall into tragedy, the more truth you discover”.

AI Generated Image of Early times in DeTA Caves

And the truth was that the meteor strike had a more profound impact on the caves than it did on the surface. To begin with, it tore the entire land into two pieces. It also gave birth to the infamous ELGO Vents within the caves, which emitted a constant blue light, creating an effervescent ambiance in the rooms. Besides the illuminating glow, there was something peculiar about these vents in the cave. Many had experienced hushed whispers and strange noises emanating from within. It didn't seem significant at the time, but some believed it to be the source of Magic.

With their suspicions confirmed, the VXs first established Magic Camps in DeTA caves on each side of the SPCT-RIM. They then proceeded to teach other VXs how to conjure spells and let the magic take its form.

Fundamentally, there were two types of magic that existed on the planet, and the type of magic you manifested was purely based on your innermost intentions. The scholars who studied and developed them further classified them into various utility-based subcategories. You could learn healing magic to mend and help others. Alternatively, you could delve into mech magic, allowing you to transform metal into formidable machines. Another path was to become a spellcrafter, merging different spells to create entirely new ones with diverse purposes.

AI Generated Image of Engi's crafting new spells using Spell Crystal

After that, everything seemed possible.

Every wave brings their own flavour to Inter-Net, and the next wave, 'Wave Min', was no exception. They created the third world, the Astro Realm as it is now called.

Remember the web-like structures in skies? 'MinLis' crafted a spell that allowed them to send an astral projection of themselves into floating pods with just a snap of their fingers.

AI Generated Image of Astro Pods

These pods appeared small, but they held the power to contain thousands of astral projections, all projected into vast imaginary lands. This innovation resolved the last issue of the Land of Inter-Net: connectivity. People from both lands could coexist in unknown worlds and assume any form they desired. They could let their imaginations run wild with their projections.

Don't like the way your hair looks? Snap your fingers and you've got a new hairstyle. Fancy a cool nose ring? Zap! Now you have one. Be whatever you want to be and meet whoever you want.

In the Astro Realm, the sky was the limit. All your desires could be fulfilled.

And now comes the Last Wave, Wave Z, also known as 'VNZs.' Our hero belongs to this wave and he choose to be in the Breachers city in the last chapter. GeAK, I hope you still remember him, right?
Let's trail back to him now, shall we?

4 years later....

AI Generated Image of GeAk entering the Ceremony Cavorium

GeAK stood in front of the room that held the decision for their future. He was scared to enter, but he reminded himself that this wasn't about him. It was about Lily, after all; it was her big day.

When a child turned 18 in their world, it was time for the "Spark Ceremony" in the magic camps. After years of learning, apprentices ignited their first flame of magic in either hand. The color of the flame determined which side their core was aligned with. If the flame turned Neon, it meant the left side, and if it turned Radiant Yellow, it was the right side.

As GeAk moved through the crowd, he realized that he had just made it in time. Lily was up next for the ceremony.

"Lils! We love you!" GeAK shouted and waved to his little sister.

"Now, Miss Lily," the Camp's Chief called Lily onto the stage.

She came to the stage, gave a nod to GeAK with a hint of a smile, and took her position.

"Let the truth be told," the Camp's Chief declared.

For a moment, GeAk could hear his heartbeat clearly. He knew in his heart that it had to be Neon. He had always hoped - no, not hoped - he had always known it. After all, that's what Lily had chosen for GeAK when she was a kid... It had to be Neon, right?


That loud sound from Lily's fingers shook him out of his reverie.

AI Generated Image of Lily with Yellow Fire

"The Flame has been chosen. Miss Lily, welcome to the Keepers,' said the camp’s chief.

"Ah," GeAK thought with a bittersweet smile. "The bag was a good idea, I guess."

As he looked down, the bag he had prepared for his little sister came into focus. It now served a purpose, as they had to leave for the desired land directly from the ceremony.

GeAK could feel it—the pain of the unexpected. His eyes were almost wet, but then he saw Lily.

'She is happy.' A smile spread across his face.

'So this is it, eh Lils?' said GeAK.

Lily ran towards her brother and hugged him.

'I will be fine, broski,' Lily reassured him. She didn't sound too convinced herself. There was a strange mix of emotions in the air; in that moment, they both understood each other without words. Lily was excited for the land of Keepers but sad to leave GeAK behind. GeAK was also sad, knowing she would be gone in minutes, but knew what he had to do in order to look happy for his sister's sake.

AI Generated Image of GeAk and lily Entering Grand SPCT-RIM Station

They both decided on silence. In a way, it conveyed what words could not. They looked at the incoming Mrain đźš‚ and knew it was time.

'Don’t worry, Lils. I’m gonna come to visit you. One day, I will be the best Spell Crafter there is,' GeAK confidently proclaimed with a big smile. It was a promise.

'I know, broski,' said Lily, a hint of sadness in her voice, then recovered quickly and stuck her tongue out at him mockingly. 'I'll be waiting then."

She boarded the Mrain, and GeAK was soon left alone at the platform as it departed.

AI Generated Image of Mrain Leaving the Grand SPCT-RIM Station

to be continued....


Editor 1 - Sneha Saxena It's her birthday today 🥳

Editor 2: Utkarsh

Post Credit

Back in his room, emotions ran high. The room had never felt so empty. Was it the room or was it him?

He knew that choosing the right side would be a daunting journey. Becoming a spell crafter seemed like a distant dream, especially since the very first step required a substantial amount of gold – a Spell Crystal to merge different spells.

"It may take forever to collect that much gold," GeAK said, his voice heavy with the weight of the reality sinking in. He acted confident in front of his sister, but when faced with reality, he felt miserable.

'How the hell am I going to pull this off?'

AI Image of Mento's Cave

Suddenly, the voices emanating from the caves ceased, and the room filled with strong gusts of wind, the source of it somewhere unseen. GeAK could barely see as the winds whipped through the room at a rapid pace. Unaware of what was happening and utterly confused, could only yell "Stop!" and close his eyes.

As he cautiously opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw—a Spell Crystal now sat in the middle of the room.

Behind GeAK, concealed in the shadows, a hidden passage revealed itself. A mysterious figure emerged, whistling with neon and yellow fire dancing in their hands.

"The lies are coming down!" ~ Mento

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