Using PHP_CodeSniffer: Installation, Configuration, and Practical Examples

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Using PHP_CodeSniffer: Installation, Configuration, and Practical Examples

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Using PHP_CodeSniffer: Installation, Configuration, and Practical Examples

PHP_CodeSniffer, often simply called "PHPCS," is an invaluable tool for PHP developers. It acts as a static code analysis tool, enforcing coding standards and helping to improve code quality. This article provides a comprehensive guide to PHP_CodeSniffer, covering its installation, configuration, and practical examples.

Why Use PHP_CodeSniffer?

There are numerous benefits to using PHP_CodeSniffer:

  • Enforces Coding Standards:
    PHPCS ensures consistency across your codebase by enforcing coding style guidelines like PSR-1, PSR-2, and others.

  • Improved Code Readability:
    Standardized code is easier to read and understand, making it more maintainable.

  • Reduced Errors:
    PHPCS can catch common coding mistakes like missing semicolons, incorrect indentation, and inconsistent naming conventions.

  • Collaboration Facilitation:
    A shared code style makes it easier for multiple developers to work together on a project.

  • Automated Code Review:
    PHPCS automates the process of reviewing code, freeing up developers for more complex tasks.

Installation and Setup

Let's get started with installing and configuring PHP_CodeSniffer on your system.

  1. Install Composer

PHPCS is typically installed using Composer, the PHP dependency manager. If you don't have Composer, download and install it from . Once installed, open your terminal and navigate to your project directory.

  • Install PHP_CodeSniffer

    Run the following Composer command to install PHPCS:

    composer require --dev squizlabs/php_codesniffer

    This will install PHPCS and its dependencies in your project's vendor directory.

  • Verify Installation

    After installation, you can verify that PHPCS is installed correctly by running:

    php vendor/bin/phpcs --version

    This should display the current version of PHPCS. If you see the version number, you're ready to start using PHPCS.

    Basic Usage

    To use PHPCS, simply run the phpcs command followed by the file or directory you want to analyze. For example, to analyze a file named example.php:

    php vendor/bin/phpcs example.php

    PHPCS will output any detected coding style violations. You can also analyze an entire directory:

    php vendor/bin/phpcs src

    This will analyze all PHP files within the src directory.


    PHPCS can be customized to match your specific coding standards. This is done through configuration files.

  • Default Configuration

    PHPCS uses a default configuration file located at vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/ruleset.xml. This file defines the basic rules for PHPCS. However, you can override these rules by creating your own configuration file.

  • Custom Configuration

    You can create a custom configuration file for your project, usually named phpcs.xml or phpcs.xml.dist, in the root directory of your project. Here's an example of a basic configuration file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <ruleset name="My Project Rules">
    <rule ref="PSR1"/>
    <rule ref="PSR2"/>
    <rule ref="Generic.NamingConventions.CamelCapsFunctionName">
            <property name="strict" value="true"/>

    This configuration file specifies that your project should adhere to the PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standards. It also adds an additional rule to enforce camel case naming for functions. You can add or remove rules as needed to customize your coding standards.

  • Configuration Options

    There are several command-line options you can use with PHPCS to further customize its behavior:

    • --standard : Specifies the coding standard to use. For example, --standard=PSR2.
    • --report : Specifies the type of report to generate. Options include full, summary, csv, and xml.
    • --report-file : Specifies the file to write the report to.
    • --exclude : Specifies files or directories to exclude from analysis.
    • --severity : Sets the minimum severity level for errors to report. Values include 0 (none), 1 (warning), 2 (error).

    Practical Examples

    Let's explore some practical examples of using PHPCS to enforce coding standards and improve code quality.

  • Fixing Indentation Errors

    Imagine you have a PHP file with inconsistent indentation. PHPCS can help you fix these errors:

  • function myFunction() {
    $value = 10;
    if ($value > 5) {
    echo "Value is greater than 5";

    Running PHPCS on this file will highlight the indentation errors:

    php vendor/bin/phpcs example.php

    FILE: example.php


    3 | ERROR | Indentation must be exactly 4 spaces. [T_IF]

    5 | ERROR | Indentation must be exactly 4 spaces. [T_ECHO]


    PHPCS identifies two errors related to indentation. You can then manually fix these errors or use a code editor with PHPCS integration to automatically fix them.

    1. Enforcing Naming Conventions

    PHPCS can help you enforce naming conventions, ensuring that variables, functions, and classes are named consistently. For example, you can enforce camel case naming for functions:


    function my_function() {
    // ...

    Running PHPCS with the Generic.NamingConventions.CamelCapsFunctionName rule will highlight the naming error:

    php vendor/bin/phpcs example.php --standard=PSR2

    FILE: example.php


    2 | ERROR | Function name "my_function" should be camelCase. [Generic.NamingConventions.CamelCapsFunctionName]


    You can then rename the function to myFunction to fix the error.

    1. Checking for Unused Variables

    PHPCS can also help you detect unused variables in your code:


    function myFunction() {

    $unusedVariable = 10;

    echo "Hello world!";


    Running PHPCS on this file will highlight the unused variable:

    php vendor/bin/phpcs example.php --standard=PSR2

    FILE: example.php


    3 | ERROR | Variable "unusedVariable" is unused. [Squiz.PHP.UnusedLocalVariable]


    This error indicates that the variable $unusedVariable is not used within the function. You can then either remove the variable or use it within the function to fix the error.

    PHPCS Integration with IDEs and Editors

    Many popular IDEs and code editors provide integration with PHPCS, making it even easier to use. This integration typically allows you to run PHPCS checks directly within your IDE, see errors highlighted in real-time, and even automatically fix some errors. Some popular IDEs and editors with PHPCS integration include:

    • Visual Studio Code:

      The "PHP Sniffer" extension.

    • PHPStorm:

      Built-in PHPCS support.

    • Sublime Text:

      The "SublimeLinter-phpcs" package.

    • Atom:

      The "linter-phpcs" package.

    Integrating PHPCS with your preferred IDE or editor can significantly enhance your coding workflow.


    PHP_CodeSniffer is a powerful tool that can dramatically improve the quality and consistency of your PHP code. By enforcing coding standards and identifying potential errors, PHPCS contributes to cleaner, more maintainable code. Through its easy installation, customizable configuration, and integration with popular IDEs and editors, PHPCS becomes an indispensable asset for any PHP developer.

    Remember to explore the vast array of available coding standards and rules to tailor PHPCS to your specific needs and project requirements. Regularly running PHPCS on your codebase will help you maintain code quality and ensure that your projects are built on a solid foundation.

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