GBase 8a MPP Cluster FTP File Server Configuration Guide

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GBase 8a MPP Cluster FTP File Server Configuration Guide


GBase 8a, a powerful MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) database system, offers a robust and scalable platform for managing vast amounts of data. One of its key features is the built-in FTP server, which allows users to easily transfer files between GBase 8a and external systems. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of configuring and using the GBase 8a FTP server in an MPP cluster environment.

Why Use GBase 8a FTP Server?

Using GBase 8a's built-in FTP server brings several advantages:

  • Enhanced Security: The FTP server leverages GBase 8a's inherent security features, ensuring controlled access to data.
  • Simplified Integration: Integrating file transfers directly into the database simplifies data loading and export workflows, reducing reliance on external tools.
  • Performance Optimization: The MPP architecture allows for parallel data transfer, significantly accelerating file transfer operations.
  • Centralized Control: Managing FTP server configuration and access control from within the GBase 8a environment centralizes administration.

Key Concepts and Tools:

1. FTP Server Architecture:

The GBase 8a FTP server operates within the database cluster. Each node in the cluster runs an FTP server process, allowing for parallel file transfer operations. The server interacts with the database through stored procedures, enabling data access and manipulation during file transfer processes.

2. FTP Protocol:

The FTP server implements the standard FTP protocol, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of FTP clients and tools.

3. Access Control:

GBase 8a's FTP server supports user authentication and access control through its built-in user management system. Users can be assigned specific permissions, including read, write, and execute privileges for specific folders and files.

4. Configuration Parameters:

The FTP server's behavior is controlled through various configuration parameters, including:

  • Port Number: Specifies the port the FTP server listens on.
  • Timeout Settings: Controls the duration of connection attempts and file transfer operations.
  • Directory Permissions: Determines read/write access for different user groups and roles.
  • File Transfer Logging: Logs FTP server activity for auditing and troubleshooting.

5. Stored Procedures:

GBase 8a provides a set of stored procedures for interacting with the FTP server:

  • ftp_create_user: Creates a new user account with specific permissions.
  • ftp_delete_user: Deletes an existing user account.
  • ftp_set_user_password: Changes the password for an existing user account.
  • ftp_set_user_permissions: Modifies user access privileges.
  • ftp_list_users: Retrieves information about all configured users.
  • ftp_start_server: Initiates the FTP server process.
  • ftp_stop_server: Stops the FTP server process.

Configuration Guide:

1. Enabling the FTP Server:

  • Access the GBase 8a database administrator console.
  • Navigate to the Configuration section.
  • Locate the FTP Server settings and enable the server.
  • Configure the desired port number, timeout settings, and other parameters.

2. Setting Up User Accounts:

  • Use the ftp_create_user stored procedure to create new user accounts.
  • Specify the username, password, and desired access privileges.
  • You can assign permissions to specific folders or files using the ftp_set_user_permissions stored procedure.

3. Managing User Permissions:

  • Utilize the ftp_set_user_password and ftp_set_user_permissions stored procedures to modify user credentials and access control.
  • Ensure that permissions are assigned appropriately to maintain data security and integrity.

4. Starting and Stopping the FTP Server:

  • Use the ftp_start_server stored procedure to initiate the FTP server process.
  • Utilize the ftp_stop_server stored procedure to terminate the server process when necessary.

5. Accessing the FTP Server:

  • Connect to the GBase 8a FTP server using any standard FTP client, specifying the server's IP address and the configured port number.
  • Authenticate with the created user account.
  • Navigate the file system and perform file transfer operations as required.


Creating a User:

CALL ftp_create_user('user1', 'password', '/home/ftpdata');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This code creates a user named 'user1' with the password 'password' and allows access to the /home/ftpdata directory.

Setting Permissions:

CALL ftp_set_user_permissions('user1', '/home/ftpdata/data.txt', 'read,write');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This grants the user 'user1' read and write permissions to the file data.txt within the /home/ftpdata directory.

Starting the FTP Server:

CALL ftp_start_server();
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Best Practices:

  • Strong Passwords: Use complex and unique passwords for all user accounts.
  • Regular Security Audits: Periodically review user permissions and access patterns to ensure data security.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Enable FTP server logging to track activity and identify potential security breaches.
  • Limited User Permissions: Assign only the necessary permissions to users to minimize potential risks.
  • Use of Secure FTP (SFTP): Consider using SFTP to encrypt data transmissions for enhanced security.


The GBase 8a FTP server provides a robust and convenient mechanism for managing file transfers within a high-performance MPP cluster environment. By leveraging its built-in security features, centralized control, and performance optimization, organizations can streamline data exchange workflows while maintaining data security and integrity. This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of configuring and using the FTP server, empowering users to leverage this valuable feature effectively.

Image Recommendations:

  1. GBase 8a Architecture Diagram: Illustrate the MPP cluster architecture with FTP server processes running on each node.
  2. FTP Client Connection Diagram: Show a diagram of an FTP client connecting to the GBase 8a FTP server.
  3. Example of FTP File Transfer: Visualize a file being transferred from a client to the GBase 8a FTP server.

Note: The specific commands, configuration options, and stored procedures may vary depending on the GBase 8a version and configuration. Refer to the GBase 8a documentation for detailed information and updated instructions.

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